MTG List: Anthony's Marchesa Suggestions



1x Tarrian's Soulcleaver (LCI) This is another copy of blade of the blood chief. Not sure if you want two of these, but if you do...

1x Dauthi Voidwalker (MH2) I love this card. Cheap, hates on graveyards, and if you can use it's ability every round it would be nutty. That would only be feasible with a haste enabler, but even just getting one big thing with it means it did it's job.

1x Erebos, God of the Dead (SLD) The card draw on this card is expensive and I will be the first to admit it. 6 mana total investment before drawing a single card is a lot. But the indestructible body and the can't gain life clause are so nice, especially in our playgroup where everyone has lifegain.

1x Feldon of the Third Path (MOC) Backup plan for when all your creatures are in the graveyard and the rest of your synergies aren't in place.

1x Kokusho, the Evening Star (IMA) So much lifegain on one card. If you can repeatedly recur and sac this guy you will win so quickly. This would be my preferred finisher for the deck personally.

1x The Meathook Massacre (DBL) Such a good boardwipe for what you are doing. It gets through indestructible effects and gives you both damage and life gain. This card odes too much and it's kind of the perfect board wipe for this deck.

1x Solemn Simulacrum (PIP) Land ramp on a creature that you can later recur. Always just good enough for whatever deck you put it in and hardly ever disappoints.

1x Soldevi Adnate (ALL) Weird sac outlet that can get you a lot of mana. I'm iffy on this one.

1x Black Market Connections (LCC) This card ramps, draws cards, and can make creatures in desperate situations. This is one of the best draw effects you could ask for.

1x Painful Truths (MOC) If I could fill a decks card draw quota with only three mana draw three card effects I would. This is the perfect rate for burst card draw.

1x Jeska's Will (MKC) You know what I just said about three mana draw threes? This does that and also usually gives you 4-7 extra mana on top. Absurd card draw.

1x Inspired Tinkering (CLB) So when you look at this card I want you to keep in mind that it is very deceptive. It's not a five mana draw three cards, It's secretly a two mana draw three cards that you can't play until you have five mana. Yes you have to play the cards quickly, but still that rate is absurd.

1x Curse of Opulence (MKC) Deceptively strong ramp spell. It's not uncommon for this to get you two gold a turn and for a one mana investment. Some turns it might not do anything, but the gold can be saved for a rainy day so...

1x Phyrexian Reclamation (J22) Sometimes you don't have graveyard recursion and just need a creature back in hand. This is essentially a two mana draw a card effect, but you know exactly what creature you're grabbing which makes this stronger than other two mana per draw effect.

1x Living Death (LTC) Cheapest mass reanimation around. If you want this kind of effect this is kind of best in class.

1x Anzrag's Rampage (MKM) If you really hate enchantments.

1x Altar of Dementia (BRR) Very strong free sac outlet.

1x Whip of Erebos (THS) This will gain you so much life. And occasionally you will use the reanimation effect.

1x Blood for the Blood God! (40K) Eight cards...

1x Kazuul's Fury (ZNR) 1x Agadeem's Awakening (ZNR) 1x Sea Gate Restoration (ZNR) 1x Shatterskull Smashing (ZNR) 1x Song-Mad Treachery (ZNR) 1x Valakut Awakening (ZNR) It's a land, why not. Well I guess you don't want a huge amount of these, but some of these are actually really strong.

1x Lorien Revealed (LTR) See above. This card is secretly a land. for one mana it can be traded in for any island, that includes special ones like dual lands and Xander's lounge. Shockingly powerful card.

1x Hurl Through Hell (AFC) A exile removal spell that can get you something fun to play.

1x Ashes to Ashes (ME3) 3 mana exile two creatures. Hard to beat that value, though sorcery speed is rough for removal.

1x Laelia, the Blade Reforged (CLB) Draws a few cards and is super hard to kill because it can very reliably get a +1+1 counter for Marchesa.

1x Massacre Girl, Known Killer (MKM) Just a really dangerous card to play against

1x Morbid Opportunist (PIP) This triggers on your opponents creatures and your own. When played right the card draw this card produces can be massive. Especially if you get your engine running and can sac something every turn.

1x Phyrexian Altar (2X2) Mist powerful free sac outlet in the game.

1x Professional Face-Breaker (J22) Efficient card that gets you mana that can be traded in for card draw. Cheap and super versatile.

1x Pitiless Plunderer (PIP) I hate how good this card is in sac decks...

1x Dowsing Dagger (XLN) This is easier to flip than it seems, and when it does flip you get 3 extra mana. That's so much mana.

1x Sword of Hearth and Home (LTC) Land ramp every turn. There are a lot of these sorts of equipment land ramp cards but this is my favorite. You would need to add more basic lands to accommodate this kind of card though.

1x Phyrexian Fleshgorger (BRO) Play it for 3 mana, then bring back with Marchesa's ability to make it a 7/5. This thing is the biggest lifelinker out there.

1x Cityscape Leveler (BRO) So fucking expensive but it's huge and can kill anything. ANYTHING.

1x Chromatic Orrery (LCC) I know this looks expensive, but you gotta think of it like this. It's not a 7 mana spell. It actually costs 2 mana, you just have to have 7 mana to play it. This card jumps you from 7 mana to 12. It's so good if it doesn't get blown up/if you can live long enough to play it.

1x Sword of Feast and Famine (2XM) Protection and allows you to double your mana.

1x Thran Dynamo (CMM) This produces so much mana for the cost.

1x Swan Song (LTC) 1x An Offer You Can't Refuse (SNC) 1x Arcane Denial (WOC) 1x Rewind (M21) Alternative counter spell options. Cheap and powerful.

1x Curse of the Swine (LCC) Blue exile based board wipe that doesn't hit your own creatures.

1x March of Swirling Mist (NEO) Great way to protect your creatures for fairly cheap. You gotta keep marchesa alive somehow.

1x Bonehoard Dracosaur (LCI) Generically powerful card. Draws cards and creates treasures. This card overperforms so hard.

1x Decadent Dragon (WOE) This card is a 3 mana draw 3 secretly. The catch is that one of the cards you draw is guaranteed to be a 4 mana 4/4 flyer that creates treasures every turn. In my opinion super strong card draw option.

1x Anger (LTC) Frankly I'm surprised this wasn't in the original version. Your deck really wants haste and with free sac outlets this is trivial to get into the graveyard.

1x Wheel of Fortune (30A) The red card draw. 3 mana to draw a fresh 7... There's a reason this card is 300$... Because they can't print it anymore for legal reasons...

1x The Reality Chip (NEO) This is an absolutely bonkers card draw spell. For 5 mana you now have the ability to play off the top of your deck. This can easily start drawing you 3 cards a turn.

1x Faerie Mastermind (MOM) Such a cheap and efficient card draw spell. The way it works you can guarantee that you only cast it when it's going to draw you at least one card. If it survives long enough to draw 3 cards than it was above rate and everything past that is gravy.

1x Coveted Jewel (MOC) Ok I know I know... Hear me out. you draw three cards and can tap it for 3 mana. That's essentially a 3 mana draw 3! Just don't get hit after you play it and everything will be fiiiiine... (maybe not for this deck, but maybe?)

1x Propaganda (WHO) Want people to stop attacking you, here you go. Way better than it you ever think it is going to be.

1x No Mercy (DMR) Do you REALLY want people to stop attacking you?

1x Victimize (SPG) Great reanimation

1x Fellwar Stone (MKC) The amount of games this just taps for all your colors is not uncommon.

1x Cyclonic Rift (RVR) Contention for best board wipe.

1x Drana, Liberator of Malakir (LCC) The perfect card for this deck, zero reason why this wasn't already in.

1x Anduril, Narsil Reforged (LTC) Extremely good card for facilitating your counter synergies.

1x Danny Pink (WHO) I fucking hate how good this doctor who card is. But this random guy holding hands with children is a really good card draw option for this deck.

1x Thundering Raiju (NEO) Haste creature that synergizes with the deck. Solid card to fit the theme.

1x Mahadi, Emporium Master (CLB) Very interesting ramp option. Seems very powerful, but I don't fully no how to evaluate it.

1x Gisa, Glorious Resurrector (DBL) Powerful because every creature your opponents lose permanently comes to you with Marchesa's ability.

1x The Ozolith (LTC) Keep your counters, forever!

1x Feast on the Fallen (J22) This could be a very good enabler for your deck, but I'm kind of tired so maybe it actually sucks... Who knows?!

1x Change of Plans (NCC) Protects your board and gives a ton of counters. Not much more you can ask out of a proection spell in this deck.