MTG List: Trade
Creature (378)
- 2x Abomination of Gudul
- 1x Abzan Beastmaster
- 1x Aethershield Artificer
Agent of Horizons
- 2x Ajani's Pridemate
- 1x Akroan Hoplite
- 1x Akroan Line Breaker
- 1x Akroan Phalanx
- 2x Amaranthine Wall
- 1x Ancient Silverback
- 1x Angel of Despair
Arasta of the Endless Web
- 1x Arboretum Elemental
Archon of Falling Stars
- 1x Arena Athlete
- 3x Atzocan Archer
- 2x Augur of Bolas
- 1x Barkhide Troll
- 1x Battlefield Thaumaturge
- 3x Battlewise Hoplite
- 1x Bazaar Krovod
- 1x Bellowing Aegisaur
- 2x Bioessence Hydra
- 1x Biogenic Ooze
- 3x Bloodmist Infiltrator
- 2x Bloodthirsty Aerialist
- 1x Bogbrew Witch
- 2x Bolrac-Clan Crusher
- 1x Bonded Horncrest
- 3x Boros Challenger
- 1x Boros Elite
- 1x Brain Maggot
- 2x Brineborn Cutthroat
- 1x Burning Sun's Avatar
- 1x Bygone Bishop
- 1x Carnage Gladiator
- 1x Centaur Battlemaster
- 2x Cerulean Drake
- 1x Challenger Troll
- 1x Champion of the Flame
- 1x Chief of the Scale
- 1x Citywatch Sphinx
- 1x Clamor Shaman
- 1x Conifer Wurm
- 2x Crackling Drake
- 1x Crystalline Nautilus
- 3x Cyclops of Eternal Fury
- 2x Dagger Caster
- 1x Daxos of Meletis
- 1x Dazzling Ramparts
Deadeye Quartermaster
- 1x Deathgorge Scavenger
- 2x Deathless Ancient
- 1x Deathpact Angel
- 1x Deceiver of Form
- 1x Deepfathom Skulker
- 1x Deeproot Champion
- 1x Departed Deckhand
- 1x Devotee of Strength
- 1x Devouring Hellion
- 1x Dimensional Infiltrator
- 1x District Guide
- 1x Dragon Hunter
- 1x Drana's Chosen
- 1x Dread Defiler
Dreadbringer Lampads
- 2x Dreadmalkin
- 1x Drover of the Mighty
- 1x Dryad Greenseeker
- 2x Duskborne Skymarcher
Eidolon of Blossoms
- 1x Eldrazi Obligator
- 1x Electrostatic Field
- 1x Elusive Tormentor Flip
- 2x Emissary of Sunrise
- 1x Emperor's Vanguard
- 1x Endbringer
- 1x Eternal Skylord
- 1x Evra, Halcyon Witness
- 2x Exclusion Mage
- 1x Fanatic of Mogis
- 1x Fathom Mage
- 1x Feaster of Fools
- 1x Felhide Petrifier
- 2x Festering Newt
- 1x Firedrinker Satyr
- 1x Flameblade Angel
- 1x Flamerush Rider
Flayer Drone
- 4x Flux Channeler
- 1x Fluxcharger
- 1x Forgeborn Oreads
Frilled Sea Serpent
- 1x Furyblade Vampire
- 1x Gargoyle Sentinel
- 1x Garruk's Packleader
- 3x Gatebreaker Ram
- 1x Gateway Sneak
- 2x Ghastbark Twins
- 1x Gibbering Fiend
- 1x Gladehart Cavalry
- 2x Glorifier of Dusk
- 1x Gnawing Zombie
- 3x Goblin Banneret
- 1x Goblin Cratermaker
- 1x Goblin Dark-Dwellers
- 1x Goblin Test Pilot
- 1x Goldenhide Ox
- 1x Goring Ceratops
- 1x Graf Mole
- 2x Gravedigger
- 1x Gravewaker
- 1x Grunn, the Lonely King
- 3x Gruul Beastmaster
- 1x Gudul Lurker
- 1x Gurmag Swiftwing
- 1x Haazda Marshal
- 1x Hamlet Captain
- 1x Herald of Faith
- 1x Horde Ambusher
- 3x Horizon Scholar
- 2x Howling Golem
- 1x Hypnotic Siren
Igneous Elemental
- 1x Imperial Aerosaur
- 3x Imperial Lancer
- 1x Incorrigible Youths
- 1x Inexorable Blob
- 1x Ingenious Infiltrator
- 3x Inspiring Cleric
- 1x Irencrag Pyromancer
- 1x Jorubai Murk Lurker
- 1x Kapsho Kitefins
- 1x Keening Banshee
- 1x Kessig Forgemaster Flip
Kestia, the Cultivator
- 3x Kitesail Freebooter
- 1x Krosan Tusker
- 2x Kumena's Speaker
Lazotep Reaver
- 2x Leonin Iconoclast
- 2x Leonin Vanguard
- 1x Lightning Mare
- 3x Lightning-Rig Crew
- 1x Long-Finned Skywhale
- 1x Loyal Guardian
- 1x Loyal Pegasus
- 1x Mad Prophet
- 1x Majestic Myriarch
- 1x Malakir Familiar
- 2x Malakir Soothsayer
- 1x Marang River Skeleton
- 2x Mardu Blazebringer
- 1x Mardu Shadowspear
- 1x Martyred Rusalka
Maw of Kozilek
- 1x Merfolk Looter
- 1x Militia Bugler
- 1x Mirror Image
- 1x Mistcaller
- 1x Mogis's Marauder
Monastery Flock
- 1x Monastery Swiftspear
- 2x Murmuring Mystic
- 1x Naban, Dean of Iteration
Nantuko Shaman
- 1x Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion
- 2x Nightveil Sprite
- 1x Null Caller
- 1x Old-Growth Dryads
Olivia's Bloodsworn
- 1x Ominous Sphinx
- 2x Omnispell Adept
- 2x Orc Sureshot
- 1x Overgrowth Elemental
- 2x Paranoid Parish-Blade
- 1x Pilgrim of the Fires
Piper of the Swarm
- 2x Plague Mare
- 4x Plaguecrafter
- 1x Plagued Rusalka
- 1x Predator Ooze
- 1x Priest of the Wakening Sun
- 1x Qarsi Deceiver
- 1x Quarry Colossus
Queen's Bay Soldier
- 1x Raging Swordtooth
- 1x Rakshasa Deathdealer
- 1x Ranging Raptors
- 2x Raptor Hatchling
- 1x Reality Smasher
- 3x Reckless Scholar
- 3x Regal Bloodlord
- 1x Renowned Weaponsmith
Rescuer Sphinx
- 1x Resolute Survivors
- 1x Riddlemaster Sphinx
- 1x Rona, Disciple of Gix
- 1x Rotting Regisaur
- 1x Runaway Steam-Kin
- 1x Saddled Rimestag
- 1x Salt Road Quartermasters
- 1x Sanctum Spirit
- 1x Satyr Piper
- 1x Scion of Ugin
- 1x Seekers' Squire
- 1x Sengir Vampire
- 1x Serra Angel
- 1x Shield Mare
- 1x Shieldhide Dragon
- 3x Silhana Wayfinder
- 1x Siren Stormtamer
- 2x Skatewing Spy
- 1x Skyspear Cavalry
- 1x Smelt-Ward Minotaur
Smitten Swordmaster
- 2x Snapping Sailback
- 2x Spectral Sailor
- 2x Spectral Shepherd
- 3x Spirit of the Spires
- 1x Spiteful Sliver
- 1x Squelching Leeches
- 2x Steadfast Armasaur
Steeple Creeper
- 1x Stone Haven Outfitter
- 1x Stoneshock Giant
- 2x Storm Fleet Aerialist
- 2x Sultai Flayer
- 1x Sultai Soothsayer
- 2x Suspicious Bookcase
- 3x Swathcutter Giant
Swathcutter Giant
- 1x Syndicate Guildmage
- 1x Talrand, Sky Summoner
- 2x Tempest Caller
- 1x Thorn Lieutenant
- 1x Thoughtbound Phantasm
Thrash of Raptors
- 1x Thundering Spineback
- 1x Thunderkin Awakener
Thunderkin Awakener
- 1x Tibalt's Rager
- 1x Tilonalli's Skinshifter
- 1x Tooth Collector
- 1x Town Gossipmonger Flip
- 1x Treasury Thrull
- 2x Trollbred Guardian
- 2x Truefire Captain
- 1x Tunneling Geopede
Tuvasa the Sunlit
- 1x Tyrant of Valakut
- 1x Ugin's Construct
- 2x Unchained Berserker
- 1x Underworld Coinsmith
- 1x Uninvited Geist Flip
- 1x Untamed Kavu
- 1x Vengeful Devil
- 1x Vesperlark
- 1x Vindictive Vampire
- 1x Waker of the Wilds
Wall of Mist
Wandering Champion
- 1x Wanted Scoundrels
- 2x Warden of Evos Isle
- 2x Wardscale Dragon
- 1x Wee Dragonauts
- 1x Whispering Snitch
- 2x Wildfire Cerberus
- 1x Wildgrowth Walker
- 2x Wily Goblin
Wind Drake
- 3x Windstorm Drake
- 1x Witness of the Ages
- 2x Woodland Champion
Wretched Camel
- 1x Yarok's Wavecrasher
- 1x Youthful Scholar
- 1x Zhalfirin Decoy
Instant (78)
- 1x Aegis of the Heavens
Ancient Animus
- 1x Bright Reprisal
- 1x Cast Down
- 1x Colossal Heroics
- 1x Confirm Suspicions
- 1x Consign to Dust
- 2x Cutthroat Maneuver
- 1x Death Wind
- 2x Dinosaur Stampede
- 1x Dismantling Blow
- 2x Dovin's Dismissal
- 1x Engulf the Shore
- 1x Fiery Cannonade
- 1x Flames of the Raze-Boar
- 1x Geistblast
- 2x Gideon's Triumph
- 1x Gift of Tusks
- 1x Glimpse the Sun God
- 1x Gods Willing
- 1x Hour of Need
- 2x Humble the Brute
- 1x Integrity / Intervention
Invert / Invent
- 1x Justice Strike
- 2x Liliana's Triumph
- 2x Lookout's Dispersal
- 1x Make a Stand
- 1x Make a Stand
- 1x Masterful Replication
- 1x Might of the Masses
- 1x Moonlight Hunt
- 1x Nightmare's Thirst
- 1x Nightmarish End
- 1x Perilous Voyage
- 2x Phalanx Formation
- 1x Press the Advantage
- 1x Price of Fame
- 1x Radiant Purge
- 2x Rallying Roar
- 1x Reality Shift
- 1x Rending Volley
- 1x Repeated Reverberation
- 1x Response / Resurgence
- 1x Ruthless Instincts
- 1x Searing Blood
- 1x Setessan Tactics
Sheltering Light
- 1x Silumgar's Scorn
- 1x Slice in Twain
- 3x Solidarity of Heroes
- 1x Spit Flame
Status / Statue
Tar Snare
- 1x Thrash / Threat
- 2x Tower Defense
- 1x Urza's Rage
- 2x Verdant Rebirth
- 1x Warriors' Lesson
Weather the Storm
- 1x Wild Slash
- 1x Windstorm
Sorcery (53)
- 1x Avacyn's Judgment
- 2x Bankrupt in Blood
- 1x Biting Rain
- 1x Board the Weatherlight
- 1x Bond of Passion
- 1x Call the Gatewatch
- 2x Chandra's Outburst
Crashing Footfalls
- 1x Cry of the Carnarium
- 1x Dance of the Manse
- 1x Dead Drop
- 1x Deafening Clarion
- 2x Drill Bit
- 1x Duneblast
Epic Downfall
- 1x Find / Finality
- 1x Flames of the Firebrand
- 1x Gates Ablaze
- 1x Genesis Storm
- 2x Grim Captain's Call
- 1x Harness by Force
- 1x Incremental Growth
- 1x Jace's Triumph
Kruphix's Insight
- 2x Lava Coil
Maximize Velocity
- 1x Mental Vapors
- 1x Nature's Spiral
- 1x Nissa's Triumph
- 1x Pore Over the Pages
- 2x Roast
- 3x Rollick of Abandon
- 1x Savage Stomp
- 1x Scale Up
- 1x Seismic Rupture
- 1x Shatter Assumptions
Shoulder to Shoulder
- 3x Sift
- 1x Spite of Mogis
- 1x Sundering Stroke
- 1x Tectonic Rift
- 1x Throes of Chaos
- 1x Wildcall
Enchantment (38)
- 1x Abzan Ascendancy
- 1x Angelic Exaltation
- 1x Ashes of the Abhorrent
- 1x Bear Umbra
- 1x Behind the Scenes
- 1x Bound by Moonsilver
- 1x Call the Bloodline
- 1x Debtors' Knell
- 1x Demotion
- 1x Dictate of Heliod
- 1x Ephara's Enlightenment
- 1x Ethereal Absolution
- 1x Fleeting Memories
- 1x Goblinslide
- 1x Guild Summit
- 1x Harness the Storm
- 1x Hedron Alignment
- 1x Knowledge and Power
- 1x Leyline of Combustion
- 2x Makeshift Munitions
- 1x Oath of Chandra
- 1x Oath of Jace
- 1x Oath of Nissa
- 1x Obscuring Aether
- 1x Psychic Corrosion
Pyromancer's Assault
- 1x Quiet Contemplation
- 1x Shapers' Sanctuary
- 1x Simic Ascendancy
- 1x Spawning Grounds
- 1x Thassa's Ire
- 1x The Antiquities War
- 2x The First Eruption
- 1x The Mirari Conjecture
- 1x Verity Circle
Artifact (32)
- 2x Ancestral Blade
- 1x Birthing Boughs
- 2x Bloodsoaked Altar
- 1x Chariot of Victory
- 1x Deserter's Quarters
- 1x Dimir Cluestone
- 2x Diviner's Lockbox
Elaborate Firecannon
- 1x Firemind Vessel
- 1x Fountain of Ichor
- 1x Fountain of Renewal
- 1x Gate Smasher
- 1x Goblin Boom Keg
- 1x God-Pharaoh's Statue
- 1x Magnifying Glass
- 2x Millstone
- 1x Mirage Mirror
- 1x Prowler's Helm
- 1x Rod of Ruin
- 1x Scrabbling Claws
- 2x Sentinel Totem
- 2x Silent Dart
- 1x Silumgar Monument
- 1x Sorcerous Spyglass
- 1x Tome of the Guildpact