I'm using this site to get the feel of my various decks. I try to keep them fairly cheap. If you have some suggestions, feel free to leave them.

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MTG Decks

Mega Creatures

Commander / EDH PistonPower


Ghave's 24 Hour Gym

Commander / EDH* PistonPower


Finished Decks 14
Prototype Decks 8
Drafts 0
Playing since Kaladesh
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Suppressed formats Standard, Standard Brawl, Historic, Pioneer, Modern, Pauper, Legacy, Vintage, Pauper EDH, Canadian Highlander, Highlander, Leviathan, Oldschool 93/94, Limited, Pre-release, Penny Dreadful, Tiny Leaders, Oathbreaker, Block Constructed, Arena, Casual, Unformat, Quest Magic RPG, Quest Magic
Cards suggested / good suggestions 17 / 9
Joined 6 years