Hi all, SaintDale here, I have been playing magic the gathering from a young age. Started out playing it with my brother just for fun, usually playing mono white vs mono black. little did we both know This is where my heart warming passion for white cards was sparked from.

I enjoy making decks on a moderate budget in the modern meta, with one condition... Every deck MUST contain a copy of Baneslayer Angel.

Feel free to message me anytime asking for my thoughts regarding any white cards. what they would be good for or against, etc. There are not many white cards that I haven't considered using at one point or another.

may the shining light guide you.

-SaintDale- The purifier

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MTG Decks

Dale's Boros

Modern Saintdale


Dale's Avacyn, Angel of Hope EDH

Commander / EDH Saintdale


Finished Decks 15
Prototype Decks 6
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Joined 7 years