I'm a casual magic player. Maybe someday I can work up to playing in tournaments, but I dont have enough cards, time or money to support that and so I just play with my friends because magic is extremely fun. The decks I post on here aren't all the decks I own, in fact, most of them I dont and are just concepts I'm testing to see if they work or concepts that are too monetarily out of my reach for me to try in real life. I also post some of my more fun, less win oriented decks because I think they are cool. Check out my decks below!

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MTG Decks

Joan of Arc

Modern ProducerP90


Finished Decks 4
Prototype Decks 1
Drafts 11
Avg. deck rating 1.50
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Modern, Casual
Joined 14 years