MTG List: Urza Cube
Creature (186)
- 1x Abyssal Horror
- 1x Academy Rector
- 1x Anaconda
- 1x Ancient Silverback
- 1x Angelic Page
- 1x Anthroplasm
- 1x Apprentice Necromancer
- 1x Archivist
- 1x Argothian Elder
- 1x Argothian Enchantress
- 1x Argothian Wurm
- 1x Aura Thief
- 1x Avalanche Riders
- 1x Barrin, Master Wizard
- 1x Beast of Burden
- 1x Blizzard Elemental
- 1x Bloated Toad
- 1x Bog Raiders
- 1x Bone Shredder
- 1x Bouncing Beebles
- 1x Brass Secretary
- 1x Bubbling Beebles
- 1x Bull Hippo
- 1x Cackling Fiend
- 1x Capashen Knight
- 1x Cathodion
- 1x Child of Gaea
- 1x Citanul Centaurs
- 1x Citanul Hierophants
- 1x Cloud of Faeries
- 1x Covetous Dragon
- 1x Cradle Guard
- 1x Crater Hellion
- 1x Crazed Skirge
- 1x Dark Hatchling
- 1x Darkwatch Elves
- 1x Defender of Chaos
- 1x Defender of Law
- 1x Deranged Hermit
- 1x Drifting Djinn
- 1x Eastern Paladin
- 1x Electryte
- 1x Elvish Herder
- 1x Elvish Lookout
- 1x Elvish Lyrist
- 1x Elvish Piper
- 1x Emperor Crocodile
- 1x Endless Wurm
- 1x Eviscerator
- 1x Faith Healer
- 1x False Prophet
- 1x Fire Ants
- 1x Fledgling Osprey
- 1x Flesh Reaver
- 1x Fog Bank
- 1x Fog of Gnats
- 1x Gamekeeper
- 1x Gang of Elk
- 1x Ghitu Fire-Eater
- 1x Giant Cockroach
- 1x Gilded Drake
- 1x Goblin Berserker
- 1x Goblin Gardener
- 1x Goblin Lackey
- 1x Goblin Marshal
- 1x Goblin Matron
- 1x Goblin Medics
- 1x Goblin Patrol
- 1x Goblin Raider
- 1x Goblin Spelunkers
Goblin Welder
- 1x Goliath Beetle
- 1x Gorilla Warrior
- 1x Great Whale
- 1x Guma
- 1x Hawkeater Moth
- 1x Heart Warden
- 1x Herald of Serra
- 1x Hopping Automaton
- 1x Hulking Ogre
- 1x Hunting Moa
- 1x Imaginary Pet
- 1x Intrepid Hero
- 1x Iridescent Drake
- 1x Junk Diver
- 1x Karmic Guide
- 1x Karn, Silver Golem *oversized*
- 1x Keldon Champion
- 1x Keldon Vandals
- 1x Kingfisher
- 1x Lightning Dragon
- 1x Lone Wolf
- 1x Looming Shade
- 1x Mana Leech
- 1x Mantis Engine
- 1x Masticore
- 1x Metalworker
- 1x Metathran Elite
- 1x Metathran Soldier
- 1x Molten Hydra
- 1x Morphling
- 1x Mother of Runes
- 1x Multani, Maro-Sorcerer
- 1x Okk
- 1x Order of Yawgmoth
- 1x Palinchron
- 1x Phyrexian Colossus
- 1x Phyrexian Debaser
- 1x Phyrexian Defiler
- 1x Phyrexian Ghoul
- 1x Phyrexian Monitor
Phyrexian Negator
- 1x Phyrexian Plaguelord
- 1x Plague Beetle
- 1x Plague Dogs
- 1x Plated Spider
- 1x Pouncing Jaguar
- 1x Priest of Gix
- 1x Priest of Titania
- 1x Pygmy Pyrosaur
- 1x Radiant, Archangel
- 1x Rank and File
- 1x Raven Familiar
- 1x Ravenous Rats
- 1x Ravenous Skirge
- 1x Rayne, Academy Chancellor
- 1x Reclusive Wight
- 1x Reliquary Monk
- 1x Retromancer
- 1x Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
- 1x Sandbar Merfolk
- 1x Scoria Wurm
- 1x Seasoned Marshal
- 1x Serra Advocate
- 1x Serra Avatar
- 1x Serra Zealot
- 1x Shimmering Barrier
- 1x Shivan Hellkite
- 1x Shivan Phoenix
- 1x Shivan Raptor
- 1x Silent Attendant
- 1x Simian Grunts
- 1x Skirge Familiar
- 1x Sleeper Agent
- 1x Slinking Skirge
- 1x Somnophore
- 1x Soul Sculptor
- 1x Spined Fluke
- 1x Spire Owl
- 1x Squirming Mass
- 1x Stern Proctor
- 1x Taunting Elf
- 1x Telepathic Spies
- 1x Tethered Skirge
- 1x Thieving Magpie
- 1x Thorn Elemental
- 1x Thornwind Faeries
- 1x Thran Golem
- 1x Thran War Machine
- 1x Thundering Giant
- 1x Ticking Gnomes
- 1x Titania's Chosen
- 1x Tragic Poet
- 1x Treefolk Mystic
- 1x Unworthy Dead
- 1x Vebulid
- 1x Viashino Cutthroat
- 1x Viashino Sandswimmer
- 1x Voice of Duty
- 1x Voice of Law
- 1x Voice of Reason
- 1x Vug Lizard
- 1x Walking Sponge
- 1x Wall of Glare
- 1x Wall of Junk
- 1x Weatherseed Faeries
- 1x Weatherseed Treefolk
- 1x Western Paladin
- 1x Wild Colos
- 1x Winding Wurm
- 1x Witch Engine
- 1x Yavimaya Elder
- 1x Yavimaya Enchantress
- 1x Yavimaya Granger
- 1x Yavimaya Wurm
- 1x Zephid
Land (12)
Enchantment (75)
- 1x Abundance
- 1x AEther Sting
- 1x Attrition
- 1x Attunement
- 1x Aura Flux
- 1x Bedlam
- 1x Blanchwood Armor
- 1x Bulwark
- 1x Cessation
- 1x Chime of Night
- 1x Contamination
- 1x Crosswinds
- 1x Defense of the Heart
- 1x Delusions of Mediocrity
- 1x Despondency
- 1x Disappear
- 1x Dying Wail
- 1x Engineered Plague
- 1x Exploration
- 1x Fecundity
- 1x Fertile Ground
- 1x Festering Wound
- 1x Fortitude
- 1x Gaea's Embrace
- 1x Ghitu War Cry
- 1x Glorious Anthem
- 1x Greater Good
- 1x Impending Disaster
- 1x Incendiary
- 1x Knighthood
- 1x Mark of Fury
- 1x Martyr's Cause
- 1x Mental Discipline
- 1x Momentum
- 1x No Mercy
- 1x Opal Titan
- 1x Opalescence
- 1x Opposition
- 1x Oppression
- 1x Pacifism
- 1x Pariah
- 1x Pattern of Rebirth
- 1x Pestilence
- 1x Phyrexian Reclamation
- 1x Planar Collapse
- 1x Planar Void
- 1x Private Research
- 1x Pyromancy
- 1x Rancor
- 1x Reflexes
- 1x Retaliation
- 1x Rumbling Crescendo
- 1x Scald
- 1x Second Chance
- 1x Serra's Embrace
- 1x Serra's Liturgy
- 1x Shiv's Embrace
- 1x Sigil of Sleep
- 1x Sleeper's Guile
- 1x Slow Motion
- 1x Sneak Attack
- 1x Subversion
- 1x Tainted AEther
- 1x Torch Song
- 1x Treacherous Link
- 1x Treachery
- 1x Twisted Experiment
- 1x Veil of Birds
- 1x Venomous Fangs
- 1x Vernal Bloom
- 1x War Dance
- 1x Worship
- 1x Yawgmoth's Bargain
- 1x Zephid's Embrace
Instant (45)
- 1x About Face
- 1x Annul
- 1x Breach
- 1x Burst of Energy
- 1x Crop Rotation
- 1x Curfew
- 1x Dark Ritual
- 1x Disenchant
- 1x Enchantment Alteration
- 1x Erase
- 1x Expunge
- 1x Fault Line
- 1x Fend Off
- 1x Frantic Search
- 1x Harmonic Convergence
- 1x Heat Ray
- 1x Hibernation
- 1x Hope and Glory
- 1x Humble
- 1x Intervene
- 1x Last-Ditch Effort
- 1x Lull
- 1x Magnify
- 1x Might of Oaks
- 1x Miscalculation
- 1x Opportunity
- 1x Parch
- 1x Power Sink
- 1x Rack and Ruin
- 1x Radiant's Judgment
- 1x Rain of Filth
- 1x Rebuild
- 1x Repopulate
- 1x Rescind
- 1x Rescue
- 1x Rewind
- 1x Scour
- 1x Scrap
- 1x Stroke of Genius
- 1x Sunder
- 1x Swat
- 1x Symbiosis
- 1x Tolarian Winds
- 1x Turnabout
- 1x Waylay
Sorcery (45)
- 1x Acidic Soil
- 1x Arc Lightning
- 1x Befoul
- 1x Bubbling Muck
- 1x Catastrophe
- 1x Duress
- 1x Encroach
- 1x Exhaustion
- 1x Fatigue
- 1x Flame Jet
- 1x Flicker
- 1x Gamble
- 1x Goblin Offensive
- 1x Hush
- 1x Ill-Gotten Gains
- 1x Jagged Lightning
- 1x Landslide
- 1x Lava Axe
- 1x Lay Waste
- 1x Multani's Decree
- 1x Ostracize
- 1x Persecute
- 1x Planar Birth
- 1x Plow Under
- 1x Purify
- 1x Rain of Salt
- 1x Raze
- 1x Reckless Abandon
- 1x Rejuvenate
- 1x Replenish
- 1x Show and Tell
- 1x Soul Feast
- 1x Steam Blast
- 1x Time Spiral
- 1x Tinker
- 1x Titania's Boon
- 1x Unearth
- 1x Unnerve
- 1x Wake of Destruction
- 1x Whirlwind
- 1x Wildfire
- 1x Windfall
- 1x Wing Snare
- 1x Yawgmoth's Will
Artifact (30)
- 1x Angel's Trumpet
- 1x Caltrops
- 1x Chimeric Staff
- 1x Citanul Flute
- 1x Crawlspace
- 1x Crystal Chimes
- 1x Defense Grid
- 1x Endoskeleton
- 1x Grafted Skullcap
- 1x Grim Monolith
- 1x Iron Maiden
- 1x Lifeline
- 1x Lotus Blossom
- 1x Memory Jar
- 1x Metrognome
- 1x Mishra's Helix
- 1x Noetic Scales
- 1x Phyrexian Processor
- 1x Pit Trap
- 1x Powder Keg
- 1x Purging Scythe
- 1x Quicksilver Amulet
- 1x Smokestack
- 1x Storage Matrix
- 1x Temporal Aperture
- 1x Thran Dynamo
- 1x Thran Foundry
- 1x Umbilicus
- 1x Voltaic Key
- 1x Worn Powerstone