Deckling -
MTG Decks
Finished Decks | 90 |
Prototype Decks | 85 |
Drafts | 0 |
Playing since | Seventh Edition |
Avg. deck rating | None |
T/O Rank | 128 |
Helper Rank | 511 |
Favorite formats | Commander / EDH, Pauper EDH, Casual |
Suppressed formats | Standard, Alchemy, Standard Brawl, Historic, Pioneer, Modern, Pauper, Legacy, Vintage, Canadian Highlander, Gladiator, Highlander, Duel Commander, Pauper Duel Commander, Leviathan, Premodern, Oldschool 93/94, Limited, Pre-release, Planechase, Archenemy, Vanguard, Penny Dreadful, Heirloom, Hero, Noble, Frontier, Tiny Leaders, Oathbreaker, Block Constructed, Arena, MTGO, Magic Duels, Unformat, Quest Magic RPG, Quest Magic, Unknown |
Cards Added/Fixed | 36 |
Joined | 9 years |
Said on The New Commander …...
#1To summerise my tought verry quickly:
Gamechanger list is good but needs to be larger, a few noteable missing cards would be necropotence and burgeoning/exploration. I could also see the eldrazi titans and some more of the phyrexian preators on there as they tend to be problematic in lower power tables, which is what bracket 2, and to a lesser decree 3 are supposed to be.
As PeasentKenobi mentioned in his video, I do think the idea of a second Gamechanger list for the more severe cards could be a thing, and the integration of "number of Gamechangers per deck could be stretched between bracket 2 and 4 but this comes at increased complexety which I dont think is a goood thing considering the casual playerbase.
I DONT think they should unban crypt/lotus, at least within the year, since it would lead more destabilization again. If they realy want to bring them back wait at least 6 more months, and follow it up with a reprint if possible (sice they will likely have more insight into that now).
Given its a beta currently but i hope after a year or 2 the Gamechanger list will be "finalized" barring newly printed overperformers, so more casual people dont have to check and adjust their decks al the time.
February 14, 2025 3:46 p.m.