MTG List: EDH Box
Creature (855)
- 1x Abhorrent Overlord
- 1x Abzan Battle Priest
- 1x Abzan Falconer
- 1x Academy Rector
- 1x Acidic Slime
- 1x Adarkar Valkyrie
- 1x Admonition Angel
- 1x Adun Oakenshield
- 1x Aegis Angel
- 1x Agadeem Occultist
- 1x Agent of Erebos
- 1x Ainok Bond-Kin
- 1x Ajani's Chosen
- 1x Ajani's Pridemate
- 1x Akroma, Angel of Fury
- 1x Akroma, Angel of Wrath
- 1x Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
- 1x Ambuscade Shaman
- 1x Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
- 1x Angel of Despair
- 1x Angel of Finality
- 1x Angel of Jubilation
- 1x Angel of Serenity
- 1x Angel of the Dire Hour
- 1x Angelic Arbiter
- 1x Angelic Captain
- 1x Angelic Field Marshal
- 1x Angelic Skirmisher
- 1x Anger
- 1x Angus Mackenzie
- 1x Ankle Shanker
- 1x Ant Queen
- 1x Anya, Merciless Angel
- 1x Apocalypse Hydra
- 1x Arcades Sabboth
- 1x Arcanis the Omnipotent
- 1x Archaeomancer
- 1x Archangel of Strife
- 1x Archangel of Thune
- 1x Archangel of Tithes
- 1x Archetype of Endurance
- 1x Archfiend of Depravity
- 1x Archon of Justice
- 1x Archon of Redemption
- 1x Arcum Dagsson
- 1x Argothian Enchantress
- 1x Arjun, the Shifting Flame
- 1x Armament Corps
- 1x Artisan of Kozilek
- 1x Ashen Rider
- 1x Ashenmoor Liege
- 1x Atalya, Samite Master
- 1x Atarka, World Render
- 1x Augur of Bolas
- 1x Aura Gnarlid
- 1x Auramancer
- 1x Auratouched Mage
- 1x Aurelia, the Warleader
- 1x Auriok Steelshaper
- 1x Auriok Windwalker
- 1x Avacyn, Angel of Hope
- 1x Avatar of the Resolute
- 1x Avatar of Woe
- 1x Avenger of Zendikar
- 1x Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
- 1x Azusa, Lost but Seeking
- 1x Bala Ged Thief
- 1x Balefire Dragon
- 1x Balefire Liege
- 1x Baleful Force
- 1x Baleful Strix
- 1x Baloth Woodcrasher
- 1x Balthor the Defiled
- 1x Bane of Bala Ged
- 1x Bane of Progress
- 1x Baneslayer Angel
- 1x Bastion Protector
- 1x Battlefront Krushok
- 1x Battlegrace Angel
- 1x Bazaar Trader
- 1x Beastcaller Savant
- 1x Beetleback Chief
- 1x Bellowing Tanglewurm
- 2x Big Game Hunter
- 1x Birds of Paradise
- 1x Bladewing the Risen
- 1x Blazing Archon
- 1x Blight Herder
- 1x Blinding Angel
- 1x Blood Baron of Vizkopa
- 1x Blood Tyrant
- 1x Bloodghast
- 1x Bloodgift Demon
- 1x Bloodline Keeper Flip
- 1x Bloodshot Cyclops
- 1x Bloodspore Thrinax
- 1x Bloom Tender
- 1x Boartusk Liege
- 1x Body Double
- 1x Bogardan Hellkite
- 1x Boltwing Marauder
- 1x Borborygmos Enraged
- 1x Brago, King Eternal
- 1x Braids, Conjurer Adept
- 1x Bramble Elemental
- 1x Brass Squire
- 1x Brawn
- 1x Breaker of Armies
- 1x Brimaz, King of Oreskos
- 1x Brutal Hordechief
- 1x Budoka Gardener Flip
- 1x Burnished Hart
- 1x Butcher of Malakir
- 1x Cao Cao, Lord of Wei
- 1x Captain of the Watch
- 1x Carrion Feeder
- 1x Cartographer
- 1x Catacomb Sifter
- 1x Caustic Caterpillar
- 1x Celestial Force
- 1x Cemetery Puca
- 1x Centaur Vinecrasher
- 1x Cephalid Constable
- 1x Chainer, Dementia Master
- 1x Champion of Lambholt
- 1x Chancellor of the Forge
- 1x Chancellor of the Spires
- 1x Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh Flip
- 1x Chandra's Spitfire
- 1x Charmbreaker Devils
- 1x Charnelhoard Wurm
- 1x Chasm Guide
- 1x Chasm Skulker
- 1x Child of Alara
- 1x Chromium
- 1x Clever Impersonator
- 1x Clone
- 1x Coffin Queen
- 1x Coiling Oracle
- 1x Cold-Eyed Selkie
- 1x Conduit of Ruin
- 1x Consecrated Sphinx
- 1x Consuming Aberration
- 1x Containment Priest
- 1x Corpse Augur
- 1x Corpse Connoisseur
- 1x Corpse Harvester
- 1x Corpsejack Menace
- 1x Courser of Kruphix
- 1x Craterhoof Behemoth
- 1x Creakwood Liege
- 1x Cromat
- 1x Crosis, the Purger
- 1x Crowned Ceratok
Crypt Ghast
- 1x Custodi Soulbinders
- 1x Cytoplast Manipulator
- 1x Cytoplast Root-Kin
- 1x Dack's Duplicate
- 1x Damia, Sage of Stone
- 1x Darigaaz, the Igniter
- 1x Darksteel Colossus
- 1x Dauntless Escort
- 1x Dawnbreak Reclaimer
- 1x Daxos the Returned
- 1x Deadwood Treefolk
- 1x Death Baron
- 1x Deathbringer Thoctar
- 1x Deathless Angel
- 1x Deceiver of Form
- 1x Defiler of Souls
- 1x Demon of Wailing Agonies
- 1x Desolation Twin
- 1x Destructor Dragon
- 1x Deus of Calamity
- 1x Diluvian Primordial
- 1x Dimir Doppelganger
- 1x Dimir House Guard
- 1x Diregraf Captain
- 1x Disciple of Bolas
- 1x Disciple of Griselbrand
- 1x Divinity of Pride
- 1x Dominus of Fealty
- 1x Doomwake Giant
- 1x Dosan the Falling Leaf
- 1x Dragon Broodmother
- 1x Dragon Mage
- 1x Dragon Tyrant
- 1x Dragonlair Spider
- 1x Dragonlord Atarka
- 1x Dragonlord Dromoka
- 1x Dragonlord Kolaghan
- 1x Dragonlord Ojutai
- 1x Dragonlord Silumgar
- 1x Dragonmaster Outcast
- 1x Dragonscale General
- 1x Dragonspeaker Shaman
- 1x Dralnu, Lich Lord
- 1x Drana, Liberator of Malakir
- 1x Drana's Emissary
- 1x Dread
- 1x Dreampod Druid
- 1x Drogskol Reaver
- 1x Dromar, the Banisher
- 1x Dromoka, the Eternal
- 1x Dualcaster Mage
- 1x Duergar Hedge-Mage
- 1x Dune-Brood Nephilim
- 1x Dungrove Elder
- 1x Duplicant
- 1x Dusk Urchins
- 1x Echo Mage
- 1x Edric, Spymaster of Trest
- 1x Eidolon of Blossoms
- 1x Eidolon of Countless Battles
- 1x Elderwood Scion
- 1x Eldrazi Displacer
- 1x Eldrazi Mimic
- 1x Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
- 1x Elite Scaleguard
- 1x Elvish Piper
- 1x Emeria Angel
- 1x Emeria Shepherd
- 1x Empyrial Archangel
- 1x Endbringer
- 1x Endless One
- 1x Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder
- 1x Enduring Scalelord
- 1x Enigma Sphinx
- 1x Erebos, God of the Dead
- 1x Etched Monstrosity
- 1x Etched Oracle
- 1x Eternal Witness
- 1x Etherium-Horn Sorcerer
- 1x Etherium Sculptor
- 1x Ethersworn Adjudicator
- 1x Evil Twin
- 1x Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
- 1x Ezuri, Claw of Progress
- 1x Falkenrath Aristocrat
- 1x Farhaven Elf
- 1x Fatestitcher
- 1x Fathom Mage
- 1x Fauna Shaman
- 1x Feldon of the Third Path
- 1x Felidar Sovereign
- 1x Femeref Enchantress
- 1x Fertilid
- 1x Fiend Hunter
- 1x Fierce Empath
- 1x Fire Dragon
- 1x Fire Servant
- 1x Firemantle Mage
- 1x Flame-Kin Zealot
- 1x Flamekin Harbinger
- 1x Flayer of the Hatebound
- 1x Fleshbag Marauder
- 1x Flickerwisp
- 1x Foe-Razer Regent
- 1x Forgotten Ancient
- 1x Frost Titan
- 1x Fulminator Mage
- 1x Gaea's Herald
- 1x Gahiji, Honored One
- 1x Garruk's Packleader
- 1x Geist-Honored Monk
- 1x General Tazri
- 1x Genesis
- 1x Geralf's Mindcrusher
- 1x Geth, Lord of the Vault
- 1x Ghastlord of Fugue
- 1x Ghave, Guru of Spores
- 1x Ghoulcaller Gisa
- 1x Giant Adephage
- 1x Gigantomancer
- 1x Gigantoplasm
- 1x Gilded Drake
- 1x Gilder Bairn
- 1x Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
- 1x Glarewielder
- 1x Glen Elendra Archmage
- 1x Glint-Eye Nephilim
- 1x Goblin Electromancer
- 1x Goblin Marshal
Goblin Welder
- 1x Godo, Bandit Warlord
- 1x Godsire
- 1x Golgari Grave-Troll
- 1x Golgari Thug
- 1x Graceblade Artisan
- 1x Grand Abolisher
- 1x Grave Defiler
- 1x Grave Sifter
- 1x Grave Titan
- 1x Graveblade Marauder
- 1x Graveborn Muse
- 1x Gravecrawler
- 1x Gravedigger
- 1x Gravespawn Sovereign
- 1x Gray Merchant of Asphodel
- 1x Great Whale
- 1x Greenwarden of Murasa
- 1x Grenzo, Dungeon Warden
- 1x Grimgrin, Corpse-Born
- 1x Groundskeeper
- 1x Grove Rumbler
- 1x Grovetender Druids
- 1x Guile
- 1x Guttersnipe
- 1x Gyre Sage
- 1x Hagra Diabolist
- 1x Halimar Excavator
- 1x Halimar Tidecaller
- 1x Hallowed Spiritkeeper
- 1x Hamletback Goliath
- 1x Hangarback Walker
- 1x Harabaz Druid
- 1x Harvester of Souls
- 1x Havengul Lich
- 1x Hazezon Tamar
- 1x Heartless Hidetsugu
- 1x Heliod, God of the Sun
- 1x Heliod's Pilgrim
- 1x Helldozer
- 1x Hellkite Charger
- 1x Hellkite Overlord
- 1x Hellkite Tyrant
- 1x Hellrider
- 1x Herald of the Host
- 1x Herald of the Pantheon
- 1x Herald of War
- 1x Hero of Bladehold
- 1x Hero of Goma Fada
- 1x Hero of Iroas
- 1x Hex Parasite
- 1x High Sentinels of Arashin
- 1x Hoard-Smelter Dragon
- 1x Hoarding Dragon
- 1x Homura, Human Ascendant Flip
- 1x Hooded Hydra
- 1x Horde of Notions
- 1x Hornet Queen
- 1x Hostility
- 1x Hua Tuo, Honored Physician
- 1x Hushwing Gryff
- 1x Hydra Broodmaster
- 1x Hydra Omnivore
- 1x Hypnotic Specter
- 1x Hystrodon
- 1x Hythonia the Cruel
- 1x Illusory Ambusher
- 1x Incandescent Soulstoke
- 1x Indomitable Archangel
- 1x Indrik Stomphowler
- 1x Inferno Titan
- 1x Ingot Chewer
- 1x Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni
- 1x Ink-Treader Nephilim
- 1x Inkwell Leviathan
- 1x Intet, the Dreamer
- 1x Invisible Stalker
- 1x Iona, Shield of Emeria
- 1x Iroas, God of Victory *list*
- 1x Isperia the Inscrutable
- 1x It That Betrays
- 1x Ivorytusk Fortress
- 1x Ixidron
- 1x Izzet Chronarch
- 1x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip
- 1x Jalira, Master Polymorphist
- 1x Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
- 1x Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
- 1x Jazal Goldmane
- 1x Jhessian Infiltrator
- 1x Jhessian Zombies
- 1x Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
- 1x Joraga Bard
- 1x Junk Diver
- 1x Jwari Shapeshifter
- 1x Kaalia of the Vast
- 1x Kabira Evangel
- 1x Kaervek the Merciless
- 1x Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas
- 1x Kalonian Hydra
- 1x Kalonian Twingrove
- 1x Kamahl, Fist of Krosa
- 1x Karador, Ghost Chieftain
- 1x Karametra's Acolyte
- 1x Kargan Dragonlord
- 1x Karlov of the Ghost Council
- 1x Karmic Guide
- 1x Karn, Silver Golem *oversized*
- 1x Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund
- 1x Kaseto, Orochi Archmage
- 1x Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs
- 1x Kazuul Warlord
- 1x Kederekt Leviathan
- 1x Keiga, the Tide Star
- 1x Kemba, Kha Regent
- 1x Keranos, God of Storms
- 1x Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
- 1x Kilnmouth Dragon
- 1x Knight of New Alara
- 1x Knollspine Dragon
- 1x Kokusho, the Evening Star
- 1x Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
- 1x Kor Cartographer
- 1x Kor Spiritdancer
- 1x Korlash, Heir to Blackblade
- 1x Kothophed, Soul Hoarder
- 1x Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
- 1x Kozilek, the Great Distortion
- 1x Kozilek's Channeler
- 1x Krenko, Mob Boss
- 1x Kresh the Bloodbraided
- 1x Krond the Dawn-Clad
- 1x Krosan Tusker
- 1x Kruphix, God of Horizons
- 1x Kuldotha Forgemaster
- 1x Kumano, Master Yamabushi
- 1x Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient
- 1x Kytheon, Hero of Akros Flip
- 1x Laboratory Maniac
- 1x Lady Evangela
- 1x Lantern Scout
- 1x Lazav, Dimir Mastermind
- 1x Legion Loyalist
- 1x Leonin Abunas
- 2x Leonin Arbiter
- 1x Leonin Shikari
- 1x Lich Lord of Unx
- 1x Lifeblood Hydra
- 1x Lightning Reaver
- 1x Liliana, Heretical Healer Flip
- 1x Liliana's Reaver
- 1x Linvala, Keeper of Silence
- 1x Linvala, the Preserver
- 1x Living Hive
- 1x Lobber Crew
- 1x Longshot Squad
- 1x Lord of Extinction
- 1x Lord of the Undead
- 1x Lord of the Void
- 1x Lorthos, the Tidemaker
- 1x Lotus Cobra
Lovisa Coldeyes
- 1x Loxodon Punisher
- 1x Lu Xun, Scholar General
- 1x Luminate Primordial
- 1x Maelstrom Archangel
- 1x Maelstrom Wanderer
- 1x Maga, Traitor to Mortals
- 1x Magister Sphinx
- 1x Magmatic Force
- 1x Magus of the Coffers
- 1x Magus of the Moat
- 1x Magus of the Wheel
- 1x Makindi Patrol
- 1x Malignus
- 1x Man-o'-War
- 1x Mana-Charged Dragon
- 1x Managorger Hydra
- 1x Marath, Will of the Wild *f-etch*
- 1x Marchesa, the Black Rose
- 1x Mardu Strike Leader
- 1x Markov Blademaster
Massacre Wurm
- 1x Master Biomancer
- 1x Master of Cruelties
- 1x Master of the Wild Hunt
- 1x Master Transmuter
- 1x Matter Reshaper
- 1x Mayael the Anima
- 1x Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest
- 1x Medomai the Ageless
- 1x Meglonoth
- 1x Melek, Izzet Paragon
- 1x Mentor of the Meek
- 1x Mer-Ek Nightblade
- 1x Merciless Executioner
- 1x Meren of Clan Nel Toth
- 1x Merieke Ri Berit
- 1x Mesa Enchantress
- 1x Metalworker
- 1x Mikaeus, the Lunarch
- 1x Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
- 1x Mina and Denn, Wildborn
- 1x Mindleech Mass
- 1x Mindslicer
- 1x Mirror Entity
- 1x Mizzix of the Izmagnus
- 1x Mnemonic Wall
- 1x Moldgraf Monstrosity
- 1x Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer
- 1x Molten Primordial
- 1x Monastery Mentor
- 1x Moonveil Dragon
- 1x Mordant Dragon
- 1x Mortivore
- 1x Mother of Runes
- 1x Mulldrifter
- 1x Multani, Maro-Sorcerer
- 1x Munda, Ambush Leader
- 1x Murasa Pyromancer
- 1x Mwonvuli Beast Tracker
- 1x Mycoid Shepherd
- 1x Myojin of Night's Reach
- 1x Myojin of Seeing Winds
- 1x Myr Battlesphere
- 1x Mystic Snake
- 1x Narset, Enlightened Master
- 1x Necropolis Regent
- 1x Necrotic Ooze
- 1x Necrotic Sliver
- 1x Nether Traitor
- 1x Netherborn Phalanx
- 1x Nettle Drone
- 1x Nezumi Graverobber Flip
- 1x Nicol Bolas
- 1x Nighthowler
- 1x Ninja of the Deep Hours
- 1x Nirkana Revenant
- 1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind
- 1x Nivmagus Elemental
- 1x Nomad Mythmaker
- 1x Notion Thief
- 1x Novablast Wurm
- 1x Novijen Sages
- 1x Noxious Ghoul
- 1x Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper
- 1x Nullmage Shepherd
- 1x Numot, the Devastator
- 1x Nylea, God of the Hunt
- 1x Nyx-Fleece Ram
- 1x Ob Nixilis, Unshackled
- 1x Oblivion Sower
- 1x Obsidian Fireheart
- 1x Ogre Battledriver
- 1x Ogre Slumlord
- 1x Ojutai, Soul of Winter
- 1x Omnath, Locus of Rage
- 1x Ondu Champion
- 1x Oona's Blackguard
- 1x Ophiomancer
- 1x Oracle of Mul Daya
- 1x Oreskos Explorer
- 1x Oros, the Avenger
- 1x Overseer of the Damned
- 1x Paleoloth
- 1x Palinchron
- 1x Palladia-Mors
- 1x Pathbreaker Ibex
- 1x Pathrazer of Ulamog
- 1x Patron of the Akki
- 1x Patron of the Orochi
- 1x Pelakka Wurm
- 1x Peregrine Drake
- 1x Phantasmal Image
- 1x Phenax, God of Deception
- 1x Phyrexian Ingester
- 1x Phyrexian Metamorph
- 1x Pontiff of Blight
- 1x Ponyback Brigade
- 1x Possessed Skaab
- 1x Precursor Golem
- 1x Prime Speaker Zegana
- 1x Primordial Hydra
- 1x Primordial Sage
- 1x Prince of Thralls
- 1x Profaner of the Dead
- 1x Progenitor Mimic
- 1x Progenitus
- 1x Prophetic Flamespeaker
- 1x Prossh, Skyraider of Kher *f-etch*
- 1x Psychosis Crawler
- 1x Psychotrope Thallid
- 1x Puppeteer Clique
- 1x Puresteel Paladin
- 1x Purphoros, God of the Forge
- 1x Pyreheart Wolf
- 1x Qasali Pridemage
- 1x Quicksilver Gargantuan
- 1x Rabid Wombat
- 1x Radiant, Archangel
- 1x Rakdos, Lord of Riots
- 1x Rakdos the Defiler
- 1x Rampaging Baloths
- 1x Rapacious One
- 1x Rattleclaw Mystic
- 1x Raving Dead
- 1x Reality Smasher
- 1x Realm Seekers
- 1x Reaper from the Abyss
- 1x Reaper of the Wilds
- 1x Reclamation Sage
- 1x Reef Worm
- 1x Reflector Mage
- 1x Regal Force
- 1x Relic Seeker
- 1x Requiem Angel
- 1x Resolute Archangel
- 1x Resolute Blademaster
- 1x Restoration Angel
- 1x Reveillark
- 1x Reya Dawnbringer
- 1x Rhox Faithmender
- 1x Rhys the Redeemed
- 1x Riku of Two Reflections
- 1x Riptide Entrancer
- 1x Risen Executioner
- 1x Rith, the Awakener
- 1x River Kelpie
- 1x Roaring Primadox
- 1x Roil Elemental
- 1x Rosheen Meanderer
- 1x Rubinia Soulsinger
- 1x Ruhan of the Fomori
- 1x Rune-Scarred Demon
- 1x Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
- 1x Ryusei, the Falling Star
- 1x Sage of Fables
- 1x Sage of Hours
- 1x Sakashima the Impostor
- 1x Sakura-Tribe Elder
- 1x Sandsteppe Mastodon
- 1x Sandstone Oracle
- 1x Sangromancer
- 1x Savage Ventmaw
- 1x Savageborn Hydra
- 1x Savra, Queen of the Golgari
- 1x Scarecrone
- 1x Scavenging Ooze
- 1x Scion of Darkness
- 1x Scion of the Ur-Dragon
- 1x Scourge of Fleets
- 1x Scourge of Kher Ridges
- 1x Scourge of Skola Vale
- 1x Scourge of the Throne
- 1x Scythe Specter
- 1x Sea Gate Loremaster
- 1x Seascape Aerialist
- 1x Sedris, the Traitor King
- 1x Seedborn Muse
- 1x Seizan, Perverter of Truth
- 1x Selvala, Explorer Returned
- 1x Sepulchral Primordial
- 1x Serene Steward
- 1x Serra Ascendant
- 1x Shadowborn Demon
- 1x Shaman of Forgotten Ways
- 1x Shaman of the Great Hunt
- 1x Sharuum the Hegemon
- 1x Shattered Angel
- 1x Sheoldred, Whispering One
- 1x Shepherd of Rot
- 1x Shimmer Myr
- 1x Shriekmaw
- 1x Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
- 1x Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
- 1x Sidisi, Undead Vizier
- 1x Siege Behemoth
- 1x Siege-Gang Commander
- 1x Sigarda, Host of Herons
- 1x Sigil Captain
- 1x Silent Arbiter
- 1x Silent-Blade Oni
- 1x Silklash Spider
- 1x Silumgar, the Drifting Death
- 1x Silver Seraph
- 1x Silverblade Paladin
- 1x Simic Sky Swallower
- 1x Sire of Stagnation
- 1x Skullbriar, the Walking Grave
- 1x Skullwinder
- 1x Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer
- 1x Slum Reaper
- 1x Smokebraider
- 1x Smothering Abomination
- 1x Snapcaster Mage
- 1x Solemn Simulacrum
- 1x Somberwald Sage
- 1x Somnophore
- 1x Soul of New Phyrexia
- 1x Soul of the Harvest
- 1x Soul of Theros
- 1x Soul Warden
- 1x Soulfire Grand Master
- 1x Soul's Attendant
- 1x Spawn of Thraxes
- 1x Spawnsire of Ulamog
- 1x Spawnwrithe
- 1x Spearbreaker Behemoth
- 1x Spellbound Dragon
- 1x Spellbreaker Behemoth
- 1x Sphinx Ambassador
- 1x Sphinx of the Final Word
- 1x Sphinx of the Steel Wind
- 1x Sphinx of Uthuun
- 1x Sphinx Sovereign
- 1x Sphinx Summoner
- 1x Spike Weaver
- 1x Spiritmonger
- 1x Spitebellows
- 1x Spore Frog
- 1x Sporeback Troll
- 1x Sporemound
- 1x Stalking Vengeance
- 1x Steel Hellkite
- 1x Steelshaper Apprentice
- 1x Stinkweed Imp
- 1x Stitcher Geralf
- 1x Stone Haven Outfitter
- 1x Stonebrow, Krosan Hero
- 1x Stoneforge Mystic
- 1x Stonehewer Giant
- 1x Stonehorn Dignitary
- 1x Stormbreath Dragon
- 1x Stormchaser Chimera
- 1x Stormsurge Kraken
- 1x Stormtide Leviathan
- 1x Sun Quan, Lord of Wu
- 1x Sun Titan
- 1x Sunblast Angel
- 1x Sunscorch Regent
- 1x Surrak Dragonclaw
- 1x Surrak, the Hunt Caller
- 1x Sydri, Galvanic Genius
- 1x Sylvan Safekeeper
- 1x Taj-Nar Swordsmith
- 1x Tajic, Blade of the Legion
- 1x Tajuru Archer
- 1x Tajuru Warcaller
- 1x Talrand, Sky Summoner
- 1x Talus Paladin
- 1x Tariel, Reckoner of Souls
- 1x Tasigur, the Golden Fang
- 1x Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir
- 1x Temur Sabertooth
- 1x Teneb, the Harvester
- 1x Terastodon
- 1x Tetsuo Umezawa
- 1x Thada Adel, Acquisitor
- 1x Thassa, God of the Sea
- 1x The Mimeoplasm
- 1x Thief of Blood
- 1x Thought-Knot Seer
- 1x Thragtusk
- 1x Thran Golem
- 1x Thraximundar
- 1x Thromok the Insatiable
- 1x Thrummingbird
- 1x Thunder Dragon
- 1x Thunderbreak Regent
- 1x Thunderfoot Baloth
- 1x Tidal Force
- 1x Tidespout Tyrant
- 1x Tilling Treefolk
Titania, Protector of Argoth
- 1x Tolsimir Wolfblood
- 1x Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar
- 1x Tornado Elemental
- 1x Totem-Guide Hartebeest
- 1x Transcendent Master
- 1x Treva, the Renewer
- 1x Trinket Mage
- 1x Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
- 1x Trygon Predator
- 1x Tuktuk Scrapper
- 1x Turntimber Ranger
- 1x Tuskguard Captain
- 1x Twilight Drover
- 1x Twilight Shepherd
- 1x Tyrant's Familiar
- 1x Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
- 1x Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
- 1x Ulamog's Crusher
- 1x Ulamog's Despoiler
- 1x Ulvenwald Tracker
- 1x Umbra Mystic
- 1x Undead Alchemist
- 1x Undead Gladiator
- 1x Undead Warchief
- 1x Uril, the Miststalker
- 1x Utvara Hellkite
- 1x Uyo, Silent Prophet
- 1x Vaevictis Asmadi
- 1x Vagrant Plowbeasts
- 1x Vampire Hexmage
- 1x Vedalken Archmage
- 1x Vela the Night-Clad
- 1x Vengeful Dead
- 1x Vengeful Pharaoh
- 1x Venser, Shaper Savant
- 1x Verdant Force
- 1x Verduran Enchantress
- 1x Veteran Warleader
- 1x Vexing Shusher
- 1x Viashino Heretic
- 1x Vigor
- 1x Viral Drake
- 1x Viridian Emissary
- 1x Viridian Zealot
- 1x Viscera Seer
- 1x Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter
- 1x Vizkopa Guildmage
- 1x Vodalian Illusionist
- 1x Void Winnower
- 1x Vorapede
- 1x Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger
- 1x Vorosh, the Hunter
- 1x Vulturous Zombie
- 1x Walker of the Wastes
- 1x Wall of Denial
- 1x Wall of Omens
- 1x Wall of Reverence
- 1x Weathered Wayfarer
- 1x Whirlpool Warrior
- 1x Whisperwood Elemental
- 1x Wight of Precinct Six
- 1x Wild Beastmaster
- 1x Wilderness Elemental
- 1x Willbreaker
- 1x Wilt-Leaf Liege
- 1x Wispmare
- 1x Witch-Maw Nephilim
- 1x Withered Wretch
- 1x Wolfbriar Elemental
- 1x Wood Elves
- 1x Woodfall Primus
- 1x Woodland Bellower
- 1x World Breaker
- 1x Worldspine Wurm
- 1x Wrexial, the Risen Deep
- 1x Wurmcoil Engine
- 1x Xenagos, God of Revels
- 1x Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed
- 1x Yasova Dragonclaw
- 1x Yavimaya Elder
- 1x Yavimaya Enchantress
- 1x Yeva, Nature's Herald
- 1x Yore-Tiller Nephilim
- 1x Yosei, the Morning Star
- 1x Young Pyromancer
- 1x Zameck Guildmage
- 1x Zealous Conscripts
- 1x Zendikar Incarnate
- 1x Zirilan of the Claw
- 1x Zombie Master
- 1x Zulaport Cutthroat
Artifact (180)
- 1x Akroma's Memorial
- 1x Alhammarret's Archive
- 1x Altar of Dementia
- 1x Altar of the Brood
- 1x Amulet of Vigor
- 1x Ankh of Mishra
- 1x Argentum Armor
- 1x Armillary Sphere
- 1x Ashnod's Altar
- 1x Azorius Signet
- 1x Basalt Monolith
- 1x Basilisk Collar
- 1x Batterskull
- 1x Behemoth Sledge
- 1x Bident of Thassa
- 1x Birthing Pod
- 1x Blade of Selves
- 1x Boros Signet
- 1x Bosium Strip
- 1x Caged Sun
- 1x Caltrops
- 1x Cauldron of Souls
- 1x Champion's Helm
- 1x Chromatic Lantern
- 1x Clock of Omens
- 1x Coalition Relic
- 1x Coat of Arms
- 1x Codex Shredder
- 1x Coldsteel Heart
- 1x Commander's Sphere
- 1x Conjurer's Closet
- 1x Contagion Clasp
- 1x Contagion Engine
- 1x Crawlspace
- 1x Crucible of Worlds
- 1x Crystal Ball
- 1x Crystal Shard
- 1x Culling Dais
- 1x Darksteel Forge
- 1x Darksteel Ingot
- 1x Darksteel Plate
- 1x Defense Grid
- 1x Dimir Signet
- 1x Door of Destinies
- 1x Doubling Cube
- 1x Dragon Arch
- 1x Dragon Throne of Tarkir
- 1x Dreamstone Hedron
- 1x Elbrus, the Binding Blade Flip
- 1x Eldrazi Monument
- 1x Elixir of Immortality
- 1x Emerald Medallion
- 1x Erratic Portal
- 1x Everflowing Chalice
Expedition Map
- 1x Extraplanar Lens
- 1x Fellwar Stone
- 1x Gauntlet of Power
- 1x Geth's Grimoire
Gilded Lotus
- 1x Godsend
- 1x Golgari Signet
- 1x Grim Monolith
- 1x Grimoire of the Dead
- 1x Gruul War Plow
- 1x Hammer of Purphoros
Hedron Archive
- 1x Helm of Kaldra
- 1x Helm of Possession
- 1x Hero's Blade
- 1x Horn of Greed
- 1x Illusionist's Bracers
- 1x Isochron Scepter
- 1x Izzet Signet
- 1x Jar of Eyeballs
- 1x Jet Medallion
- 1x Journeyer's Kite
- 1x Krark-Clan Ironworks
- 1x Lifeline
- 1x Lightning Greaves
- 1x Loreseeker's Stone
- 1x Loxodon Warhammer
- 1x Lux Cannon
- 1x Mage Slayer
- 1x Magewright's Stone
- 1x Magistrate's Scepter
- 1x Mana Crypt
- 1x Mana Vault
- 1x Mask of Memory
- 1x Masterwork of Ingenuity
- 1x Memory Jar
- 1x Mimic Vat
- 1x Mind Stone
- 1x Mind's Eye
- 1x Mirrorworks
- 1x Mycosynth Lattice
- 1x Myr Turbine
- 1x Nevinyrral's Disk
- 1x Nihil Spellbomb
- 1x Nim Deathmantle
- 1x Norn's Annex
- 1x O-Naginata
- 1x Obelisk of Urd
- 1x Oblivion Stone
- 1x Orzhov Signet
- 1x Pearl Medallion
- 1x Perilous Vault
- 1x Phyrexian Altar
- 1x Planar Portal
- 1x Pristine Talisman
- 1x Proteus Staff
- 1x Prototype Portal
- 1x Pyromancer's Gauntlet
- 1x Pyromancer's Goggles
- 1x Quicksilver Amulet
- 1x Quietus Spike
- 1x Rakdos Signet
- 1x Reito Lantern
- 1x Relic of Progenitus
- 1x Ring of Three Wishes
- 1x Rings of Brighthearth
- 1x Rishadan Pawnshop
- 1x Ruby Medallion
- 1x Runechanter's Pike
- 1x Sapphire Medallion
- 1x Scroll of the Masters
- 1x Scroll Rack
- 1x Sculpting Steel
- 1x Selesnya Signet
- 1x Sensei's Divining Top
- 1x Shield of Kaldra
- 1x Simic Signet
- 1x Sisay's Ring
- 1x Skeleton Shard
- 1x Skullclamp
- 1x Sol Ring
- 1x Spawning Pit *list*
- 1x Sphinx-Bone Wand
- 1x Staff of Nin
- 1x Storm Cauldron
- 1x Strata Scythe
- 1x Strionic Resonator
- 1x Sun Droplet
- 1x Sundial of the Infinite
- 1x Sunforger
- 1x Swiftfoot Boots
- 1x Sword of Feast and Famine
- 1x Sword of Fire and Ice
- 1x Sword of Kaldra
- 1x Sword of Light and Shadow
- 1x Sword of the Animist
- 1x Sword of War and Peace
- 1x Synod Sanctum
- 1x Talisman of Dominance
- 1x Talisman of Indulgence
- 1x Teferi's Puzzle Box
- 1x Tel-Jilad Stylus
- 1x The Chain Veil
- 1x Thornbite Staff
- 1x Thought Vessel
- 1x Thousand-Year Elixir
- 1x Thran Dynamo
- 1x Tormod's Crypt
- 1x Torpor Orb
- 1x Trading Post
- 1x Ugin's Nexus
- 1x Umezawa's Jitte
- 1x Unstable Obelisk
- 1x Unwinding Clock
- 1x Urza's Filter
- 1x Urza's Incubator
- 1x Vedalken Orrery
- 1x Vedalken Shackles
- 1x Venser's Journal
- 1x Voltaic Key
- 1x Wayfarer's Bauble
- 1x Well of Lost Dreams
- 1x Whip of Erebos
- 1x Whispersilk Cloak
- 1x Worn Powerstone
Planeswalker (52)
- 1x Ajani, Caller of the Pride
- 1x Ajani Goldmane
- 1x Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
- 1x Ajani Steadfast
- 1x Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
- 1x Chandra Ablaze
- 1x Chandra, Flamecaller
- 2x Chandra Nalaar
- 1x Chandra, Pyromaster
- 1x Chandra, the Firebrand
- 1x Dack Fayden
- 1x Daretti, Scrap Savant
- 1x Domri Rade
- 1x Elspeth, Knight-Errant
- 1x Elspeth, Sun's Champion
- 1x Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury
- 1x Garruk, Apex Predator
- 1x Garruk, Caller of Beasts
- 1x Garruk, Primal Hunter
- 1x Garruk Relentless Flip
- 1x Garruk Wildspeaker
- 1x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
- 1x Jace, Architect of Thought
- 1x Jace Beleren
- 1x Karn Liberated
Kiora, the Crashing Wave
Koth of the Hammer
- 1x Liliana of the Dark Realms
- 1x Liliana Vess
- 1x Nahiri, the Lithomancer
- 1x Narset Transcendent
- 1x Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
- 1x Nissa, Worldwaker
- 1x Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath
- 1x Ob Nixilis Reignited
- 1x Ral Zarek
- 1x Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker
- 1x Sarkhan the Mad
- 1x Sarkhan Unbroken
- 1x Sarkhan Vol
- 1x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
- 1x Sorin Markov
- 1x Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
- 1x Teferi, Temporal Archmage
- 1x Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
- 1x Tezzeret the Seeker
- 1x Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
Venser, the Sojourner
- 1x Vraska the Unseen
- 1x Xenagos, the Reveler
Sorcery (303)
- 1x Acquire
- 1x Aether Gale
- 1x Aether Mutation
- 1x Aftershock
- 1x Akroma's Vengeance
- 1x All is Dust
- 1x All Suns' Dawn
- 1x Altar of Bone
- 1x Animist's Awakening
- 1x Army of the Damned
- 1x Austere Command
- 1x Banefire
- 1x Barter in Blood
- 1x Beacon of Creation
- 1x Beacon of Unrest
- 1x Bitter Ordeal
- 1x Black Sun's Zenith
- 1x Blasphemous Act
- 1x Blast of Genius
- 1x Blatant Thievery
- 1x Bonfire of the Damned
- 1x Boundless Realms
- 1x Braingeyser
- 1x Brainspoil
- 1x Breaking / Entering
- 1x Breath of Life
- 1x Bribery
- 1x Brightflame
- 1x Brilliant Ultimatum
- 1x Bubbling Muck
- 1x Buried Alive
- 1x Cabal Conditioning
- 1x Call the Gatewatch
- 1x Call the Skybreaker
- 1x Call to Mind
- 1x Chain Reaction
- 1x Chandra's Ignition
- 1x Clone Legion
- 1x Compulsive Research
- 1x Conflux
- 1x Conqueror's Pledge
- 1x Consuming Vapors
- 1x Council's Judgment
- 1x Creeping Renaissance
- 1x Crime / Punishment
- 1x Cruel Ultimatum
- 1x Crux of Fate
- 1x Cultivate
- 1x Curse of the Swine
- 1x Damnable Pact
- 1x Damnation
- 1x Dark Deal
- 1x Dark Petition
- 1x Day of Judgment
- 1x Day's Undoing
- 1x Deadly Tempest
- 1x Death Cloud
- 1x Death Grasp
- 1x Debt to the Deathless
- 1x Decimate
- 1x Decree of Justice
- 1x Decree of Pain
- 1x Deep Analysis
- 1x Delirium Skeins
- 1x Demonfire
- 1x Demonic Collusion
- 1x Demonic Tutor
- 1x Deploy to the Front
- 1x Descent of the Dragons
- 1x Desert Twister
- 1x Devastation Tide
- 1x Devout Invocation
- 1x Diabolic Intent
- 1x Diabolic Revelation
- 1x Diabolic Tutor
- 1x Dimir Machinations
- 1x Disaster Radius
- 1x Displacement Wave
- 1x Distorting Wake
- 1x Disturbed Burial
- 1x Dragonstorm
- 1x Dread Return
- 1x Dread Summons
- 1x Dreadbore
- 1x Duneblast
- 1x Eerie Procession
- 1x Endless Swarm
- 1x Enduring Ideal
- 1x Entreat the Angels
- 1x Epic Experiment
- 1x Essence Harvest
- 1x Eternal Dominion
- 2x Evangelize
- 1x Explore
- 1x Explosive Vegetation
- 1x Exsanguinate
- 1x Extract from Darkness
- 1x Faithless Looting
- 1x Far Wanderings
- 1x Farseek
- 1x Fell the Mighty
- 1x Fiery Confluence
- 1x Fireball
- 1x Flame Rift
- 1x Flesh / Blood
- 1x From the Ashes
- 1x Gamble
- 1x Gaze of Granite
- 1x Gelatinous Genesis
- 1x Genesis Wave
- 1x Ghoulcaller's Chant
- 1x Gift of Estates
- 1x Gitaxian Probe
- 1x Grapeshot
- 1x Green Sun's Zenith
- 1x Gruesome Slaughter
- 1x Harmonize
- 1x Harsh Mercy
- 1x Hellfire
- 1x Hour of Reckoning
- 1x Howl of the Night Pack
- 1x Hull Breach
- 1x Hymn of Rebirth
- 1x Identity Crisis
- 1x Idyllic Tutor
- 1x Ignite Memories
- 1x Ill-Gotten Gains
- 1x In Garruk's Wake
- 1x Increasing Ambition
- 1x Increasing Devotion
- 1x Inner Fire
- 1x Insurrection
- 1x Inundate
- 1x Invoke the Firemind
- 1x Jarad's Orders
- 1x Knowledge Exploitation
- 1x Kodama's Reach
- 1x Languish
- 1x Lavalanche
- 1x Life from the Loam
- 1x Life's Finale
- 1x Life's Legacy
Living Death
- 1x Maelstrom Pulse
- 1x Mana Geyser
- 1x March from the Tomb
- 1x Mark of Mutiny
- 1x Martial Coup
- 1x Mass Calcify
- 1x Merchant Scroll
- 1x Merciless Eviction
- 1x Meteor Blast
- 1x Mind Grind
- 1x Mind Shatter
- 1x Mind Twist
- 1x Mind's Desire
- 1x Mizzium Mortars
- 1x Mizzix's Mastery
- 1x Mob Rule
- 1x Molten Disaster
- 1x Mutilate
- 1x Mwonvuli Acid-Moss
- 1x Mystic Retrieval
- 1x Mystic Speculation
- 1x Natural Order
- 1x Nature's Lore
- 1x Nature's Spiral
- 1x Necromantic Selection
- 1x Neverending Torment
- 1x Nightmare Incursion
- 1x Nissa's Pilgrimage
- 1x Nissa's Revelation
- 1x Obzedat's Aid
- 1x Open the Vaults
- 1x Order of Succession
- 1x Overwhelming Stampede
- 1x Part the Waterveil
Past in Flames
- 1x Patriarch's Bidding
- 1x Phyrexian Rebirth
- 1x Plague Wind
- 1x Planar Birth
- 1x Planar Cleansing
- 1x Planar Outburst
- 1x Plea for Guidance
- 1x Plea for Power
- 1x Ponder
- 1x Pox
- 1x Praetor's Counsel
- 1x Praetor's Grasp
- 1x Preordain
- 1x Primal Growth
- 1x Primal Surge
- 1x Profane Command
- 1x Promise of Power
- 1x Prosperity
- 1x Psychic Intrusion
- 1x Pure / Simple
- 1x Rakdos's Return
- 1x Ranger's Path
- 1x Reanimate
- 1x Reap and Sow
- 1x Reborn Hope
- 1x Recoup
- 1x Recurring Insight
- 1x Reforge the Soul
- 1x Regrowth
- 1x Reign of the Pit
- 1x Replenish
- 1x Restore
- 1x Resurrection
- 1x Retether
- 1x Retribution of the Meek
- 1x Reversal of Fortune
- 1x Revive
- 1x Righteous Confluence
- 1x Rise from the Grave
- 1x Rise of the Dark Realms
Rite of Replication
- 1x Rolling Earthquake
- 1x Rout
- 1x Rude Awakening
- 1x Rush of Knowledge
- 1x Sadistic Sacrament
- 1x Scapeshift
- 1x Scrap Mastery
- 1x Seize the Day
- 1x Serum Visions
- 1x Sever the Bloodline
- 1x Shamanic Revelation
- 1x Shattering Spree
- 1x Skittering Invasion
- 1x Skyscribing
- 1x Skyshroud Claim
- 1x Slave of Bolas
- 1x Soul's Majesty
- 1x Spectral Procession
- 1x Spelltwine
- 1x Spider Spawning
- 1x Spitting Image
- 1x Spoils of Victory
- 1x Steelshaper's Gift
- 1x Stitch in Time
- 1x Stitch Together
- 1x Stolen Goods
- 1x Stolen Identity
- 1x Sunbringer's Touch
- 1x Supply / Demand
- 1x Supreme Verdict
- 1x Surreal Memoir
- 1x Syphon Flesh
- 1x Syphon Mind
- 1x Talent of the Telepath
- 1x Temporal Extortion
- 1x Temporal Fissure
- 1x Temporal Mastery
- 1x Tempt with Discovery
- 1x Tempt with Reflections
- 1x Tempt with Vengeance
- 1x Terminus
- 1x Tezzeret's Gambit
- 1x The Great Aurora
- 1x Three Dreams
- 1x Time Reversal
- 1x Time Spiral
- 1x Time Stretch
- 1x Time Warp
- 1x Titanic Ultimatum
- 1x Tooth and Nail
- 1x Tormenting Voice
- 1x Torrent of Souls
- 1x Toxic Deluge
- 1x Tragic Arrogance
- 1x Trash for Treasure
- 1x Treasure Cruise
- 1x Treasure Hunt
- 1x Treasured Find
- 1x Ugin's Insight
- 1x Unburial Rites
- 1x Undying Flames
- 1x Unexpected Results
- 1x Unified Front
- 1x Urban Evolution
- 1x Vandalblast
- 1x Verdant Confluence
- 1x Victimize
- 1x Villainous Wealth
- 1x Vindicate
- 1x Violent Ultimatum
- 1x Volcanic Vision
- 1x Walk the Aeons
- 1x Wargate
- 1x Warp World
- 1x Wash Out
- 1x Wave of Vitriol
- 1x Wheel of Fortune
- 1x Winds of Rath
- 1x Worm Harvest
- 1x Wrath of God
- 1x Yawgmoth's Will
- 1x Zombie Apocalypse
Enchantment (290)
- 1x Abundance
- 1x Abzan Ascendancy
- 1x Act of Authority
- 1x Aggravated Assault
- 1x Ajani's Mantra
- 1x Ancestral Mask
- 1x Angelic Accord
- 1x Animate Dead
- 1x Anthem of Rakdos
- 1x Aqueous Form
- 1x Arboria
- 1x Archmage Ascension
- 1x Armadillo Cloak
- 1x Asceticism
- 1x Assemble the Legion
- 1x Attrition
- 1x Aura of Silence
- 1x Aura Shards
- 1x Awakening Zone
- 1x Baneful Omen
- 1x Banishing Light
- 1x Battle Mastery
- 1x Bear Umbra
- 1x Beastmaster Ascension
- 1x Bedlam
- 1x Bitterblossom
- 1x Black Market
- 1x Blind Obedience
- 1x Bloodchief Ascension
- 1x Bonds of Mortality
- 1x Bottomless Pit
- 1x Braid of Fire
- 1x Brave the Sands
- 1x Burgeoning
- 1x Burning Earth
- 1x Burning Sands
- 1x Call to the Grave
- 1x Canopy Cover
- 1x Cast Through Time
- 1x Cathars' Crusade
- 1x Caverns of Despair
- 1x Chains of Mephistopheles
- 1x Citadel Siege
- 1x City of Solitude
- 1x Cloudform
- 1x Coastal Piracy
- 1x Collective Blessing
- 1x Collective Restraint
- 1x Concordant Crossroads
- 1x Conspiracy
- 1x Copy Artifact
- 1x Copy Enchantment
- 1x Cradle of Vitality
- 1x Cream of the Crop
- 1x Crucible of Fire
- 1x Dance of the Dead
- 1x Dawn's Reflection
- 1x Daybreak Coronet
- 1x Deadbridge Chant
- 1x Deathreap Ritual
- 1x Debtors' Knell
- 1x Defense of the Heart
- 1x Detention Sphere
- 1x Dictate of Erebos
- 1x Dictate of Heliod
- 1x Dictate of the Twin Gods
- 1x Doubling Season
- 1x Dovescape
- 1x Dragon Tempest
- 1x Dream Halls
- 1x Dueling Grounds
- 1x Earthcraft
- 1x Elemental Bond
- 1x Enchantress's Presence
- 1x Endless Ranks of the Dead
- 1x Equilibrium
- 1x Equinox
- 1x Ethereal Armor
- 1x Everlasting Torment
- 1x Evolutionary Leap
- 1x Exploration
- 1x Exquisite Blood
- 1x Eye of the Storm
- 1x Eyes of the Wisent
- 1x Fable of Wolf and Owl
- 1x Faith's Fetters
- 1x Favorable Winds
- 1x Fecundity
- 1x Felidar Umbra
- 1x Fertile Ground
- 1x Fervor
- 1x Fires of Yavimaya
- 1x Flameshadow Conjuring
- 1x Flickerform
- 1x Flickering Ward
- 1x Followed Footsteps
- 1x Food Chain
- 1x From Beyond
- 1x Frontier Siege
- 1x Furnace of Rath
- 1x Future Sight
- 1x Gaea's Embrace
- 1x Gaea's Touch
- 1x Gate to Phyrexia
- 1x Ghostly Prison
- 1x Glare of Subdual
- 1x Goblin Bombardment
- 1x Grasp of Fate
Gratuitous Violence
- 1x Grave Betrayal
- 1x Grave Pact
- 1x Gravitational Shift
- 1x Gravity Sphere
- 1x Gravity Well
- 1x Greater Auramancy
- 1x Greater Good
- 1x Greed
- 1x Grip of Chaos
- 1x Growing Ranks
- 1x Hardened Scales
- 1x Hive Mind
- 1x Holy Mantle
- 1x Honor of the Pure
- 1x Hoofprints of the Stag
- 1x Humility
- 1x Hunting Grounds
- 1x Hyena Umbra
Impact Tremors
- 1x In the Eye of Chaos
- 1x In the Web of War
- 1x Indestructibility
- 1x Indrik Umbra
- 1x Inexorable Tide
- 1x Infinite Reflection
- 1x Intangible Virtue
- 1x Jace's Sanctum
- 1x Jeskai Ascendancy
- 1x Karmic Justice
- 1x Killer Instinct
- 1x Koskun Falls
- 1x Land Equilibrium
- 1x Land Tax
- 1x Lethal Vapors
- 1x Leyline of Anticipation
- 1x Leyline of Lifeforce
- 1x Leyline of Punishment
- 1x Leyline of the Void
- 1x Lifegift
- 1x Lightform
- 1x Liliana's Caress
- 1x Luminarch Ascension
- 1x Lurking Predators
- 1x Madcap Skills
- 1x Maelstrom Nexus
- 1x Mana Echoes
- 1x Mana Flare
- 1x Mana Reflection
- 1x Manabarbs
- 1x Mardu Ascendancy
- 1x Market Festival
- 1x Martyr's Bond
- 1x Mastery of the Unseen
- 1x Megrim
- 1x Meishin, the Mind Cage
- 1x Messenger's Speed
- 1x Mindmoil
- 1x Mirari's Wake
- 1x Mirri's Guile
- 1x Mobilization
- 1x Monastery Siege
- 1x Mystic Remora
- 1x Necrogen Mists
- 1x Necrogenesis
- 1x Necromancer's Stockpile
- 1x Necromancy
- 1x Necropotence
- 1x Nether Void
- 1x Night Soil
- 1x No Mercy
- 1x Oath of Gideon
- 1x Oath of Jace
- 1x Oath of Nissa
- 1x Oblivion Ring
- 1x Omniscience
- 1x Onslaught
- 1x Ooze Flux
- 1x Ooze Garden
- 1x Opalescence
- 1x Oppression
- 1x Outpost Siege
- 1x Oversold Cemetery
- 1x Painful Quandary
- 1x Palace Siege
- 1x Paradox Haze
- 1x Parallax Wave
- 1x Parallel Lives
- 1x Parallel Thoughts
- 1x Pattern of Rebirth
- 1x Pendrell Mists
- 1x Pentarch Ward
- 1x Perilous Forays
- 1x Pernicious Deed
- 1x Pestilence
- 1x Phyrexian Arena
- 1x Phyrexian Reclamation
- 1x Pollenbright Wings
- 1x Polluted Bonds
- 1x Possibility Storm
- 1x Price of Glory
- 1x Primal Vigor
- 1x Primeval Bounty
- 1x Prismatic Omen
- 1x Privileged Position
- 1x Propaganda
- 1x Pyrohemia
- 1x Quarantine Field
- 1x Rage Reflection
- 1x Rancor
- 1x Reconnaissance
- 1x Repercussion
- 1x Rest in Peace
- 1x Retreat to Emeria
- 1x Retreat to Hagra
- 1x Rhystic Study
- 1x Righteous Cause
- 1x Rooftop Storm
- 1x Runes of the Deus
- 1x Sacred Ground
- 1x Sacred Mesa
- 1x Sage's Reverie
- 1x Sanguine Bond
- 1x Seal of Cleansing
- 1x Seismic Assault
- 1x Shadows of the Past
- 1x Shield of the Oversoul
- 1x Shielded by Faith
- 1x Shivan Harvest
- 1x Sigil of the Empty Throne
- 1x Skybind
- 1x Snake Umbra
- 1x Sneak Attack
- 1x Song of the Dryads
- 1x Spectra Ward
- 1x Sphere of Safety
- 1x Sphinx's Tutelage
- 1x Spirit Mantle
- 1x Spreading Plague
- 1x Starfield of Nyx
- 1x Stasis Snare
- 1x Steel of the Godhead
- 1x Steely Resolve
- 1x Sterling Grove
- 1x Stony Silence
- 1x Stranglehold
- 1x Sultai Ascendancy
- 1x Sunbond
- 1x Survival of the Fittest
- 1x Sylvan Library
- 1x Take Possession
- 1x Teferi's Veil
- 1x Temur Ascendancy
- 1x Terra Eternal
- 1x Test of Endurance
- 1x The Abyss
- 1x Thought Reflection
- 1x Tombstone Stairwell
- 1x Trace of Abundance
- 1x Trade Routes
- 1x Training Grounds
- 1x Treachery
- 1x True Conviction
- 1x Underworld Connections
Unflinching Courage
- 1x Unquestioned Authority
- 1x Unspeakable Symbol
- 1x Vampiric Rites
- 1x Vanishing
- 1x Verdant Haven
- 1x Vicious Shadows
- 1x Warstorm Surge
- 1x Waste Not
- 1x Well of Ideas
- 1x Wild Defiance
- 1x Wild Growth
- 1x Words of Waste
- 1x Wound Reflection
- 1x Xenograft
- 1x Zendikar Resurgent
- 1x Zendikar's Roil
Land (395)
- 1x Academy Ruins
- 1x Adarkar Wastes
- 1x Alchemist's Refuge
- 1x Ally Encampment
- 1x Ancient Den
- 1x Ancient Tomb
- 1x Arcane Lighthouse
- 1x Arcane Sanctum
- 1x Arid Mesa
- 1x Azorius Chancery
- 1x Azorius Guildgate
- 1x Barren Moor
- 1x Battlefield Forge
- 1x Blighted Cataract
- 1x Blighted Woodland
Blood Crypt
- 1x Bloodfell Caves
- 1x Bloodstained Mire
- 1x Blossoming Sands
- 1x Bojuka Bog
- 1x Boros Garrison
- 1x Boros Guildgate
- 1x Boseiju, Who Shelters All
Breeding Pool
- 1x Brushland
- 1x Buried Ruin
- 1x Cabal Coffers
- 1x Canopy Vista
- 1x Cascade Bluffs
- 1x Cavern of Souls
- 1x Caves of Koilos
- 1x Celestial Colonnade
- 1x Cinder Glade
- 1x City of Brass
- 1x Clifftop Retreat
- 1x Command Beacon
- 1x Command Tower
- 1x Creeping Tar Pit
- 1x Crumbling Necropolis
- 1x Crypt of Agadeem
- 1x Darksteel Citadel
- 1x Deserted Temple
- 1x Desolate Lighthouse
- 1x Dimir Aqueduct
- 1x Dimir Guildgate
- 1x Dismal Backwater
- 1x Dragonskull Summit
- 1x Drowned Catacomb
- 1x Dust Bowl
- 1x Eldrazi Temple
- 1x Emeria, the Sky Ruin
- 1x Evolving Wilds
- 1x Exotic Orchard
- 1x Eye of Ugin
- 1x Fetid Heath
- 1x Fire-Lit Thicket
- 1x Flamekin Village
- 1x Flooded Grove
- 1x Flooded Strand
- 32x Forest
- 1x Forgotten Cave
- 1x Frontier Bivouac
- 1x Gaea's Cradle
- 1x Gavony Township
- 1x Ghost Quarter
- 1x Glacial Fortress
Godless Shrine
- 1x Golgari Guildgate
- 1x Golgari Rot Farm
- 1x Graven Cairns
- 1x Great Furnace
- 1x Gruul Guildgate
- 1x Gruul Turf
- 1x Halimar Depths
- 1x Hall of the Bandit Lord
Hallowed Fountain
- 1x Haven of the Spirit Dragon
- 1x High Market
- 1x Highland Weald
- 1x Hinterland Harbor
- 1x Hissing Quagmire
- 1x Homeward Path
- 32x Island
- 1x Isolated Chapel
- 1x Izzet Boilerworks
- 1x Izzet Guildgate
- 1x Jungle Hollow
- 1x Jungle Shrine
- 1x Karplusan Forest
- 1x Kessig Wolf Run
- 1x Kher Keep
- 1x Kor Haven
- 1x Krosan Verge
- 1x Lake of the Dead
- 1x Lavaclaw Reaches
- 1x Llanowar Wastes
- 1x Lonely Sandbar
- 1x Lumbering Falls
- 1x Mage-Ring Network
- 1x Mana Confluence
- 1x Marsh Flats
- 1x Maze of Ith
Maze's End
- 1x Mikokoro, Center of the Sea
- 1x Minamo, School at Water's Edge
- 1x Miren, the Moaning Well
- 1x Mirrorpool
- 1x Mistveil Plains
- 1x Misty Rainforest
- 32x Mountain
- 1x Myriad Landscape
- 1x Mystic Gate
- 1x Mystic Monastery
- 1x Mystifying Maze
- 1x Needle Spires
- 1x Nomad Outpost
- 1x Novijen, Heart of Progress
- 1x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
- 1x Opal Palace
- 1x Opulent Palace
- 1x Oran-Rief, the Vastwood
- 1x Orzhov Basilica
- 1x Orzhov Guildgate
Overgrown Tomb
- 1x Petrified Field
- 1x Phyrexian Tower
- 1x Pillar of the Paruns
- 32x Plains
- 1x Polluted Delta
- 1x Prairie Stream
- 1x Primal Beyond
- 1x Raging Ravine
- 1x Rakdos Carnarium
- 1x Rakdos Guildgate
Reflecting Pool
- 1x Reliquary Tower
- 1x Riptide Laboratory
- 1x Rogue's Passage
- 1x Rootbound Crag
- 1x Rugged Highlands
- 1x Rugged Prairie
Sacred Foundry
- 1x Sanctum of Ugin
- 1x Sandsteppe Citadel
- 1x Savage Lands
- 1x Scalding Tarn
- 1x Scorched Ruins
- 1x Scoured Barrens
- 1x Seaside Citadel
- 1x Seat of the Synod
- 1x Secluded Steppe
- 1x Selesnya Guildgate
- 1x Selesnya Sanctuary
- 1x Serra's Sanctum
- 1x Shambling Vent
- 1x Shivan Reef
- 1x Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
- 1x Simic Growth Chamber
- 1x Simic Guildgate
- 1x Skarrg, the Rage Pits
- 1x Slayers' Stronghold
- 1x Smoldering Marsh
- 1x Spawning Bed
- 1x Spinerock Knoll
Steam Vents
- 1x Stirring Wildwood
Stomping Ground
- 1x Strip Mine
- 1x Sulfur Falls
- 1x Sulfurous Springs
- 1x Sunken Hollow
- 1x Sunken Ruins
- 1x Sunpetal Grove
- 32x Swamp
- 1x Swiftwater Cliffs
- 1x Tainted Field
- 1x Tainted Wood
- 1x Tectonic Edge
Temple Garden
- 1x Temple of Abandon
- 1x Temple of Deceit
- 1x Temple of Enlightenment
- 1x Temple of Epiphany
- 1x Temple of Malady
- 1x Temple of Malice
- 1x Temple of Mystery
- 1x Temple of Plenty
- 1x Temple of Silence
- 1x Temple of the False God
- 1x Temple of Triumph
- 1x Terrain Generator
- 1x Terramorphic Expanse
- 1x Thawing Glaciers
- 1x Thespian's Stage
- 1x Thornwood Falls
- 1x Tranquil Cove
- 1x Tranquil Thicket
- 1x Twilight Mire
- 1x Underground River
- 1x Unholy Grotto
- 1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
- 1x Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
- 1x Vault of the Archangel
- 1x Vault of Whispers
- 1x Verdant Catacombs
- 1x Vesuva
- 1x Vivid Crag
- 1x Vivid Creek
- 1x Vivid Grove
- 1x Vivid Marsh
- 1x Vivid Meadow
- 1x Volrath's Stronghold
- 1x Wandering Fumarole
- 1x Wasteland
- 16x Wastes
Watery Grave
- 1x Wind-Scarred Crag
- 1x Windbrisk Heights
- 1x Winding Canyons
- 1x Windswept Heath
- 1x Wooded Bastion
- 1x Wooded Foothills
- 1x Woodland Cemetery
- 1x Yavimaya Coast
- 1x Yavimaya Hollow
Instant (223)
- 1x Abzan Charm
- 1x Act of Aggression
- 1x AEtherize
- 1x Aethersnatch
- 1x Aetherspouts
- 1x Allay
- 1x Altar's Light
- 1x Angel's Grace
- 1x Anticipate
- 1x Arachnogenesis
- 1x Arcane Denial
- 1x Arcbond
- 1x Artifact Mutation
- 1x Aura Mutation
- 1x Bant Charm
- 1x Beast Within
- 1x Bituminous Blast
- 1x Blessed Breath
- 1x Blue Sun's Zenith
Boros Charm
- 1x Bound / Determined
- 1x Brainstorm
- 1x Breath of Malfegor
- 1x Brutal Expulsion
- 1x Cackling Counterpart
- 1x Candles' Glow
- 1x Capsize
- 1x Cauldron Dance
- 1x Cerulean Wisps
- 1x Chaos Warp
- 1x Chord of Calling
- 1x Cloudshift
- 1x Comet Storm
- 1x Comeuppance
- 1x Constant Mists
- 1x Consuming Vortex
- 1x Corpse Dance
- 1x Counterflux
- 1x Counterlash
- 1x Countersquall
- 1x Crackling Doom
- 1x Crib Swap
- 1x Crimson Wisps
- 1x Crop Rotation
- 1x Cruel Revival
- 1x Cryptic Command *list*
- 1x Cyclonic Rift
- 1x Cytoshape
- 1x Darkness
- 1x Dawn Charm
- 1x Debt of Loyalty
- 1x Desertion
- 1x Dig Through Time
- 1x Dismantling Blow
- 1x Dismiss
- 1x Dissipate
- 1x Dominate
- 1x Domineering Will
- 1x Druid's Deliverance
- 1x Echoing Truth
- 1x Eladamri's Call
- 1x Electrolyze
- 1x Empty the Pits
- 1x Enlightened Tutor
- 1x Entomb
- 1x Esper Charm
- 1x Ethereal Ambush
- 1x Evacuation
- 1x Evermind
- 1x Exile *list*
- 1x Fact or Fiction
- 1x Fall of the Titans
- 1x Fatal Frenzy
- 1x Fault Line
- 1x Fire / Ice
- 1x Firemind's Foresight
- 1x Fling
- 1x Flying Crane Technique
- 1x Forbid
- 1x Fork
- 1x Frantic Search
- 1x Fuel for the Cause
- 1x Ghostly Flicker
- 1x Ghostway
- 1x Gideon's Phalanx
- 1x Go for the Throat
- 1x Grab the Reins
- 1x Harsh Justice
- 1x Hero's Downfall
- 1x Hide / Seek
- 1x High Tide
- 1x Hunter's Insight
- 1x Illusionist's Gambit
- 1x Impact Resonance
- 1x Impulse
- 1x Increasing Vengeance
- 1x Insidious Dreams
- 1x Inspiring Call
- 1x Into the Core
- 1x Intuition
- 1x Jeskai Charm
- 1x Join the Ranks
- 1x Kodama's Might
- 1x Krosan Grip
- 1x Lim-Dul's Vault
- 1x Long-Term Plans
- 1x Make a Stand
- 1x Malicious Affliction
- 1x Mana Drain
- 1x Memory Plunder
- 1x Mercy Killing
- 1x Midnight Haunting
- 1x Mindswipe
- 1x Mirror Match
- 1x Mirrorweave
- 1x Momentary Blink
- 1x Momentous Fall
- 1x Moment's Peace *list*
- 1x Mortify
- 1x Muddle the Mixture
- 1x Murder
- 1x Mystic Confluence
- 1x Mystical Teachings
- 1x Mystical Tutor
- 1x Naya Charm
- 1x Niveous Wisps
- 1x Not of this World
- 1x Oblation
- 1x Odds / Ends
- 1x Orim's Thunder
- 1x Overblaze
- 1x Pact of Negation
- 1x Parallectric Feedback
- 1x Path to Exile
- 1x Plasm Capture
- 1x Polymorphist's Jest
- 1x Pongify
- 1x Power Sink
- 1x Prophetic Bolt
- 1x Psychic Puppetry
- 1x Punish Ignorance
- 1x Putrefy
- 1x Quicken
- 1x Radiate
- 1x Rakdos Charm
- 1x Rally the Righteous
- 1x Rapid Hybridization
- 1x Ravaging Blaze
- 1x Reality Shift
- 1x Reality Spasm
- 1x Redirect
- 1x Reincarnation
- 1x Reins of Power
- 1x Reiterate
- 1x Rend Flesh
- 1x Render Silent
- 1x Reset
- 1x Return to Dust
- 1x Reverberate
- 1x Reverse Damage
- 1x Reweave
- 1x Rewind
- 1x Rootborn Defenses
- 1x Sarkhan's Triumph
- 1x Savage Beating
- 1x Scatter to the Winds
- 1x Scour from Existence
- 1x Secure the Wastes
- 1x Seething Song
- 1x Selesnya Charm
- 1x Shattering Pulse
- 1x Shred Memory
- 1x Sigil Blessing
- 1x Snap
- 1x Solidarity of Heroes
- 1x Soul Manipulation
- 1x Soulblast
- 1x Soul's Fire
- 1x Spawning Breath
- 1x Spell Burst
- 1x Spelljack
- 1x Sphinx's Revelation
- 1x Spinal Embrace
- 1x Spiritual Visit
- 1x Split Decision
- 1x Sprout Swarm
- 1x Starstorm
- 1x Stifle
- 1x Strength of the Tajuru
- 1x Stroke of Genius
- 1x Sudden Spoiling
- 1x Suffer the Past
- 1x Sultai Charm
- 1x Sundering Growth
- 1x Supplant Form
- 1x Synthetic Destiny
- 1x Tangle
- 1x Terminate
- 1x Think Twice
- 1x Thirst for Knowledge
- 1x Time Stop
- 1x Titan's Presence
- 1x To Arms!
- 1x Turn / Burn
- 1x Turnabout
- 1x Twincast
- 1x Unmake
- 1x Utter End
- 1x Valorous Stance
- 1x Vampiric Tutor
- 1x Viridescent Wisps
- 1x Voidslime
- 1x Volcanic Offering
- 1x Wear / Tear
- 1x White Sun's Zenith
- 1x Wild Ricochet
- 1x Wildsize
- 1x Wing Shards
- 1x Word of Seizing
- 1x Worldly Tutor
- 1x Wrecking Ball
- 1x Wretched Confluence