Hello! You can call me LordShadowZ, or just Shadow

I am primarily an EDH/Commander player. EDH brings more fun and variety to the game than I've ever had with any other format, which is why I don't touch other constructed formats anymore. Every once in a while I also do drafts and sealed prereleases.

I was first introduced to Magic: the Gathering around 2007 when I watched some high school friends playing in the band room after class. I had one of them build me a deck and I've been playing ever since. My addiction truly kicked in during 2011 with the introduction of what became my favorite Angel ever, Avacyn, as well as a group of people who played at my community college. There I started actually trading cards and building more ambitious decks. Later, they introduced me to EDH which I was hesitant to get into at first, but when a friend loaned me his Bruna EDH deck to play, I was hooked and haven't looked back since.

I love this game because of the complexity and limitless interactions that can occur in any given game. Something like Hearthstone is far too simple for me to really get into. The complexity is why EDH has become the only format I really play, because of the constraints the deck building is much more involved and thought out. I absolutely love the sometimes convoluted and chaotic interactions often involving several other players which makes every game interesting and fun. Plus with the singleton format, it's exciting to see your deck do something different every game.

My favorite creature type is by far Angels, though I also have a certain affinity for elves and vampires. My favorite cards are Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Narset, Enlightened Master, and Kaalia of the Vast.

My favorite planeswalker is Narset Transcendent hands down. My other favorite planeswalkers with no specific cards in mind are Chandra, Liliana, and Tamiyo.

I have played every color in Magic in some way before and I like each in their own way. The colors I am most drawn toward are , , and . The colors that make up the shard of Esper gives me an abundance of control and removal spells and so much potential for combos and various shenanigans which both appeal greatly to me. I also like the color combinations of Mardu , Jeskai , Naya , Boros , and Sultai is also starting to grow on me.

My typical play style is a slightly passive control style. I like to control the field and deny my opponents of their spells and resources while simultaneously putting on the appearance of not being a real threat or just not allowing my opponents to stop me while quietly building up to an explosive win. While I am a fairly casual player, I also like tuning my decks so that they are resilient and able to win in all sorts of scenarios. I consider myself a Johnny/Spike hybrid.

I also occasionally like to play aggro decks though only under certain circumstances, like sealed tournaments, or I find an awesome card to build around like Kaalia of the Vast. Playing aggro is almost never my first choice though.

I like finding fun synergies and combos and utilizing cards others may overlook to build powerful, fun, and sometimes silly decks. For EDH, I also like to build around a specific theme or use as many cards as possible to take advantage of the commander's abilities. I've also become more of a generally combo-y player and try to find at least a few to put into each deck I build as long as they fit within the deck's themes and goals. I enjoy winning in the most convoluted way possible when given the chance.

The deck I feel most personifies who I am and how I like to play Magic has to be my Narset deck, Transcendent of Time and Space. It's the deck I've put the most thought and care into building and the one I tend to play the most because of how fun it is.

Kaalia, The Divine Dragonborn

Commander / EDH* LordShadowZ


Theme: Aggro Beatdown / Free Creatures ft. Angels

Kaalia of the Vast is currently my oldest living and most carefully and lovingly constructed EDH deck. I believe I found a copy of her at my LGS one day and I bought her with little hesitation. With my already massive collection of angels, my Kaalia deck was born. I've never found a pure angel deck list I've been remotely happy with but Kaalia has by far been the best outlet for me to fulfill my desire for an angel tribal deck. This was my main deck for a long time but now she is second only to my Narset deck.

The deck was built to be extremely fast, extremely resilient, and very hard to stop, and while not specifically built to be at the level of cEDH it is probably the closest I will ever get to cEDH.

Transcendent of Time and Space

Commander / EDH LordShadowZ


Theme: Creatureless Superfriends / Control

I pulled a Narset, Enlightened Master in one of the prerelease booster packs for Khans of Tarkir and I fell in love with her immediately. She was everything I wanted in a commander: a hilariously powerful ability, great colors for control and shenanigans, and perfect for building a deck unique to me. She also gave me an outlet for all of my planeswalkers, and when Narset Transcendent was released in the following set, the deck became whole.

Narset has gone through more iteration than any of my other decks (besides Breya) because I love the deck and how it plays so much that I always want to improve it, to make it as good as I can. By the nature of planeswalkers it's a super casual deck but that's probably why it's my favorite deck, because I never know exactly how it will play out. I do not foresee any future where there is a commander I could possibly love to play more than Narset.

Breya, Infinity Shaper

Commander / EDH* LordShadowZ


Theme: Infinite Combos ft. Artifacts

Breya, Etherium Shaper is an evolution of the second EDH deck I ever made/owned, the Commander 2013 Oloro pre-con. The deck started with very slight modifications to the pre-con list but I was never happy with it. At my school, I saw someone with a 60 card artifact combo deck using the classic Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek combo, and I was inspired. The deck was promptly dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up and became Enter the Thopters, an artifact-based combo deck, and I was finally happy with it.

After my hiatus from Magic I found the 4 color commanders and thought Breya was beautiful and awesome. I realized that she fit into a similar thematic role to how I used Oloro and she could replace him after some deck tweaking. It was a crazy thought at the time but two factors contributed to the decision. First, in my return to Magic and playing Oloro again I felt something was off and the deck needed something new. Second, I noticed that Oloro was my only non-female commander. Combined, these factors pushed the idea toward fruition. I drastically reworked the deck for the second time and in doing so, the deck became much more powerful, faster, refined, and explosive, with a commander that actually participates in the combos she creates. Breya taking command of the deck was definitely the right decision.

Atraxa, Plague Bringer

Commander / EDH* LordShadowZ


Theme: -1/-1 & +1/+1 Counters, Proliferate

For a long time I was only running 3 EDH decks, though not for lack of trying. I came up with several new deck lists but none of which I was ever truly enthusiastic about. When I returned to Magic after a 2 year break I found the 4 color commanders, and when I saw Atraxa, Praetors' Voice I knew immediately that I'd found my next deck.

Since I already had a superfriends deck I needed to find a different, less conventional strategy to use with Atraxa. My first attempt was a stax deck but it didn't play like I wanted it to, so I reworked the deck to focus on -1/-1 counters, proliferate, and making big creatures, and finally taking full advantage of Atraxa's abilities. This will become my second deck to focus on the use of creatures but rely on them in an entirely different way, because I like experimenting with different types of strategies.

Queen of the Graveyard

Commander / EDH* LordShadowZ


Theme: Reanimator / Landfall

This story is quite simple. I went to the Dominaria prerelease, my first one since Kaladesh, and I happened to pull Muldrotha, the Gravetide *f-etch* as one of my promo foils. I had already been looking into building a reanimator deck with Meren of Clan Nel Toth at the helm, but fate handed me Muldrotha and she seemed like she would be far more powerful than Meren. Plus she gave me access to , the best color, so Muldrotha took over the build.

As I've never worked with using the graveyard as a resource before, this was the most difficult deck list I've ever had to put together. I spent a good two weeks to refine it down and get it to where I was overall quite happy with it, however after several play tests I found significant cracks in the armor and I had to spend even more time on it. The deck got a partial rework with a new sub-theme of lands which I believe makes Muldrotha far more lethal than she ever could be before.

This deck has definitely surprised me. I did not expect to enjoy playing it as much as I have and I look forward to the reanimation shenanigans being added into my deck rotation.

The Hidden Ones

Commander / EDH* LordShadowZ


Theme: Ninjas / Rogues Tribal Trickery

Commander 2018 was a huge disappointment to me. I was looking forward to seeing cool new planeswalker led decks but the deck lists were lacking to say the least, and none of the planeswalkers really spoke to me. I was browsing random videos on YT discussing C18 and in one of them, Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow caught my eye. For one, she was beautiful. Secondly, her abilities looked fun and interesting and the perfect level of shenanigans I like to utilize in my decks. Thirdly, ninjas. So, in the same YT session I found a budget Yuriko deck build which I used as a starting point and started adding some of my own ideas to it.

Honestly, I've been hesitant to build this deck physically because of my uncertainty of how it would actually play, but YT found me videos of other people playing Yuriko decks and as I hoped, the deck can be as crazy as I want it to be. As soon as I finish working on the major iterations and play tests of both Atraxa and Muldrotha I plan to build Yuriko as my 6th EDH deck, my first Ninja deck, and my 5th deck with blue in it. I really look forward to playing Yuriko and finding out just how insane she can get.

Zergling Rush

Commander / EDH* LordShadowZ


Theme: Slivers / Creature Steal

I have a long history with Slivers. I've been playing some version of a sliver deck pretty much since I started playing Magic, though for a long time I never thought making them into an EDH deck would be worthwhile. After my long hiatus from Magic I had an impulse to build as many decks as I felt inspired to do so, and in looking through what was left of my collection I happened to find Sliver Overlord, a card I don't ever remember owning. Since it's probably the best sliver commander, I wanted to quickly throw something together, to give my other commanders a pet.

I haven't put a lot of work into the deck list yet because of making revisions to other newly built decks and as soon as I'm completely happy with them I intend to go through this deck list and put together the final build.

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Commander / EDH - Casual

MTG Decks

The Hidden Ones

Commander / EDH* LordShadowZ


Kaalia, The Divine Dragonborn

Commander / EDH* LordShadowZ


Queen of the Graveyard

Commander / EDH* LordShadowZ


Atraxa, Plague Bringer

Commander / EDH* LordShadowZ


Breya, Infinity Shaper

Commander / EDH* LordShadowZ


Transcendent of Time and Space

Commander / EDH LordShadowZ


Zergling Rush

Commander / EDH* LordShadowZ


Finished Decks 20
Prototype Decks 13
Drafts 0
Playing since Planar Chaos
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 4.44
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH, Casual
Cards suggested / good suggestions 12 / 12
Joined 11 years