MTG List: Collection
Creature (996)
- 4x Abomination
- 1x Acridian
- 4x Aegis Automaton
- 5x Aerial Guide
- 2x Aerial Responder
- 2x Aeronaut Admiral
Aether Chaser
- 5x Aether Herder
- 5x Aether Inspector
- 6x Aether Poisoner
- 5x Aether Swooper
- 5x Aetherstream Leopard
- 1x Agent of Erebos
- 1x Agent of Masks
- 1x Agent of Shauku
- 1x Ahn-Crop Crasher
- 1x Air Elemental
- 3x Airdrop Aeronauts
- 1x Alaborn Trooper
- 2x Alley Grifters
- 5x Alley Strangler
- 1x Ammit Eternal
- 1x Anaconda
- 2x Angel of the God-Pharaoh
- 1x Angelfire Crusader
- 1x Angelic Wall
- 3x Angler Drake
- 2x Anointer of Champions
- 1x Anointer Priest
- 1x Apprentice Sorcerer
- 1x Arborback Stomper
- 1x Archetype of Imagination
- 1x Ardent Militia
- 2x Armor Sliver
- 1x Armored Griffin
- 2x Armored Pegasus
- 1x Artisan of Kozilek
- 6x Audacious Infiltrator
- 9x Augmenting Automaton
- 1x Aven of Enduring Hope
- 9x Aven Reedstalker
- 1x Aviary Mechanic
- 3x Avid Reclaimer
- 1x Baleful Strix
- 1x Ballot Broker
- 1x Banewhip Punisher
Barricade Breaker
- 5x Bastion Enforcer
- 6x Bastion Inventor
- 1x Battle-Rattle Shaman
- 1x Battlefield Percher
- 1x Bear Cub
- 1x Belbe's Percher
- 2x Binding Mummy
- 4x Bitterbow Sharpshooters
- 1x Blastoderm
- 1x Blightcaster
- 1x Blighted Bat
- 1x Blighted Shaman
- 3x Blood Ogre
- 1x Blood-Toll Harpy
- 1x Blood Vassal
- 1x Bloodfire Dwarf
- 2x Bloodfire Kavu
- 1x Bloodhunter Bat
- 1x Bloodlust Inciter
- 2x Bloodwater Entity
- 1x Bog Gnarr
- 1x Bog Imp
- 5x Bog Rats
- 1x Bog Witch
- 1x Bola Warrior
- 1x Bone Picker
- 4x Brambleweft Behemoth
- 1x Bramblewood Paragon
- 1x Branded Brawlers
- 1x Brazen Scourge
- 1x Bronze Sable
- 1x Bull Hippo
- 2x Burning-Fist Minotaur
- 1x Cackling Fiend
- 1x Canal Courier
- 1x Canopy Gorger
- 4x Carrion Screecher
- 1x Carrion Wall
- 2x Cateran Enforcer
- 1x Cateran Kidnappers
- 1x Charging Rhino
- 2x Clot Sliver
- 1x Coastal Hornclaw
- 2x Cogwork Assembler
- 1x Coiling Oracle
- 2x Consulate Skygate
- 3x Countless Gears Renegade
- 2x Crackdown Construct
- 1x Cradle Guard
- 1x Crypt Cobra
- 3x Cunning Survivor
- 1x Cursed Minotaur
- 1x Dakmor Bat
- 1x Darba
- 4x Dauntless Aven
- 1x D'Avenant Archer
- 5x Dawnfeather Eagle
- 2x Deadeye Harpooner
- 1x Death Charmer
- 1x Deepwood Drummer
- 2x Deepwood Ghoul
- 2x Deepwood Tantiv
- 3x Deepwood Wolverine
- 1x Defender en-Vec
- 1x Defiant Falcon
- 4x Defiant Khenra
- 4x Defiant Salvager
- 1x Defiant Vanguard
Deputy of Acquittals
- 4x Devotee of Strength
- 1x Dhund Operative
- 1x Diregraf Captain
- 3x Disciple of Grace
- 6x Dispersal Technician
- 4x Disposal Mummy
- 1x Dodecapod
- 1x Domesticated Hydra
- 1x Doomed Dissenter
- 4x Doomed Traveler
- 1x Driver of the Dead
- 1x Dromosaur
- 1x Drudge Skeletons
- 6x Druid of the Cowl
- 3x Dutiful Servants
- 1x Dwarven Miner
- 2x Eager Cadet
- 1x Eddytrail Hawk
- 1x Elvish Impersonators
- 1x Elvish Lyrist
- 1x Ember Beast
- 1x Emberhorn Minotaur
- 1x Emblazoned Golem
- 2x Embraal Bruiser
- 4x Embraal Gear-Smasher
- 3x Enraged Giant
- 1x Enslaved Horror
- 1x Entourage of Trest
- 2x Eternal of Harsh Truths
- 2x Expedition Raptor
- 2x Fan Bearer
- 1x Fang Skulkin
- 1x Farbog Boneflinger
- 2x Felidar Guardian
- 3x Femeref Scouts
- 5x Fen Hauler
- 1x Fencing Ace
- 8x Feral Prowler
- 2x Fertilid
- 1x Fervent Paincaster
- 1x Festering Mummy
- 5x Filigree Crawler
- 1x Filigree Familiar
- 1x Fire Elemental
- 1x Fire Servant
- 4x Firebrand Archer
- 2x Flame Spirit
- 2x Flametongue Kavu
- 1x Flesh Reaver
- 1x Flickerwisp
- 1x Fog Elemental
- 7x Foundry Assembler
- 2x Foundry Hornet
- 5x Fourth Bridge Prowler
- 5x Frilled Sandwalla
- 5x Frontline Devastator
- 6x Frontline Rebel
- 3x Frostweb Spider
- 1x Fyndhorn Brownie
- 1x Gearseeker Serpent
- 1x Gerrard's Irregulars
Ghirapur Osprey
- 1x Giant Octopus
- 2x Gideon's Lawkeeper
- 2x Gifted Aetherborn
- 4x Gilded Cerodon
- 1x Glacial Wall
- 3x Glade Gnarr
- 1x Glittering Lynx
- 1x Goblin Cavaliers
- 1x Goblin Digging Team
- 1x Goblin Hero
- 1x Goblin Matron
- 1x Goblin Racketeer
- 2x Goblin Raider
- 3x God-Pharaoh's Faithful
- 1x Golden Bear
- 2x Gorehorn Minotaurs
- 2x Gorilla Chieftain
- 1x Graceful Cat
- 4x Granitic Titan
- 1x Grave Defiler
- 5x Graven Abomination
- 3x Graverobber Spider
- 2x Greater Sandwurm
Grisly Survivor
- 2x Grizzly Bears
- 1x Gust Walker
- 1x Guttersnipe
- 1x Halam Djinn
- 1x Harmattan Efreet
- 3x Harrier Naga
- 1x Havengul Vampire
- 1x Hazy Homunculus
- 2x Helionaut
- 1x Henge Guardian
- 1x Hexplate Golem
- 1x Highborn Ghoul
- 1x Hightide Hermit
- 5x Hinterland Drake
Hitchclaw Recluse
- 1x Hollowhenge Spirit
- 2x Honored Crop-Captain
- 1x Hooded Brawler
- 1x Hope Tender
- 3x Horned Troll
- 1x Horned Turtle
- 1x Ill-Tempered Cyclops
- 1x Immobilizer Eldrazi
- 1x Initiate's Companion
- 1x Inventor's Apprentice
- 2x Ironclad Revolutionary
- 1x Ironclaw Orcs
- 1x Jeering Homunculus
- 1x Joraga Auxiliary
- 1x Juniper Order Ranger
- 2x Juvenile Gloomwidow
- 2x Kavu Climber
- 3x Kessig Recluse
- 6x Khenra Eternal
- 2x Khenra Scrapper
- 1x Knight Errant
- 1x Kris Mage
- 1x Kujar Seedsculptor
- 1x Laccolith Whelp
- 6x Lathnu Sailback
- 1x Lawbringer
- 1x Lawless Broker
- 5x Lifecraft Cavalry
- 1x Living Airship
- 1x Llanowar Elves
- 5x Lurching Rotbeast
- 1x Lynx
- 1x Magmaroth
- 5x Manticore Eternal
- 6x Marauding Boneslasher
- 1x Marsh Boa
- 1x Maulfist Revolutionary
- 2x Maverick Thopterist
- 1x Maw of Kozilek
- 2x Merciless Eternal
- 1x Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
- 1x Miasmic Mummy
- 1x Mind Maggots
- 1x Minotaur Illusionist
- 1x Minotaur Tactician
- 2x Mnemonic Wall
- 1x Moaning Spirit
Moaning Wall
- 1x Mobile Fort
- 1x Monk Realist
- 1x Moon Sprite
- 1x Mournful Zombie
- 6x Mummy Paramount
- 1x Narnam Renegade
- 1x Nef-Crop Entangler
- 3x Niblis of the Breath
- 6x Night Market Aeronaut
- 5x Night Market Guard
- 2x Nightscape Familiar
- 1x Nimble-Blade Khenra
- 1x Nimble Innovator
- 1x Ninth Bridge Patrol
- 2x Nomadic Elf
- 2x Norritt
- 1x Norwood Ranger
- 1x Norwood Warrior
- 1x Nyx-Fleece Ram
- 4x Oasis Ritualist
- 2x Obsianus Golem
- 1x Obsidian Giant
- 1x Ogre Berserker
- 1x Ogre Taskmaster
- 1x Ogre Warrior
- 1x Oketra's Attendant
- 5x Oketra's Avenger
- 1x Omenspeaker
- 1x Ominous Sphinx
- 1x Orchard Elemental
- 1x Ornery Kudu
- 2x Ornithopter
- 2x Outland Boar
- 1x Outrage Shaman
- 1x Panther Warriors
- 2x Pathmaker Initiate
- 1x Peema Aether-Seer
- 4x Penumbra Bobcat
- 2x Penumbra Kavu
- 2x Phyrexian Driver
- 2x Phyrexian Prowler
- 2x Phyrexian Rager
- 1x Plague Fiend
- 4x Plague Rats
- 1x Plated Wurm
- 3x Pouncing Cheetah
- 1x Primeval Shambler
- 4x Prizefighter Construct
- 6x Proven Combatant
- 1x Prowling Nightstalker
- 2x Putrid Warrior
- 1x Quagmire Druid
- 1x Quarry Beetle
- 2x Quirion Elves
- 4x Quirion Trailblazer
- 1x Rabid Rats
- 1x Raging Goblin
- 2x Rampaging Hippo
- 1x Rampart Crawler
- 1x Rathi Fiend
- 1x Rathi Intimidator
- 2x Ravenous Intruder
- 1x Razorfin Hunter
- 1x Razortooth Rats
- 2x Reckless Racer
- 1x Reckless Scholar
- 1x Redwood Treefolk
- 2x Relief Captain
- 1x Renegade Rallier
- 1x Renegade Wheelsmith
- 4x Reservoir Walker
- 1x Resolute Survivors
- 2x Restoration Specialist
- 1x Reveille Squad
- 1x Rhet-Crop Spearmaster
- 6x Rhonas's Stalwart
- 1x Rib Cage Spider
- 1x Ribbon Snake
- 3x Ridgescale Tusker
- 1x River Hoopoe
- 1x River Serpent
- 2x Rogue Refiner
- 1x Rootwalla
- 1x Rootwater Commando
- 1x Royal Falcon
- 3x Ruin Rat
- 1x Runed Servitor
- 1x Saber Ants
- 2x Sage Owl
- 2x Salvage Scuttler
- 2x Samite Healer
- 1x Sanctum Guardian
- 1x Sand Strangler
- 1x Savage Gorilla
- 1x Scaled Behemoth
- 1x Scaled Wurm
- 1x Scathe Zombies
- 2x Scrapper Champion
- 1x Screeching Drake
- 3x Scrounger of Souls
- 6x Scrounging Bandar
- 1x Sea Eagle
- 1x Seeker of Insight
- 4x Seer of the Last Tomorrow
- 1x Sengir Vampire
- 1x Serpentine Kavu
- 1x Serra Angel
- 3x Sewer Rats
- 1x Shield Dancer
- 2x Shielded Aether Thief
- 4x Shipwreck Moray
- 4x Sidewinder Naga
- 3x Sifter Wurm
- 5x Silkweaver Elite
- 2x Sinuous Striker
- 1x Skarrgan Firebird
- 1x Skittering Skirge
- 1x Skulking Fugitive
- 1x Sky Scourer
- 1x Skyship Plunderer
Sly Requisitioner
- 1x Smuggler Captain
- 2x Solitary Camel
- 3x Somberwald Spider
- 1x Soul Charmer
- 1x Soulless One
- 1x Sparring Mummy
- 1x Spawnbinder Mage
- 1x Speedway Fanatic
- 1x Spellweaver Eternal
- 1x Spiketail Drake
- 1x Spiketail Hatchling
- 3x Spineless Thug
- 1x Spire Patrol
- 1x Spire Phantasm
- 1x Spireside Infiltrator
- 4x Sporecap Spider
- 1x Spur Grappler
- 1x Squallmonger
- 1x Stalking Tiger
- 1x Standard Bearer
- 1x Standing Troops
- 3x Steadfast Sentinel
- 1x Stealer of Secrets
- 1x Steward of Solidarity
- 1x Stonehorn Dignitary
- 4x Stoneshaker Shaman
- 1x Storm Crow
- 2x Stormblood Berserker
- 1x Stormchaser Chimera
- 1x Stormfront Pegasus
- 1x Stratadon
- 3x Striped Riverwinder
- 1x Strongarm Thug
- 5x Sweatworks Brawler
- 1x Talas Air Ship
- 2x Talas Explorer
- 1x Talas Merchant
- 1x Talas Scout
- 1x Talon Sliver
- 2x Tattered Mummy
- 1x Temur Sabertooth
- 2x Thorned Moloch
- 2x Thornscape Apprentice
- 2x Those Who Serve
- 1x Thresher Beast
- 1x Thriving Grubs
- 2x Thriving Rhino
- 1x Thundering Giant
- 1x Time Elemental
- 1x Town Sentry
- 1x Trained Armodon
- 1x Trained Orgg
- 2x Treasure Keeper
- 1x Treefolk Seedlings
- 1x Treetop Rangers
- 1x Trenching Steed
- 1x Trinket Mage
- 1x Trokin High Guard
- 3x Trophy Mage
- 1x Troubled Healer
- 2x Trueheart Duelist
- 1x Tundra Kavu
- 2x Turntimber Basilisk
- 1x Uktabi Orangutan
- 1x Undertaker
- 1x Unraveling Mummy
- 1x Unworthy Dead
- 2x Urborg Elf
- 1x Vampire Envoy
- 2x Vampire Nighthawk
- 1x Vaporkin
- 1x Vedalken Blademaster
- 1x Venerable Monk
- 1x Vengeful Rebel
- 6x Verdant Automaton
- 1x Viashino Runner
- 1x Viashino Warrior
- 1x Vile Manifestation
- 2x Vine Trellis
- 2x Vintara Elephant
Vintara Snapper
Virulent Sliver
- 2x Vizier of Deferment
- 1x Vizier of the Anointed
- 1x Vizier of the True
- 1x Vizzerdrix
- 3x Voice of Grace
- 1x Volunteer Militia
- 2x Voracious Cobra
- 1x Voyaging Satyr
- 1x Vug Lizard
- 1x Wall of Air
- 1x Wall of Distortion
- 5x Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs
- 3x Wall of Junk
- 1x Warden of Geometries
- 3x Wasp of the Bitter End
- 1x Watchers of the Dead
- 5x Watchful Automaton
- 1x Watchful Naga
- 2x Wayfaring Giant
- 1x Wayward Servant
- 2x Weaver of Currents
- 5x Welder Automaton
- 1x Weldfast Engineer
- 1x Whip Sergeant
- 1x Whipstitched Zombie
- 2x Whirlpool Rider
- 1x Whitewater Naiads
- 1x Wild Dogs
- 4x Wild Griffin
- 1x Wild Wanderer
- 1x Wild Wurm
- 1x Willow Elf
- 1x Wind Drake
- 3x Wind-Kin Raiders
- 1x Winding Constrictor
- 1x Windrider Eel
- 1x Windscouter
- 2x Wings of the Guard
- 1x Withered Wretch
- 1x Wizard Mentor
- 1x Woodborn Behemoth
- 6x Wretched Camel
- 2x Yavimaya Barbarian
- 1x Youthful Knight
- 2x Zanam Djinn
- 4x Zealot of the God-Pharaoh
- 2x Zerapa Minotaur
Instant (334)
- 3x Abrade
- 1x Accumulated Knowledge
- 3x Act of Heroism
- 6x Alley Evasion
- 1x Altar's Reap
- 4x Ambuscade
- 1x Blossoming Defense
- 4x Blur of Blades
- 1x Boomerang
- 1x Brainstorm
- 1x Brute Strength
- 1x Built to Smash
- 1x Captain's Maneuver
- 1x Catalog
- 1x Censor
- 1x Chandra's Defeat
- 2x Chandra's Outrage
- 1x Congregate
- 1x Consume Strength
- 1x Controvert
- 1x Coordinated Assault
- 1x Counterspell
- 7x Countervailing Winds
- 6x Cruel Finality
- 5x Dark Ritual
- 1x Dark Triumph
- 1x Death Wind
- 5x Decommission
- 2x Deft Dismissal
- 7x Disenchant
- 2x Dismiss
- 1x Divine Offering
- 1x Divine Retribution
- 1x Divine Verdict
- 1x Djeru's Renunciation
- 2x Doom Blade
- 1x Druid's Deliverance
- 1x Essence Scatter
- 2x Evasive Action
- 1x Excise
- 2x Exclude
- 2x Expunge
- 1x Falter
- 2x Farm / Market
- 1x Fatal Push
- 2x Fiery Fall
- 4x Final Reward
- 3x Fleeting Distraction
- 2x Fling
- 1x Garbage Fire
- 1x Get a Life
Ghostly Flicker
- 1x Giant Growth
- 7x Gift of Strength
- 1x Gleam of Resistance
- 6x Harrow
- 1x Haze of Pollen
- 1x Headlong Rush
- 1x Hibernation
- 1x Hieroglyphic Illumination
- 2x High Tide
- 6x Highspire Infusion
- 2x Humble
- 2x Hungry Flames
- 1x Illusion / Reality
- 2x Illusionist's Stratagem
- 2x Imaginary Threats
- 1x Impeccable Timing
- 1x In Oketra's Name
- 1x Infiltrate
- 1x Inspiration
- 1x Inspired Charge
- 2x Invigorated Rampage
- 2x Jace's Defeat
- 1x Jaded Response
- 1x Jilt
- 4x Kindled Fury
- 6x Leave in the Dust
- 5x Life Goes On
- 1x Lifecraft Awakening
- 2x Lifecrafter's Gift
- 2x Lightning Bolt
- 1x Liquify
- 1x Lull
- 2x Lunge
- 2x Magma Spray
- 6x Metallic Rebuke
- 1x Mirror Strike
- 1x Moment of Heroism
- 1x Muddle the Mixture
- 1x Murder
- 5x Natural Obsolescence
- 8x Negate
- 6x Open Fire
- 1x Order / Chaos
- 1x Orim's Thunder
- 1x Peek
- 3x Perilous Predicament
- 1x Perilous Research
- 3x Plummet
- 5x Precise Strike
- 1x Press the Advantage
- 3x Pyroblast
- 1x Rapid Hybridization
- 1x Reality Hemorrhage
- 2x Reckless Spite
- 1x Reduce / Rubble
- 1x Refreshing Rain
- 1x Regicide
- 1x Reinforcements
- 1x Remedy
- 4x Renegade's Getaway
- 1x Reprisal
- 2x Rethink
- 1x Revolutionary Rebuff
- 1x Rhystic Lightning
- 5x Sandblast
- 1x Sarkhan's Triumph
- 2x Searing Spear
- 1x Shimmering Mirage
- 8x Shock
- 1x Shower of Sparks
- 1x Smash
- 1x Snag
- 2x Snuff Out
- 1x Spidery Grasp
- 1x Spite / Malice
- 1x Strength in Numbers
- 1x Strength of Night
- 2x Struggle / Survive
- 3x Supernatural Stamina
- 1x Supreme Will
- 5x Sylvan Bounty
- 5x Take into Custody
- 1x Terror
- 3x Thunderclap
- 1x Tidy Conclusion
- 5x Torment of Venom
- 4x Tragic Lesson
- 2x Transmutation
- 1x Traumatic Visions
- 3x Twin Bolt
- 1x Unified Will
- 2x Unlicensed Disintegration
- 6x Unsummon
- 1x Vendetta
- 1x Vertigo
- 1x Vines of the Recluse
- 2x Vision Skeins
- 2x Volcanic Geyser
- 2x Warrior's Honor
- 2x Wax / Wane
- 1x Welding Sparks
- 3x Without Weakness
Zealous Strike
Sorcery (237)
- 1x Abandon Hope
- 1x Absorb Vis
- 2x Allied Strategies
- 1x Angelic Blessing
- 1x Appeal / Authority
- 1x Ashes to Ashes
- 2x Assault / Battery
- 1x Bee Sting
- 2x Befoul
- 2x Beneath the Sands
- 1x Bone Splinters
- 1x Calming Verse
- 1x Cannibalize
- 1x Cateran Summons
- 1x Cathartic Reunion
- 5x Chandra's Revolution
- 1x Chorus of Woe
- 2x Claim / Fame
- 2x Coercion
- 2x Compulsive Research
- 2x Corrupt
- 5x Crash Through
- 7x Daring Demolition
- 1x Dead Ringers
- 1x Demolish
- 2x Desert Twister
- 1x Despoil
- 5x Destructive Tampering
- 3x Divination
- 1x Divine Light
- 1x Doomfall
- 1x Dream Cache
- 1x Duress
- 1x Dwarven Landslide
- 1x Elven Cache
- 1x Excoriate
- 2x Explore
- 1x Explosive Vegetation
- 1x Extract from Darkness
- 1x Festival of Trokin
- 1x Flay
- 1x Fragmentize
- 1x Gaea's Balance
- 1x Gaea's Bounty
- 1x Gerrard's Verdict
- 2x Hand of Death
- 1x Hijack
- 1x Hurly-Burly
- 1x Hush
- 3x Hymn to Tourach
- 9x Inferno Jet
- 4x Lab Rats
- 1x Last Caress
- 3x Lay of the Land
- 1x Leeches
Lethal Sting
- 1x Life / Death
- 2x Liliana's Defeat
- 1x Limits of Solidarity
- 1x Lobotomy
- 1x Massacre
- 1x Meltdown
- 1x Mind Extraction
- 3x Mind Rot
- 2x Mind Swords
- 1x Monstrous Growth
- 3x Monstrous Onslaught
- 1x Nissa's Defeat
Open the Armory
- 1x Ordered Migration
- 1x Organ Harvest
- 4x Overcome
- 1x Painful Lesson
- 1x Painful Memories
- 2x Panic Attack
- 2x Path of Peace
- 1x Peace Talks
- 1x Pillage
- 1x Pinnacle of Rage
- 1x Ponder
- 1x Portent
- 4x Prey Upon
- 1x Prismatic Wardrobe
- 2x Probe
- 1x Pull from the Deep
- 4x Puncturing Blow
- 1x Rain of Tears
- 1x Raise Dead
- 1x Relearn
- 5x Resourceful Return
- 1x Reverent Silence
- 3x Reverse Engineer
- 2x Revive
- 1x Rhystic Syphon
- 1x Rupture
- 1x Sacred Excavation
- 1x Salvage
- 1x See Beyond
- 1x Serum Visions
- 1x Sever Soul
- 1x Shard Convergence
- 3x Shoulder to Shoulder
- 1x Slave of Bolas
- 1x Slip Through Space
- 3x Specter's Wail
Spread the Sickness
- 2x Spring / Mind
- 1x Squee's Revenge
- 1x Start Your Engines
- 1x Stir the Sands
- 1x Stone Rain
- 7x Strategic Planning
- 1x Stream of Life
- 1x Stronghold Discipline
- 1x Syphon Soul
- 1x Tezzeret's Ambition
- 1x Theft of Dreams
- 1x Time Ebb
- 5x Tormenting Voice
- 1x Tranquil Path
- 2x Tranquility
- 4x Tribal Flames
- 1x Triumph of the Hordes
- 3x Unconventional Tactics
- 5x Unnerve
- 1x Urborg Uprising
- 1x Vicious Hunger
- 2x Visions
- 1x Wing Snare
- 6x Wrangle
Enchantment (160)
- 1x Aerial Modification
- 1x AEther Flash
- 1x Air Bladder
- 1x Alexi's Cloak
- 1x Artificer's Hex
- 1x Aura Fracture
- 2x Bloodfire Infusion
- 1x Bonds of Quicksilver
- 1x Cage of Hands
- 1x Cartouche of Knowledge
- 3x Cartouche of Solidarity
- 5x Cartouche of Zeal
- 4x Caught in the Brights
- 1x Circle of Protection: Black
- 1x Circle of Protection: Blue
- 1x Circle of Protection: Green
- 1x Claustrophobia
- 1x Coalition Flag
- 2x Compulsory Rest
- 7x Conviction
- 3x Crab Umbra
- 1x Death's Approach
- 1x Desert's Hold
- 1x Divine Transformation
- 1x Douse
- 1x Efficient Construction
- 1x Encrust
- 1x Enfeeblement
- 1x Exotic Curse
- 1x Fear
- 2x Feast of the Unicorn
- 5x Fertile Ground
- 2x Gaseous Form
- 1x Giant Spectacle
- 1x Gift of Orzhova
- 2x Gonti's Machinations
- 1x Greel's Caress
- 2x Gremlin Infestation
- 2x Hammerhand
- 2x Hero's Resolve
- 5x Ice Over
- 1x Infernal Tribute
- 1x Intimidation
- 1x Intruder Alarm
- 1x Ior Ruin Expedition
- 1x Jolrael's Favor
- 1x Karma
- 2x Khalni Heart Expedition
- 1x Lashknife
- 1x Latulla's Orders
- 1x Launch
- 1x Lay Claim
- 1x Light of Day
- 1x Mageta's Boon
- 1x Malfunction
- 1x Manacles of Decay
- 1x Mark of the Vampire
- 1x Mind Slash
- 1x Oakenform
- 1x Opal Acrolith
- 1x Opal Caryatid
- 1x Parallax Dementia
- 1x Parasitic Bond
- 1x Pendrell Flux
- 4x Pestilence
Quest for Renewal
- 1x Reconnaissance
- 1x Reflexes
- 1x Regeneration
- 1x Retreat to Kazandu
- 1x Rhystic Circle
- 1x Riddleform
- 1x Rune of Protection: Black
- 3x Saving Grace
- 2x Seal of Doom
- 2x Sicken
- 2x Siege Modification
- 2x Sixth Sense
- 1x Soul Ransom
Spidersilk Armor
- 1x Spreading Algae
- 1x Stab Wound
- 1x Telepathy
- 1x Tezzeret's Touch
- 2x Thopter Arrest
- 1x Tiger Claws
- 1x Total War
- 1x Trespasser's Curse
- 1x Trial of Solidarity
- 1x Trial of Zeal
- 1x Tricks of the Trade
- 8x Unbridled Growth
- 8x Unquenchable Thirst
- 1x Unquestioned Authority
- 1x Untamed Hunger
- 1x Vampiric Embrace
- 1x Vanishing
- 1x Vastwood Zendikon
- 1x Veil of Birds
- 1x Warmth
Artifact (106)
Azorius Keyrune
- 1x Bosium Strip
- 2x Consulate Dreadnought
- 4x Consulate Turret
- 2x Crook of Condemnation
- 1x Dagger of the Worthy
- 1x Daredevil Dragster
- 1x Dragon Mask
- 1x Drake-Skull Cameo
- 1x Everflowing Chalice
- 1x Fabrication Module
- 1x Gate to the Afterlife
- 1x Hazoret's Monument
- 6x Implement of Combustion
- 8x Implement of Examination
- 6x Implement of Ferocity
- 3x Implement of Improvement
- 5x Implement of Malice
- 1x Inventor's Goggles
- 7x Irontread Crusher
Kefnet's Monument
- 2x Luxa River Shrine
- 1x Manalith
- 1x Mask of Riddles
- 1x Metalspinner's Puzzleknot
- 1x Mistvein Borderpost
- 5x Mobile Garrison
- 1x Nevinyrral's Disk
- 2x Obelisk of Grixis
- 5x Oketra's Monument
- 2x Pacification Array
- 1x Renegade Freighter
- 1x Renegade Map
- 1x Rod of Ruin
- 2x Servo Schematic
- 2x Soul Net
- 1x Spatula of the Ages
- 1x Spy Kit
- 1x Strider Harness
- 1x Sunset Pyramid
- 1x Talisman of Dominance
- 1x Talisman of Indulgence
- 1x Traveler's Amulet
- 6x Universal Solvent
- 2x Untethered Express
- 2x Urza's Armor
- 2x Well of Life
- 1x Whispersilk Cloak
- 1x Wooden Sphere