enter image description here "Knowledge is cruel. It will break your heart and test your allegiances. Are you certain you want this curse?" - Dictate of Kruphix

Thematic Synergy is my building Style

One birthday several years ago, my closest friends decided it was time to enter the world of Magic. They put together what knowledge and cards they had and made me a Medomai the Ageless deck - knowing my personality and showing me through the deck just how much of your personality you can build into Magic.

Since then I have learned of the many years of lore, themes, guilds, shards, wedges and tribes that show no matter what you do or who you are, you can find something that represents you. Building decks is one of my creative outlets and I almost exculsively build decks to fit a theme, and the decks I am most attached to are the ones that I feel represent my personality the most.

  • My ego is Blue.
  • My heart is White.
  • My guild is Azorious.
  • My shard is Esper.

I love tribal, colours, personality, and magic! Wizards are my heart and soul and blue mana is my life force. I enjoy casual Modern and EDH and like to play with friends.

My favourite card in MTG is... Show

All decks featured on my profile are deck I spent lots of time and energy on. I'm super proud fo these decks and I hope you check them out, and feel free to make suggestions. They are very much appreciated!

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MTG Decks

The Forsaken of the Vast (EDH, Casual Aggro)

Commander / EDH ShasOBorkan


Finished Decks 14
Prototype Decks 9
Drafts 0
Playing since Return to Ravnica
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 5.29
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern, Commander / EDH, Planechase
Cards suggested / good suggestions 5 / 5
Venues World's Collide, 401 Games
Joined 9 years