RnG Joker here to roll out turns and pray not to get a crappy hand.

I am a very avid deck builder, with my favorite format being Commander. By far my decks have proven to be a lot of fun for my friends around the table to play, but I usually crash and burn playing my decks, it's a weird event that always occurs, so I just stick to building more so then playing MTG decks XD.

Out of all the decks on my profile though, I'd have to say that my favorite deck of all time is a hard tie between my very first deck Rafiq of the Instakil(Which has improved a lot since I've started) or Prossh of the 2nd Instantkill xD

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MTG Decks

Finished Decks 1
Prototype Decks 0
Drafts 0
Playing since Khans of Tarkir
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 4.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Cards suggested / good suggestions 43 / 17
Venues casual play
Joined 9 years