MTG List: Lord of the Rings Horde Battle


Human Deck CMDR:Daghatar the Adamant (Aragorn) (100)

Elf Deck CMDR:Rhys the Exiled (Legolas) (100)

HordeDeckTwo (69)

HordeDeckOne (58)

HordeDeckOne Treasures (11)

Kithkin "Hobbit" deck CMDR:Ragnar (Gandolf) (100)

Dwarf Deck CMDR:Sram, Senior Edificer (Gimli) (100)

HordeDeckThree (95)

HordeDeckTwo Treasures (16)

HordeDeckThree Treasures (8)


On the decklist, ignore any A symbols. I had to do that to make the lists work. Credit for this idea goes to Star City Games' Commander Vs. I was a fan of their D&D Classes vs The Horde. I decided to add a little twist to the decks and make it Lord of the Rings themed. The four player decks are tribal based. Those being Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Kithkin (Hobbits). The horde deck is a mostly Goblin themed deck with splashes of Orcs and Trolls. There are a few one-ofs splashed in for effect. My play group modified the rules Commander Vs followed to try out different play styles. Obviously, you are welcomed to change the rules for your own group. When constructing the decks I tried to keep all cards under a $5 limit to keep the power level down. There may be a few cards that go over that threshold, but I was okay breaking that for "flavor" reasons.

The horde deck can be run as an NPC. Every decision the horde does is randomly chosen. The deck is comprised of 3 decks that will need to be randomized before each game and the horde's life total is equal to the total number of remaining cards in the decks. I sleeved each horde deck in a different colored sleeve to keep the decks separated and to keep track of things easier. In the horde deck, there are cards that are given to the players to help them along the way. Things like treefolk (ents), Roc Chargers, Life Burst, and random equipments. So, if the horde deck plays any of these "treasure cards" you as a group decides who gets em. However, there are 3 equipments that the horde deck gets to keep. Those three being the Shield, Sword, and Helm or Kaldra. If the horde deck gets out all 3 pieces, it's allowed to summon Kaldra (Sauron) once per turn only during Main Phase 1. The horde is allowed to equip any available equipment to its creatures randomly. The horde deck gets unlimited mana during each and every turn. This allows it to play all cards in its hand during its first main phase. This will require some patience and some obscure dice, i.e. D4, D8, D12 etc. The following are the basic rules the Horde will follow during the game.

  1. The horde deck will wait 4 full rotations before it gets one turn. This means the 4 players will each get 4 turns to set up their board and attack the horde if they choose. The horde takes a turn between EACH player turn. So once players A, B, C, and D get 4 turns, after player D takes their 4th turn, the horde deck takes its turn 1. Then player A goes, then horde goes, then B, then horde, then C, and so on. If a player is eliminated, the horde will close the gap. So if player B dies, after player A, the horde goes, then player C.

  2. If the horde deck ever has to choose a creature type, it chooses Goblin. If there are any recurring costs, like echo, the horde will always pay for it. If a spell has an overload cost, it pays for the overload. The horde deck will never use any activated abilities of creatures and enchantments it controls. The horde deck CANNOT gain life.

  3. During the hordes turn, they follow the normal phases of MTG. However, during the first deck the horde draws 2 cards per turn. During the second it draws 3 cards per turn. During the third deck it draws 4 cards. (this is different than how Commander Vs did it.)

  4. The horde deck will play all cards in its hand during the first main phase in order that it drew them. So most recently drawn card will always be played last. Horde has unlimited mana of all colors BUT has NO lands.

  5. During combat, the horde must attack, must attack with all creatures able to attack, and must attack a player randomly. (my group just numbered of 1-4 and the horde deck rolled a D4 to decide who it attacks)

  6. If the horde gets attacked it must block if able, but you have a couple options. You as a group can decide to have it block the biggest threats first or randomly decide which creature blocks which attacker. You can randomly assign blockers by simply giving each available creature a number and then roll dice to order blockers.

  7. When the horde takes damage or loss of life, it mills cards equal to that amount.

  8. If the horde deck plays any of the Kaldra equipments they are allowed to equip them to its creatures randomly during its main phase one.

  9. If a creature the horde controls dies and that creature had an equipment attached to it, that equipment is destroyed along with the creature. However, if there is an effect giving the equipment indestructible, you follow standard rules for that ability. If the creature is simply exiled or bounced to hand, then the equipment stays on the board and can be reattached the following turn.

  10. To defeat the horde, players must have the horde deck reach 0 cards, the horde must have no cards in hand, and the horde can't have any creatures on board. You may increase the difficulty by saying the hordes board must be COMPLETELY wiped. This would include all creatures, enchantments and equipment. So use your resources wisely.

As far as the players are concerned, they play a normal game of Commander. Their rules are below.

  1. The 4 players are all technically opponents, but if the horde wins, no one wins. If the players defeat the horde, all living players win. You're allowed to treat each other like normal opponents, but that's not advised.

  2. If the horde deck plays any of the "treasure" cards, the players get to decide who gets them.

  3. Players start at the normal 40 life. All standard rules of commander apply to the 4 players.

Flavor Cards:

Ob Nixilis, Unshackled - Balrog

Ghost Councils - Dead Men of Dunharrow

Kaldra - Sauron

Treefolk - Ents

Roc Charger - Great Eagles

Each deck has one "Ring" card in it