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MindAblaze's Binder

I live in Northern Canada (NWT) and thus, things take FOREVER to get to and from keep that in mind when offering.

I collect planeswalkers, not necessarily every printing just attempting to have at least one of every version. Preferably foil ones. Planeswalkers are NOT high priority, but if I have value cards and we need to close a gap on something I'd be happy to trade for extra ones that I don't currently have.

I am also in the process of perfecting my EDH decks

Mayael's Wild Pair-ty

Commander / EDH MindAblaze

SCORE: 68 | 245 COMMENTS | 22602 VIEWS | IN 37 FOLDERS

, deck-large:The-mad-King-of-Tristram,

Centre for Disease Control

Commander / EDH MindAblaze

SCORE: 83 | 117 COMMENTS | 19917 VIEWS | IN 38 FOLDERS

, so...really, any shocks, ABUR duals or fetchlands are wanted as I have a high standard for my manabases. If there are particular cards for those decks I need I will let you know, they're evolving all the time.

I have many other things, but as my life is very busy I don't have much time to list all the cards I have. If you need something specific don't be afraid to ask. I am slowly working towards organizing my tradeable goods so I can have them posted here. Slowly.