Once years and years ago when I was a wee lad I spent a few bucks and bought some magic cards, I can't recall what they where but I see a dude with black hair and a sword hanging from a rope on the front cover. I have looked up sets, and the character is reoccurring, definitely the one from my childhood memory, but I can't place the set. The time line suggests it was somewhere between ice age and tempest.

Anyway that is when I started. I bought maybe 500 cards, played one or two games with a friend, and put them all in a backpack and headed for a week long summer camp.

I met three kids who played the game there, it was very exciting. We all set up our tents and I played for several hours the first night.

Then it rained. For five days. Everything I owned was soaked by day two, including my cards which where now a ball of mush in my backpack. Well, in fairly short order, I forgot about magic. Maybe 5 or 6 years later I dabbled in the pokemon card game and got a strange dejavu, but it didn't last.

A decade later, I was working is some family's house and they happened to have a massive table of magic cards all layed out, someone was building a deck the night before. I looked at the table a few times and red one or two of the cards, plauge rats and some buffalo card that had a slimier effect.

That night they were stuck in my head. The next day, over a decade since I had tried, failed and completely forgotten about magic, I dropped a paycheck and bought my self several pre-con decks, a few fat packs, and at least a dozen booster packs. I didn't know what I was buying, but I bought a lot.

I acctualy started playing during m11 took a break at the end of scars and picked back up at the end of new phyrexia. I am by no means a professional, but I do love the game.

If you are good, please comment on my decks, I like advice and another set of eyes always helps.

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Military Aggro

Standard JoshTheMadTitan



Standard JoshTheMadTitan


Finished Decks 2
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Avg. deck rating 3.50
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Joined 13 years