Hi, I’ve been playing magic since 8th edition in one way or another, wether it be MTGO, paper or most recently Arena.

After a long layoff, I’ve began building decks again and I’m ready to share some of my best budget decks.

Please take a look =D

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MTG Decks

Mono Blue control

Standard MTGParadigm

SCORE: 1 | 184 VIEWS

Rakdos Aggro Vamps

Standard MTGParadigm

SCORE: 1 | 164 VIEWS

Finished Decks 3
Prototype Decks 1
Drafts 0
Playing since Champions of Kamigawa
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Commander / EDH
Joined 3 years