MTG List: Green cards
Creature (549)
- 1x Acidic Slime
- 2x Acridian
- 1x Aerie Ouphes
- 1x Algae Gharial
- 1x Allosaurus Rider
Ambush Commander
- 1x Ambush Viper
- 1x Amphibious Kavu
- 1x Ancient Ooze
- 1x Argothian Pixies
- 2x Argothian Swine
- 1x Aura Gnarlid
- 1x Aurochs
- 1x Avacyn's Pilgrim
- 3x Avenging Druid
- 1x Baloth Woodcrasher
- 1x Barbtooth Wurm
- 2x Barkhide Mauler
- 1x Bayou Dragonfly
- 1x Behemoth's Herald
- 1x Berserk Murlodont
- 1x Birchlore Rangers
- 3x Blanchwood Treefolk
- 7x Blastoderm
- 1x Bloodline Shaman
- 1x Boneyard Wurm
- 1x Bosk Banneret
- 1x Brawn
- 1x Briarpack Alpha
- 2x Brindle Boar
- 1x Brown Ouphe
- 1x Budoka Pupil Flip
- 1x Canopy Spider
- 1x Carnage Wurm
- 1x Carnivorous Plant
- 1x Cat Warriors
- 1x Caustic Wasps
- 1x Cave Tiger
- 2x Cavern Thoctar
- 1x Charging Rhino
- 1x Child of Gaea
- 4x Child of Thorns
- 1x Chub Toad
- 2x Crashing Boars
- 1x Craw Giant
- 1x Craw Wurm
- 2x Cudgel Troll
- 1x Cylian Elf
- 1x Darkthicket Wolf
- 1x Darkwatch Elves
- 1x Dawntreader Elk
- 5x Deepwood Drummer
- 1x Deepwood Tantiv
- 3x Defiant Elf
- 3x Devoted Druid
- 2x Druid of the Anima
- 4x Durkwood Boars
- 3x Elven Riders
- 1x Elvish Archdruid
- 1x Elvish Bard
- 4x Elvish Eulogist
- 2x Elvish Herder
- 1x Elvish Lyrist
- 1x Elvish Pathcutter
- 4x Elvish Pioneer
- 1x Elvish Scout
- 1x Elvish Scrapper
- 1x Elvish Soultiller
- 2x Elvish Visionary
- 4x Elvish Warrior
- 1x Emerald Oryx
- 1x Emperor Crocodile
- 1x Enormous Baloth
- 1x Essence of the Wild
- 1x Everglove Courier
- 2x Fangren Pathcutter
- 1x Farhaven Elf
- 1x Festerhide Boar
- 1x Fierce Empath
- 1x Folk of An-Havva
- 1x Frontier Guide
- 1x Fyndhorn Elder
- 1x Fyndhorn Elves
- 2x Gamekeeper
- 1x Gang of Elk
- 2x Garruk's Companion
- 4x Gempalm Strider
- 1x Ghoultree
- 4x Giant Caterpillar
- 2x Giant Spider
- 1x Gibbering Hyenas
- 3x Gilt-Leaf Seer
- 3x Gnarled Mass
- 1x Godtoucher
- 1x Gorilla Berserkers
- 2x Gorilla Warrior
- 1x Grazing Gladehart
- 1x Greater Basilisk
- 1x Greenseeker
- 2x Grizzly Bears
- 3x Harbinger of Spring
- 2x Harvest Mage
- 1x Hawkeater Moth
- 2x Heartwood Dryad
- 2x Heartwood Treefolk
- 2x Heedless One
- 1x Hermit Druid
- 3x Horned Troll
- 8x Howling Wolf
- 1x Hungry Mist
- 3x Hunted Wumpus
- 1x Hunting Moa
- 1x Immaculate Magistrate
Imperious Perfect
- 1x Ironroot Treefolk
- 1x Isao, Enlightened Bushi
- 1x Iwamori of the Open Fist
- 1x Jaddi Lifestrider
- 1x Jade Mage
- 2x Jagged-Scar Archers
- 1x Jolrael's Centaur
- 1x Jungle Weaver
- 1x Jungle Wurm
- 1x Juniper Order Druid
- 2x Kavu Chameleon
- 7x Kavu Climber
- 1x Keeper of the Beasts
- 1x Kessig Cagebreakers
- 1x Killer Bees
- 2x Kindercatch
- 1x Krosan Cloudscraper
- 1x Krosan Drover
- 2x Krosan Groundshaker
- 1x Krosan Restorer
- 1x Kurgadon
- 2x Leaf Gilder
- 1x Lifespinner
- 1x Living Hive
- 1x Llanowar Behemoth
- 4x Llanowar Cavalry
- 5x Llanowar Elite
- 7x Llanowar Elves
- 6x Llanowar Vanguard
- 1x Loam Dweller
- 1x Lone Wolf
- 2x Lowland Basilisk
- 1x Lurking Crocodile
- 4x Lys Alana Huntmaster
- 1x Manaplasm
- 1x Marker Beetles
- 4x Marsh Boa
- 2x Marsh Viper
- 1x Matsu-Tribe Sniper
- 1x Moon Sprite
- 1x Moss Monster
- 1x Mossdog
- 2x Mosstodon
- 4x Multani's Acolyte
- 1x Mungha Wurm
- 1x Mycoloth
- 2x Nath's Elite
- 1x Naya Battlemage
- 2x Nema Siltlurker
- 7x Nesting Wurm
- 2x Nightsoil Kami
- 9x Nomadic Elf
- 2x Norwood Ranger
- 1x Nurturing Licid
- 1x Orchard Warden
- 1x Overgrown Battlement
- 1x Patron of the Orochi
- 3x Patron of the Wild
- 1x Pelakka Wurm
- 2x Petalmane Baku
- 4x Pincer Spider
- 1x Pincher Beetles
- 1x Pouncing Jaguar
- 1x Primordial Hydra
- 4x Pygmy Razorback
- 5x Quirion Elves
- 5x Quirion Sentinel
- 9x Quirion Trailblazer
- 2x Redwood Treefolk
- 4x Rib Cage Spider
- 1x River Boa
- 1x Root Elemental
- 1x Root Spider
- 1x Rootbreaker Wurm
- 1x Rooting Kavu
- 1x Rootwalla
- 1x Runeclaw Bear
- 3x Rushwood Herbalist
- 1x Rushwood Legate
- 9x Sacred Prey
- 1x Sakura-Tribe Elder
- 4x Sakura-Tribe Springcaller
- 2x Scaled Hulk
- 1x Scaled Wurm
- 2x Scavenger Folk
- 1x Seedborn Muse
- 2x Seeker of Skybreak
- 5x Serpentine Kavu
- 1x Shambling Strider
- 2x Shanodin Dryads
- 1x Shizuko, Caller of Autumn
- 2x Silt Crawler
- 6x Silverglade Elemental
- 2x Simian Grunts
- 1x Skullmulcher
- 1x Skyshroud Behemoth
- 2x Skyshroud Cutter
- 2x Skyshroud Elf
- 2x Skyshroud Ranger
- 3x Skyshroud Ridgeback
- 8x Skyshroud Sentinel
- 1x Skyshroud Troll
- 1x Skyshroud Troopers
- 4x Snarling Undorak
- 3x Snorting Gahr
- 1x Somberwald Spider
- 2x Spawnwrithe
- 1x Spike Worker
- 1x Spitting Spider
- 1x Splinterfright
- 1x Spore Flower
- 1x Sporecap Spider
- 1x Sprouting Phytohydra
- 1x Stalking Tiger
- 5x Stampede Driver
- 1x Stampeding Wildebeests
- 5x Stonewood Invoker
- 1x Striped Bears
- 1x Sylvan Messenger
- 1x Tel-Jilad Exile
- 1x Tel-Jilad Lifebreather
- 1x Territorial Baloth
- 1x Thicket Elemental
- 1x Thorn Elemental
- 1x Thorn Thallid
- 9x Thornscape Apprentice
- 2x Thresher Beast
- 3x Timberwatch Elf
- 1x Tinder Wall
- 1x Topan Ascetic
- 1x Towering Baloth
- 2x Trained Armodon
- 4x Traproot Kami
- 1x Treefolk Healer
- 1x Treefolk Mystic
- 1x Treetop Scout
- 1x Tribal Forcemage
- 1x Turntimber Basilisk
- 1x Utopia Tree
- 2x Venomous Dragonfly
- 1x Venomspout Brackus
- 1x Verduran Emissary
- 1x Vine Trellis
- 3x Vintara Elephant
- 1x Vintara Snapper
- 1x Voice of the Woods
- 1x Wall of Brambles
- 1x Wall of Pine Needles
- 2x War Mammoth
- 1x Weatherseed Elf
- 3x Wellwisher
- 1x Whiptail Wurm
- 2x Wickerbough Elder
- 1x Wiitigo
- 2x Wild Dogs
- 1x Wild Elephant
- 1x Wild Nacatl
- 1x Willow Dryad
- 2x Willow Elf
- 1x Winding Wurm
- 1x Winnower Patrol
- 2x Wirewood Channeler
- 5x Wirewood Elf
- 2x Wirewood Herald
- 3x Wirewood Savage
- 1x Wirewood Symbiote
- 3x Wood Elves
- 1x Woodcloaker
- 2x Woodland Sleuth
- 1x Woodripper
- 2x Wren's Run Vanquisher
- 1x Wurmskin Forger
- 1x Yavimaya Ants
- 2x Yavimaya Scion
- 1x Yavimaya Wurm
Instant (110)
- 4x Aggressive Urge
- 1x Autumn's Veil
- 1x Bounty of the Hunt
- 1x Crop Rotation
- 3x Elvish Fury
- 3x Explosive Growth
- 2x Fog
- 2x Fog Patch
- 8x Giant Growth
- 2x Gilt-Leaf Ambush
- 1x Gloomwidow's Feast
- 1x Gnaw to the Bone
- 15x Harrow
- 2x Hunter's Insight
- 1x Hunting Pack
- 4x Invigorate
- 1x Lammastide Weave
- 4x Lull
- 1x Magnify
- 1x Moonmist
- 5x Naturalize
- 1x Nourish
- 1x Nourishing Shoal
- 1x Plummet
- 1x Prey's Vengeance
- 1x Primal Boost
- 1x Ranger's Guile
- 2x Reality Anchor
- 1x Reclaim
- 1x Refreshing Rain
- 1x Relic Crush
- 1x Repopulate
- 1x Resounding Roar
- 1x Resuscitate
- 3x Roar of Jukai
- 1x Seedling Charm
- 1x Shrink
- 2x Silk Net
- 1x Snag
- 1x Spidery Grasp
- 3x Strength of Night
- 1x Symbiosis
- 2x Titanic Growth
- 1x Tranquil Domain
- 4x Vigorous Charge
- 6x Vital Surge
- 1x Whiteout
- 4x Wild Might
- 1x Wildsize
- 1x Worldly Tutor
Enchantment (88)
- 2x Ancestral Mask
- 1x Armor of Thorns
- 1x Barbed Foliage
- 1x Bear Umbra
- 1x Briar Shield
- 1x Broken Fall
- 1x Call of the Wild
- 1x Canopy Cover
- 1x Carpet of Flowers
- 1x Choke
- 1x Compost
- 2x Crosswinds
- 1x Elfhame Sanctuary
- 1x Elven Palisade
- 1x Elvish Guidance
- 1x Ferocity
- 13x Fertile Ground
- 3x Flourishing Defenses
- 1x Fortitude
- 1x Freyalise's Charm
- 3x Frog Tongue
- 1x Genju of the Cedars
- 1x Greener Pastures
- 2x Instill Energy
- 1x Jolrael's Favor
- 1x Lure
- 3x Lush Growth
- 1x Nature's Wrath
- 2x Ooze Garden
- 2x Predatory Hunger
- 4x Regeneration
- 1x Rites of Flourishing
- 1x Root Cage
- 1x Saproling Burst
- 2x Saproling Cluster
- 3x Savage Hunger
- 6x Seal of Strength
- 1x Song of Serenity
- 1x Spidersilk Armor
- 2x Storm Front
- 1x Thoughtleech
- 1x Tiger Claws
- 1x Trollhide
- 1x Venom
- 2x Venomous Fangs
- 1x Wanderlust
- 4x Whip Silk
- 1x Wreath of Geists
Sorcery (74)
- 1x Ancient Stirrings
- 1x Break Asunder
- 2x Calming Verse
- 1x Caravan Vigil
- 2x Elven Cache
- 3x Elvish Promenade
- 1x Explosive Vegetation
- 1x Fallow Earth
- 1x Far Wanderings
- 2x Gaea's Bounty
- 1x Gift of the Gargantuan
- 1x Gleeful Sabotage
- 1x Growth Spasm
- 1x Harmonize
- 2x Hush
- 2x Land Grant
- 1x Lay of the Land
- 2x Make a Wish
- 1x Metamorphosis
- 3x Monstrous Growth
- 1x Mulch
- 2x Nature's Lore
- 2x Needle Storm
- 1x One Dozen Eyes
- 3x Rampant Growth
- 1x Rejuvenate
- 2x Reverent Silence
- 1x Skyshroud Claim
- 2x Sosuke's Summons
- 1x Soul's Might
- 1x Spider Spawning
- 1x Splinter
- 1x Stream of Life
- 1x Sylvan Scrying
- 1x Titania's Boon
- 1x Tower Above
- 1x Tranquil Path
- 6x Tranquility
- 1x Travel Preparations
- 4x Untamed Wilds
- 3x Uproot
- 5x Wandering Stream
- 1x Wing Snare
- 1x Wing Storm