MTG List: Dale's Kaalia EDH decklist
Creature (1)
Hi Grant
This deck is built around the effects of Kaalia of the Vast . The aim of the deck is to summon her early and then use her ability to cheat creatures onto the field. This cheat effect is most useful when it targets creatures that have trigger effects such as "when this card enters the battlefield" or "when this card deals damage to an opponent". Lets have a look at some of the Kaalia targets that I have shortlisted:
Kaalia targets:
Sire Of Insanity (to try to control the game a little bit more. Can you imagine a turn 4 Kaalia bringing this guy onto the field and then i end my turn and we all lose our hands haha)
Karmic Guide (free grave reanimation)
Vilis, Broker of Blood (draw power can be activated during combat phase)
Demonlord Belzenlok (Beater who can generate card advantage)
Angel of Serenity (Enters the battlefield and removes threats on a big body)
Angel of Deliverance (Big body flyer makes her useful early. Her effect can be utilised later as she enters tapped and attacking)
Aegis Angel (This card is here to protect our commander. Making Kaalia indestructible makes it much safer to attack with Kaalia every turn)
Sephara, Sky's Blade (Same as above, only better)
Oros, the Avenger (Sometimes it is important to take out those wide token generating decks. This guy lets us deal with thopter tokens of, heaven forbid, Saproling tokens)
Bladewing the Risen (This guy reanimates a dragon and is a decent body as well)
Angel of Despair (unrestricted spot removal on a 5/5 flyer, yes please)
Overseer of the Damned (Spot removal and token generation)
Steel Hellkite (the x effect on this card can only trigger if steel hellkite dealt damage, so it's a good thing Kaalia brings him in tapped and attacking. This can have a board wipe effect.)
Eternal Dragon (This guy isn't that great but he can be useful in decks where our hand is always being discarded)
Drakuseth, Maw of Flames (7/7 is dealt unblocked, and it comes in dealing 4, 3 and 3 damage to targets of my choice)
Dragon Mage (I can't wait to use this guy. Dump your hand onto the field, play him free thanks to Kaalia, then draw 7 more cards while your opponents discard all those cards they were saving, or even better, discard cards they tutored for)
Reaper from the Abyss (has the potential to be slow, but when you realise his effect happens at EACH end stop, you start to see how useful he can be)
Harvester of Souls (Draw power, and deathtouch us useful for tall guys.)
Akroma, Angel of Fury (This is the first card on my list that doesn't have a trigger effect. I have included her because protection from white and blue is awesome, trample isn't bad either.)
Yosei, the Morning Star (This guy will act as an attack deterrent. He hits the field tapped and attacking tho, so he is slow. The idea is that he sits here and no one attacks me of board wipes me because they know that doing so will surely result in them skipping their next untap phase.)
Demon of Loathing (This guy was MADE for Kaalia cheating)
Sower of Discord (Despite the cool reference to a gamer chat program called discord, this guy makes 2 players share damage. Can be strategically used to align yourself with the strongest player so they don't attack you.)
Rakdos, Lord of Riots (Makes every card in the deck cost less, and cheats around his cast drawback)
Rune-Scarred Demon (Hits the field and searches for another card of your choice)
Terror of Mount Velus (Gives everything Double strike that turns, but also, don't overlook the fact that he always has double strike. very nice)
Akroma, Angel of Wrath (The second of the cards so far that doesn't have a trigger effect. Protection from black and red is nice, plus she's sexy. look at all those keywords. If only she had lifelink...)
Ob Nixilis, Unshackled (This disincentivizes tutoring, and can completely disrupt some decks that rely on key pieces. 4/4 isn't bad and this guy will slowly ramp up as the game continues)
Dragonlord Kolaghan (Big body who gives everything haste. No trigger effect, he's just here for the haste)
Master of Cruelties (amazing in this deck. Kaalia puts him on the field tapped and attacking, so he gets around the whole "can only attack alone" issue because he never declared an attack. This issue doesn't effect his seccond effect because the condition requires the effect to take place if the creature "isn't blocked" which he isn't. You can win a game by resolving his effect first and then letting Kaalia finish the job.)
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight (Doubles your output, halves what you take... so when she hits the field she deals 10 damage directly, not to mention the sweet defense position she leaves us in. direct attacks are halved, blockers can block twice as much before they die, etc)
Lord of the Void (Comes in swinging and lets us play an opponent's card while also exiling 6 other potentially useful cards from their deck (imagine exiling that key peice someone needs to tutor for,,, mmm, the thought is making me very moist). Notice 7/7 is a very big body as well.)
Hellkite Tyrant (Give me all those mana rocks please. With a bit of luck I might even steal a few equipments and a Mindslaver as well)
Baneslayer Angel (we knew this was going to be here)
Balefire Dragon (Again, this deals with "wide" style decks to take out tokens and the likes, or I could just focus certain players to remove small creatures with annoying effects.)
Avacyn, Angel of Hope (Makes our commander indestructible, along with everything else we have)
Kaalia can't target these guys but they are stll useful in this deck in my oppinion. let's have a look at them:
Kaalia, Zenith Seeker - card advantage
Mother of Runes - Commander Protection
Iroas, God of Victory *list* - Protects our commander from combat. Indestructible and gives things menace to make them hard to block. All-round useful card.
Valor - Could be useful at making my combat pieces more threatening
Anger - Gives everything haste and can be a useful discard outlet. I'll talk about haste a little later.
Ilharg, the Raze-Boar - This is basically a modified copy of our commander card, he serves the same role as she does in this deck.
Athreos, Shroud-Veiled - Protects our commander but also, to allow us to manipulate "enter the battlefield" effects. Imagine this on Angel of Despair or Angel of Serenity or Rune-Scarred Demon or Demon of Loathing. Too much fun.
So Kaalia of the Vast doesn't have haste. Think about the difference HASTE makes to this deck. She hits the field . . . . you either wait a turn and swing with her later, giving your opponents 1 turn to prepare for your threat but also giving them 1 turn to take her out and thwart your plan. Now, imagine she has haste. She hits the field and you just swing, you cheat a creature and in doing so you gain board presence but you also trigger your sweet sweet trigger effects. You opponent still has all the same problems as the first scenario, they still need to deal with her, and they still have 1 turn to do so, however you have generated another threat for them to deal with and you may have even disrupted their game plan, or disrupted their ability to deal with your game plan. It should be very obvious that HASTE is essential for this deck. So, without further preamble, let's look at our haste options:
Hammer of Purphoros -Can be played before our commander
Fervor - Can be played before our commander
Dragon Tempest - Can be played before our commander
Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded - Casts after our commanders CMC speed, however, indestructible give this card more durability to stay on the field and at times this card will be a BIG body. Also, notice how the activated effect can be useful to trigger our creature's effects.
Anger - already mentioned above
Besides the above boots and greaves, our commander is going to be very targetted by removal spells. However, there is another problem with our commander. That is... she is very weak. It is contradictory for a weak monster to WANT to attack, because weak monsters die when they attack anything biger than themselves. I have come up with a few cards that I think will help her with both spot removal and with combat.
Whispersilk Cloak - Does everything we need, unblockable and shroud.
Spirit Mantle - Allows my creature to attack unblocked. This can be useful on my commander but is also amazing on other creatures that require damage dealt to trigger effects.
Unquestioned Authority - Same as above only it costs a little more with the added bonus of a draw.
Dauthi Embrace - Gives anything I want shadow until end of turn, perfect for direct attacks
Boros Charm - Useful for its indestructible effect, but with other utility as well.
Darksteel Plate - This artifact is indestructible to start with, so it is hard to remove. Equip it to our commander and suddenly removal isn't so bad and combat isn't scary. It can be useful on other cards as well.
Ok sweet, so we got all those cards, but how likely are we to draw the ones we need when we need them? What kinds of tutors are we running on our shitty student budget?
Open the Armory - Will usually search Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots or Whispersilk Cloak but can search for lots of other stuff as well such as Spirit Mantle
Steelshaper's Gift - Does the same thing as above.
Idyllic Tutor - Going to be used primarily to search for Dragon Tempest, Fervor or Dauthi Embrace or Dragon Tempest, but can be used for other cards as well such as Spirit Mantle or any of the gods.
Diabolic Tutor Not my favorite given the CMC, but, it's cheap on the wallet
Mastermind's Acquisition - Same as above
Beseech the Queen - This one shines late game when I have more land to open my options and when I have more black land to cast it with.
Liliana Vess - Her middle effect is useful here. Her other effects come in handy if she stays on the field long enough.
Draw power was one of the hardest things for me to figure out with this deck. Black seems to have a lot of instant or sorcery draw power, white has almost none, and red relies on discarding for drawing. Regardless, this is my shortlist:
Phyrexian Arena - Nuf Said
Liliana's Contract - draw 4 cards for 5 mana is amazing, win con is interesting tho it will probably never happen.
Underworld Connections Turns a land into Pyrexian Areana
Painful Truths - 3 colors is easy to get in this deck. 3 cards, 3 mana, that's a good deal.
Ancient Craving - Not bad, not bad.
Ambition's Cost - same as above
Chandra, Torch of Defiance - Not "draw power" in the sense that you are drawing, but her top +1 effect basically lets you treat the top card of your deck as though you had drawn it. She has the bonus effect of being mana ramp when you need it.
Black, White, and Red have some good options here. Wherever Possible I have opted for the "Exile" over "Destroy" so that indestructible isn't an issue. Here is my shortlist:
Banefire - Can't be countered and can be used on players as well if needed.
Disenchant - Versatile card
Generous Gift - Super good card. It can be used to take out any permanent, even land. The 3/3 elephant is no threat to my beaters, but also, it can't get in the way of my 2/2 Commander because it does not have flying :)
Vandalblast - I love this card. 1 mana to take out 1 artifact if fine. but 5 mana to take out every other player's artifacts on the board, that's just awesome.
Anguished Unmaking - The "Exile" and the "non-permanent" make this card so useful.
Despark - Instant speed and likely to be useful against any commander or any threat.
Return to Dust - Exile again, 2 cards for 1. 4cmc is expensive but hey, we aren't exactly using mana to summon our creatures, we got Kaalia for that.
Swords to Plowshare - No need to explain
Path to Exile - as above
Vindicate - Strictly better than Generous Gift
Nahiri, the Harbinger - Exile artifact, enchantment or creature.
Grant. I have narrowed down my shortlist but can't decide between them. so many options:
Crackling Doom - this card will almost never target my commander, but could target other peoples
Decree of Pain - I love this card
Cataclysm *list* - This is awesome because it leaves all of us on 1 land only. It doesn't touch our hands and the hand is precisely where I cheat my creatures from, so I don't need land :)
Blasphemous Act - I figured I need at least 1 board wipe that is red in case people have black/white hate. Plus this card has the word blasphemy in it, something I love doing is blaspheming that good for nothing scum that people worship.
Wrath of God - This is what happens when you blaspheme haha
Austree Command - Versatile
Ghostly Prison - Should stop ppl from attacking me
Rackdos Charm - Graveyard hate is always good
Master Warcraft - Imagin the fun you can have with this card, throwing two opponents into each other haha so good :)
Strionic Resonator - this is GOD in my deck. Kaalia is a triggered ability, enter the battlefield is a triggered ability, when this card deals direct damage is a triggered ability, and this deck is FULL of them. 2 mana lets me use Kaalia to cheat 2 beaters instead of 1. Or what if I want to be a real dick and trigger Angel of Serenity twice to remove 6 cards haha.
Winter Orb This is a shit card, I hate it... but... it is very good in this deck. Because I don't play creatures, I Cheat them for free, it means that this card doesn't really impact my ability to generate field presence. It makes the game terribly unfun tho for a lot of people and that makes me think I shouldn't use it.
True Conviction - High CMC, I don't think I need this, but.... part of me likes the idea of all my beaters becoming double strike, and the life-like I think is really useful in a deck that has me paying life all the time (Bloody Black).
Legion's Initiative The buff is negligible, its the whole field flicker effect that can be useful. I can do this on my opponents turn after I am about to block and lose my creatures, or, I can do this during my turn to trigger bulk enter the battlefield effects all over again.
Price of Glory - My deck has very very few instant cards. For that reason, this card Barely affects the way this deck plays. However... Black and blue and white decks that I face will HATE this card.
Whip of Erebos - Two things about this card , 1. LIFE LINK, yes please on all my beaters. 2. CHEAT things in at 4 mana, yes please, more trigger effects, don't mind if I do.
Helm of the Host - This card is very slow, but made for this deck. The tokens taht it copies allow trigger effects to enter the battlefield. Also, the token comes into play with haste before combat, so you can attack with it the turn it is made, meaning those attack directly trigger effects can be utilised the same turn you equip the creature.
Unburial Rites - 2 reanimations for 1, Yes Please
Reanimate - How stupid would you be not to include this card!
Animate Dead - How stupid would you be not to include this as well.
Phyrexian Reclamation - Grant do you think this can be useful? Return a good target to and, swing with Kaalia and then summon it for free? it will mean I never run out of targets in my hand, even if I am against a discard deck.
Primevals' Glorious Rebirth - Could be good. I need to have a legendary creature on the field to cast a legendary sorcery, so taht could be a problem
Obzedat's Aid - Not just a creature but ANY PERMANENT from my grave. Enchantments, equipment, etc
Chaos Warp - Could be useful against an opponents threat, or at cheating something of mine into play
Sneak Attack - This bastard costs $35us so I am not 100% sold on it. but, think about what it could do in this deck...
Well, that is my shortlist.... I can't narrow it down any further without testing it, my brain just can't properly imagine what will and won't be useful. I have not included mana rocks, nor lands, let me know if you want to look over them. and let me know what you think I should remove (besides Baneslayer Angel)
Thanks, Brother. Dale Perkins
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