I am Blue/White
I am Blue/White
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!

I'm both orderly and rational. I value control, information, and order. I love structure and hierarchy, and will actively use whatever power or knowledge I have to maintain it. At best, I am lawful and insightful; at worst, I am bureaucratic and tyrannical.

I'm currently a DCI-certified Level 1 Judge in Singapore, so please feel free to ask me questions regarding rulings, as it's also an opportunity for me to continually refine my understanding of the game. Also, I hang out in the Q&A section looking to help answer questions if the resident answer providers are not around.

In other news, if you have an Android device, please take a look and see if what I have done fulfills your needs:
MTG Judge Core App

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MTG Decks

Rakdos Thing

Standard* NDRue


Not Esper

Standard* NDRue


Finished Decks 32
Prototype Decks 31
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating 2.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Joined 12 years