Well, It seems I've discovered this wonderful website where I can get criticism on my decks!

What I need most is a lot of harsh, thoughtful criticism right now, because I'm planning to add some of these decks to tournaments I might play at, so please, tell me is there is a card that would benefit or is bad with the deck. I accept all criticism right now, call me a noob if you must. All of this will easily make my decks more efficient in this cases.

Next deck: Red-Blue Burn Deck

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MTG Decks

Empty the Counter Bag

Modern SalmonSlayer


Killer Miller

Modern SalmonSlayer

SCORE: 1 | 182 VIEWS

Finished Decks 3
Prototype Decks 0
Drafts 0
Playing since Scars of Mirrodin
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern, Vintage
Cards suggested / good suggestions 3 / 3
Joined 11 years