Hello stranger,

I'm an oldtimer, I've been played magic since 2002, initially casual without the faintest idea what a format was. Then I realized Legacy existed, and I spent a long time piloting a deck which then was having the cute nickname "Birdshit" (You can see a list from yore here) That archetype eventually evolved to become Canadian threshold.

As time grew and time became a constraint, I started moving away from Legacy and onto Commander, initially I was as cutthroat as when I played Legacy.

Soon enough I realized it is more fun to pilot decks which end up in complicated boardstates with weird shenanigans here and there.

Today I only build decks without infinite comboes, occasionally I miss some, but with attentive viewers, those are quickly caught and removed.

Phew, we are hardly strangers anymore!

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MTG Decks

Inalla the finite version! - EDH

Commander / EDH Saharez


Finished Decks 12
Prototype Decks 6
Drafts 0
Playing since Onslaught
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 27.50
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Cards suggested / good suggestions 31 / 21
Joined 7 years