I'm relatively new to TappedOut, I always knew it was there but only recently made a profile and used it to build and test decks. I started playing mtg during the Zendikar block and really enjoyed standard for a while until I quit during Innistrad. I didn't start playing again until about a year ago when another game at my local shop was giving away magic promos as prizes. My many wins in that game gave me quite a collection of promos and other trade bait that I used to build my first EDH deck( a format that I love btw). I spend most of my time now building many different commander decks and helping others with ideas for theirs. I started out with Trostani, but after a while took it apart and now I'm playing Momir Vig. I've been toying with mono-colored decks recently with mixed results. If you have any questions or pointers for me, I would love to hear them.

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MTG Decks

Finished Decks 0
Prototype Decks 0
Drafts 0
Playing since Zendikar
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Joined 9 years