Player since ~2016

Primarily a Commander player. I like any and all kinds of decks, but I mostly play in Casual-Competitive and Competitive.

Just here to be a filthy casual and spread my horrible ideas self-imposed deck building rules.

I dislike playing feel-bad cards in most casual to casual competitive formats, and I don't tend to run heavy hate. Not that it's good or bad, I just don't have fun running it, and since you're likely looking at my profile because of decks that I've posted, full disclosure here.

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Hi capwner. All good, friend! I can't fix the graphical error until the commander is officially spoiled and added by TappedOut. :)

22 lands is definitely slim, but in testing, it's kept consistency high without issues—though I agree it's riskier than most builds. Mox Diamond might be cuttable.

Seize the Day and Waves of Aggression are great, but I’m more inclined toward Alchemist's Gambit, Chance for Glory, Last Chance, or Warrior's Oath since my monks have summoning sickness and they're cheaper CMC. That said, I’ll have to test them all—your suggestions could be strong!

Appreciate the input, and thanks for the discussion!

February 28, 2025 2:27 p.m.

Hi, capwner, thanks for the deck upvote! That is very true. She is in the 99, so it would be a powerful way to win. I think I have underestimated this card just because Elsha of the Infinitefoil is not my commander. But she is in the 99. And even without her, we still: Trigger prowess at least once a turn, makes running 22 lands feel a little safer, and it gives our colorless mana some value in a deck with so very little colorless mana symbols...

With Elsha of the Infinitefoil + Sensei's Divining Top + Helm of Awakening we can draw our entire deck! Which is worth mentioning! Makes me consider whether an Aetherflux Reservoir is worth it.... Regardless, I think Sensei's has found a possibly permanent spot in the decklist.

February 28, 2025 1:58 p.m.

MTG Decks

Elsha, Threefold Master

Commander / EDH* Leif-The-Lucky


Finished Decks 49
Prototype Decks 23
Drafts 0
Points 30
Avg. deck rating 7.67
T/O Rank 344
Helper Rank 535
Cards suggested / good suggestions 3 / 0
Joined 8 years