MTG List: mtgo collection 2
Creature (448)
- 2x Affa Protector
- 2x Ainok Artillerist
- 2x Akoum Flameseeker
- 2x Akroan Jailer
- 2x Akroan Sergeant
- 2x Ampryn Tactician
- 2x Ancestral Statue
- 2x Ancient Carp
- 2x Ancient Crab
- 2x Apothecary Geist
- 2x Aspiring Aeronaut
- 2x Atarka Beastbreaker
- 2x Atarka Efreet
- 2x Aven Battle Priest
- 2x Bane of Bala Ged
- 2x Belligerent Whiptail
- 2x Benthic Infiltrator
- 2x Blinding Drone
- 2x Blisterpod
- 2x Bloodmad Vampire
- 2x Boggart Brute
- 2x Bonded Construct
- 1x Brood Butcher
- 2x Brood Monitor
- 2x Broodhunter Wurm
- 2x Byway Courier
- 2x Canopy Gorger
- 2x Catacomb Sifter
- 2x Cathar's Companion
- 2x Caustic Caterpillar
- 2x Cinder Hellion
- 2x Cleric of the Forward Order
- 2x Cliffside Lookout
- 2x Cloud Manta
- 2x Colossodon Yearling
- 4x Combustible Gearhulk
- 1x Conduit of Ruin
- 2x Convicted Killer Flip
- 2x Coralhelm Guide
- 2x Courier Griffin
- 2x Crow of Dark Tidings
- 2x Culling Drone
- 2x Cultivator Drone
- 2x Custodian of the Trove
- 2x Dauntless Cathar
- 2x Deadbridge Shaman
- 2x Deathless Behemoth
- 2x Deep-Sea Terror
- 2x Devilthorn Fox
- 2x Dominator Drone
- 2x Dragon-Scarred Bear
- 2x Dragon's Eye Sentry
- 2x Dromoka Dunecaster
- 2x Drownyard Explorers
- 2x Dutiful Attendant
- 2x Eldrazi Aggressor
- 2x Eldrazi Devastator
- 1x Eldrazi Mimic
- 2x Eldrazi Skyspawner
- 2x Ember-Eye Wolf
- 2x Emissary of the Sleepless
- 1x Endbringer
- 2x Enlightened Ascetic
- 2x Expedition Raptor
- 2x Eyeblight Assassin
- 2x Eyeless Watcher
- 2x Faerie Miscreant
- 2x Farbog Revenant
- 2x Felidar Cub
- 2x Fetid Imp
- 2x Firefiend Elemental
- 2x Fortified Rampart
- 2x Furtive Homunculus
- 2x Gatstaf Arsonists Flip
- 2x Geyserfield Stalker
- 2x Ghirapur Gearcrafter
- 2x Ghostly Sentinel
- 2x Ghoulcaller's Accomplice
- 2x Glade Watcher
- 2x Goblin Freerunner
- 2x Gravity Negator
- 2x Guardian Automaton
- 2x Hand of Silumgar
- 1x Hangarback Walker
- 2x Hardened Berserker
- 2x Haunted Dead
- 2x Heavy Infantry
- 2x Hedron Crawler
- 2x Herald of Dromoka
- 2x Hinterland Logger Flip
- 2x Hitchclaw Recluse
- 1x Hope of Ghirapur
- 2x Hound of the Farbogs
- 2x Howlpack Wolf
- 2x Hulking Devil
- 2x Incubator Drone
- 2x Inquisitor's Ox
- 2x Insolent Neonate
- 2x Inspiring Captain
- 2x Intrepid Provisioner
- 2x Jwar Isle Avenger
- 2x Kalastria Healer
- 2x Kalastria Nightwatch
- 2x Kessig Dire Swine
- 2x Kitesail Scout
- 2x Knight of the Pilgrim's Road
- 2x Kor Castigator
- 2x Kor Scythemaster
- 2x Kor Sky Climber
- 1x Kozilek, the Great Distortion
- 2x Kozilek's Channeler
- 2x Kozilek's Pathfinder
- 2x Kozilek's Sentinel
- 2x Kozilek's Shrieker
- 2x Kozilek's Translator
- 2x Lamplighter of Selhoff
- 2x Lavastep Raider
- 2x Lifespring Druid
- 2x Lightwalker
- 2x Loam Dryad
- 2x Loam Larva
- 2x Mage-Ring Bully
- 2x Makindi Aeronaut
- 2x Makindi Patrol
- 2x Makindi Sliderunner
- 2x Maw of Kozilek
- 1x Metalwork Colossus
- 2x Militant Inquisitor
- 2x Mind Raker
- 2x Mist Intruder
- 2x Misthoof Kirin
- 2x Moldgraf Scavenger
- 2x Moorland Drifter
- 4x Murasa Ranger
- 2x Murk Strider
- 2x Nettle Drone
- 2x Niblis of Dusk
- 2x Nirkana Assassin
- 2x Nivix Barrier
- 2x Noose Constrictor
- 1x Oblivion Sower
- 2x Ondu Champion
- 2x Ondu Greathorn
- 2x Ondu War Cleric
- 2x Oracle of Dust
- 2x Oran-Rief Invoker
- 2x Palace Familiar
- 2x Pharika's Disciple
- 2x Prickleboar
- 2x Primal Druid
- 2x Pyre Hound
- 2x Qarsi Sadist
- 2x Quilled Wolf
- 2x Rabid Bloodsucker
- 2x Rancid Rats
- 2x Ravenous Bloodseeker
- 2x Reckless Cohort
- 2x Rhox Maulers
- 2x Ringwarden Owl
- 2x Rottenheart Ghoul
- 2x Ruin Processor
- 2x Saddleback Lagac
- 2x Salvage Drone
- 2x Sanguinary Mage
- 2x Sanitarium Skeleton
- 2x Scion Summoner
- 1x Scrap Trawler
- 2x Screamreach Brawler
- 2x Seagraf Skaab
- 2x Separatist Voidmage
- 2x Shadow Glider
- 2x Shambling Ghoul
- 2x Shatterskull Recruit
- 2x Sidisi's Faithful
- 2x Silburlind Snapper
- 2x Silent Observer
- 2x Silent Skimmer
- 2x Silumgar Butcher
- 4x Sin Prodder
- 2x Skitterskin
- 2x Sky Scourer
- 2x Slaughter Drone
- 2x Sludge Crawler
- 2x Snapping Gnarlid
- 2x Solitary Hunter Flip
- 2x Spawnbinder Mage
- 2x Sprinting Warbrute
- 2x Stalking Drone
- 2x Stallion of Ashmouth
- 2x Stalwart Aven
- 2x Stern Constable
- 2x Stitched Mangler
- 2x Stoic Builder
- 2x Stone Haven Medic
- 2x Stormrider Spirit
- 2x Stromkirk Mentor
- 2x Subterranean Scout
- 2x Tajuru Beastmaster
- 2x Tajuru Pathwarden
- 2x Tajuru Stalwart
- 2x Thornbow Archer
- 2x Thornhide Wolves
- 2x Thraben Inspector
- 2x Tireless Tracker
- 2x Topan Freeblade
- 2x Twins of Maurer Estate
- 2x Umara Entangler
- 2x Undead Servant
- 2x Valakut Invoker
- 2x Valakut Predator
- 2x Vampire Envoy
- 2x Vampire Noble
- 2x Vestige of Emrakul
- 1x Void Winnower
- 2x Volcanic Rambler
- 2x Voldaren Duelist
- 2x Voracious Null
- 2x Vulturous Aven
- 1x Walker of the Wastes
- 2x Wandering Tombshell
- 2x Warden of Geometries
- 2x Watcher in the Web
- 2x Wave-Wing Elemental
- 2x Wicker Witch
- 2x Zada's Commando
- 2x Zephyr Scribe
- 2x Zulaport Chainmage
Instant (157)
- 2x Abstruse Interference
- 2x Aerial Volley
- 2x Aim High
- 6x Anticipate
- 2x Artificer's Epiphany
- 2x Brute Strength
- 2x Calculated Dismissal
- 2x Center Soul
- 2x Clip Wings
- 2x Coat with Venom
- 2x Comparative Analysis
- 2x Complete Disregard
- 2x Confront the Unknown
- 2x Consuming Sinkhole
- 2x Contradict
- 2x Corpse Churn
- 2x Dark Dabbling
- 2x Dazzling Reflection
- 2x Deny Existence
- 2x Dual Shot
- 2x Elemental Uprising
- 2x Enshrouding Mist
- 2x Expedite
- 2x Expose Evil
- 6x Fatal Push
- 2x Fiery Impulse
- 1x Fortune's Favor
- 2x Foul-Tongue Shriek
- 2x Gideon's Reproach
- 2x Glint
- 2x Grave Birthing
- 2x Grip of Desolation
- 2x Grotesque Mutation
- 2x Jace's Scrutiny
- 2x Just the Wind
- 2x Lead by Example
- 2x Lithomancer's Focus
- 2x Merciless Resolve
- 2x Might Beyond Reason
- 2x Natural Connection
- 2x Natural State
- 2x Outnumber
- 2x Pulse of Murasa
- 2x Reality Hemorrhage
- 2x Revealing Wind
- 2x Roilmage's Trick
- 2x Rush of Adrenaline
- 2x Sarkhan's Rage
- 2x Scour from Existence
- 2x Searing Light
- 2x Send to Sleep
- 2x Shape the Sands
- 2x Spell Shrivel
- 2x Stonefury
- 2x Strength of Arms
- 2x Sure Strike
- 2x Survive the Night
- 2x Sweep Away
- 2x Swell of Growth
- 2x Tail Slash
- 2x Tandem Tactics
- 2x Tar Snare
- 1x Titan's Presence
- 2x Touch of Moonglove
- 2x Tread Upon
- 2x Twin Bolt
- 2x Uncaged Fury
- 2x Unholy Hunger
- 2x Unlicensed Disintegration
- 2x Unnatural Aggression
- 2x Unnatural Endurance
- 2x Vine Snare
- 2x Vines of the Recluse
- 2x Volcanic Rush
- 2x Volcanic Upheaval
- 1x Warping Wail
Sorcery (115)
- 2x Alms of the Vein
- 2x Angelic Purge
- 2x Boiling Earth
- 2x Boulder Salvo
- 2x Brilliant Spectrum
- 2x Call the Scions
- 2x Chaplain's Blessing
- 2x Clutch of Currents
- 4x Collective Brutality
- 4x Crumble to Dust
- 2x Demon's Grasp
- 2x Earthen Arms
- 2x Ethereal Guidance
- 2x Fork in the Road
- 3x Fragmentize
- 2x Gone Missing
- 2x Healing Hands
- 2x Incendiary Flow
- 2x Kytheon's Tactics
- 2x Lightning Javelin
- 2x Lose Calm
- 4x Magmatic Chasm
- 2x Mire's Malice
- 2x Murderous Compulsion
- 2x Nagging Thoughts
- 3x Nahiri's Wrath
- 2x Nightsnare
- 2x Nissa's Judgment
- 2x Nissa's Pilgrimage
- 2x Oblivion Strike
- 2x Pieces of the Puzzle
- 2x Press for Answers
- 2x Rabid Bite
- 2x Reave Soul
- 2x Reclaiming Vines
- 2x Reduce to Ashes
- 2x Reverse Engineer
- 2x Root Out
- 2x Rush of Ice
- 2x Seek the Wilds
- 1x Servo Exhibition
- 2x Shamble Back
- 2x Sheer Drop
- 2x Shoulder to Shoulder
- 2x Slip Through Space
- 2x Sparkmage's Gambit
- 2x Structural Distortion
- 2x Swarm Surge
- 2x Touch of the Void
- 2x Transgress the Mind
- 4x Traverse the Ulvenwald
- 2x Wild Instincts
- 2x Witness the End
Land (62)
- 2x Aether Hub
- 1x Blighted Fen
- 1x Blighted Woodland
- 1x Command Beacon
- 4x Concealed Courtyard
- 2x Crumbling Vestige
- 2x Fertile Thicket
- 1x Geier Reach Sanitarium
- 2x Holdout Settlement
- 1x Inventors' Fair
- 2x Looming Spires
- 1x Mage-Ring Network
- 2x Mortuary Mire
- 1x Ruins of Oran-Rief
- 2x Sandstone Bridge
- 1x Sea Gate Wreckage
- 1x Sequestered Stash
- 2x Shambling Vent
- 1x Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
- 2x Skyline Cascade
- 2x Spawning Bed
- 2x Warped Landscape
- 26x Wastes
Enchantment (49)
- 2x Angelic Gift
- 2x Containment Membrane
- 2x Equestrian Skill
- 2x Glaring Aegis
- 2x Grasp of the Hieromancer
Impact Tremors
- 2x Infectious Bloodlust
- 2x Infernal Scarring
- 2x Isolation Zone
- 2x Mantle of Webs
- 2x Reduce in Stature
- 2x Senseless Rage
- 2x Sleep Paralysis
- 2x Suppression Bonds
- 2x Tightening Coils
- 2x Untamed Hunger
- 2x Vessel of Ephemera
- 2x Vessel of Malignity
- 4x Vessel of Nascency
- 2x Vessel of Paramnesia
- 6x Vessel of Volatility
- 1x Visions of Brutality