Gimmick deck idea, U/B control that can transform via sideboard to U/R control/aggro/burn. My idea here is to start the firat game of a best of 3 playing a mid-paced U/B control game, obviousky trying to win but the real goal is to out them in the defensive and make them feel less time-pressure dueing the second game. Before the second game however you sideboard out all black cards and sideboard in red, conpletely changing the pacing of the deck while at the same time retaining most of the control. Then, if this is even possible without sacrificing too much I would like to make the deck transformable for the 3rd round into a fast-paced B/R, this basically means the opponent cannot effectively sideboard against the deck because they cannot predict what style they'll be playing against.
Not sure if this is feasible or if it'll actually be playable in standard but it should be fun. If anything I can always split it into 2 decks with their own sideboards if it doesn't work as planned.
As of right now this is only a list of possible standard-legal cards that may or may not be included into the deck, card amounts are only for myself to identify which sets the cards come from as I search, I've not bought any new cards for a while and I would like to avoid buying too many cards that will cycle out soon.