Looking more-so to sell these in bulk or trade for the few cards (preferably the one-ofs) that I need. I'll be updating whenever I make a trade/sale.
I also have various, random, foils. Just ask and I'll let you know what I have.
The Steel Hellkite, 3x Ravenous Demon
Flip, and Contagion Clasp, Tormented Soul, Circle of Flame, Skirk Marauder, Glacial Ray, Teetering Peaks
, Savage Lands, Fire / Ice, Grave Titan, and 2x foil Elite Inquisitor are all promo versions of the card. I also have one of the AVR Angel/Demon tokens. The 2x Punishing Fire are the Knights vs Dragons artwork.
I'm looking mostly to acquire the one-ofs in the wants list before anything for my edh deck.