Hi there, I love Magic a lot, got in it around the Zendikar Set on and off until I seriously started collecting cards around Battle For Zendikar

I still play casually, but I would like to consider myself better than most casual players, but not quite competitive yet. (Even when I am I don't think I would play competitively, I just want to be skilled enough to play effectively against my competitive friends)

I love building decks the most, to a point where I tend to dismantle and reassemble decks more often than I actually play them haha

Feel free to message me, I love meeting new people

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MTG Decks

Relentless Hunger

Historic Brawl* NeoChrisOmega


Finished Decks 9
Prototype Decks 7
Drafts 0
Playing since Zendikar
Points 0
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Modern, Commander / EDH, Arena, Casual
Suppressed formats Legacy, Vintage, Limited, Pre-release, Unformat
Cards suggested / good suggestions 1 / 1
Venues Card Empire
Joined 10 years