I'm what happens when a bunch of poorly-disguised slivers hiding in a hat and trench coat become radicalized by the Machine Orthodoxy and wish to spread the good word of Phyrexia to all non-compleat.

I enjoy obsessing over and constantly updating my curated decks, blogging about how their archetypes and functions may change as new cards are spoiled from each new set Wizards releases. Additionally, I enjoy using CSS to customize my deck pages adding Easter eggs and memes for added flavor and (mostly my) amusement. Please feel free to make a post on my user page, or any of my deck pages if you wish to talk magic - especially when it pertains to any of my format specialties.

Poly_raptor says... #1

Hi, really sorry for the delay in replying, I’ve only just seen your post. Yes I am in the UK, I’ve never actually used spelltable, but yeah I’d be down for that at some point :)

January 14, 2025 11:58 a.m.

Please login to comment

Said on Poly_raptor...


No worries on the reply, I definitely understand life getting in the way and you eventually get around to doing stuff. I'm usually available on the weekends during evenings - but with family that can always vary as well. Hit me up when you think you'll have time :)

January 15, 2025 2:05 p.m.

Hi Baron777,

Just responding to your post here. I hope you don't mind. Just for my own understanding, I think you need to clarify what kind of decks you want to play against. When you say "This is designed as a fun 6-7 level deck that..." This tells me nothing. When discussing your deck I suggest following this prompt:

  1. My deck has a budget of...
  2. My manabase has the most efficient lands available/most cheap and slow utility tapped lands and tapped fetches/a mix between the two
  3. My deck threatens to kill an opponent between turns x and y/The most important turns for my deck are between x and y when my deck can pop off when doing z.

Based off of the previously mentioned cards in your post - namely Solemnity and Torpor Orb it sounds like your meta has a lot of particularly nasty control magic that can absolutely one card you out of a game. Therefore I suggest adding both more ramp and more interaction - you're in the colors for it:

In summary, I think your deck doesn't match what it's playing against. You need to have more consistency if you are going up against opponents who are going to completely lock you out of a game. To get that, you need to make sure you can target problem permanents as often as possible.

January 14, 2025 10:30 p.m. Edited.

Said on A Study In …...


No idea to be honest, Jimmy. But i'm confident you could just reach out directly to him on one of his videos in the comment section or more likely on his Patreon.

January 8, 2025 3:51 p.m.
## The Deckcoder's oath ## _"For the CSS pages of everyone, I will ke...


Commander / EDH - Dinosaurs, Commander / EDH - Infect, Commander / EDH - Sliver, Commander / EDH - Phyrexian, Commander / EDH - Midrange, Commander / EDH - Toxic

MTG Decks

The Nobility Are Athirst

Commander / EDH Mortlocke


The Predator of Predators

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 393 | 120 COMMENTS | 48324 VIEWS | IN 162 FOLDERS

The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 735 | 856 COMMENTS | 121145 VIEWS | IN 371 FOLDERS

The Song of Phyresis

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 570 | 195 COMMENTS | 63082 VIEWS | IN 249 FOLDERS

Finished Decks 22
Prototype Decks 13
Drafts 0
Playing since Apocalypse
Points 120
Avg. deck rating 425.25
T/O Rank 87
Helper Rank 93
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Cards suggested / good suggestions 474 / 266
Venues Titan Games & Hobbies, Games and Stuff, Comics to Astonish, Chesapeake Sports Cards, No Land Beyond, MTGFirst, Amazing Spiral Comics and Games
Cards Added/Fixed 149
Joined 9 years