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MTG Decks

Desending humans

Modern RSduce


Bant Midrange

Standard RSduce

SCORE: 1 | 134 VIEWS

U/W Spirits

Standard RSduce

SCORE: 1 | 132 VIEWS

B/R Aggro

Standard RSduce

SCORE: 1 | 517 VIEWS

U/B Control

Standard RSduce

SCORE: 1 | 240 VIEWS

Angels in the Battlefield

Standard RSduce

SCORE: 1 | 122 VIEWS

Esper Control (WAR) Arena BO1

Standard* RSduce

SCORE: 2 | 672 VIEWS

Pure steel pali

Modern* RSduce


Finished Decks 372
Prototype Decks 309
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating 3.40
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Joined 12 years