Hey there, Shrooblord here! I'm a casual Magic player who enjoys building decks like nobody's business, dabbling in all the five colours of the game, trying out all mechanics of all colours and enjoying seeing how different colour combinations wield different results. I tend to accidentally land on lifegain a lot of the time, though I don't usually set out to build a deck around it. I enjoy Green as a colour most, accompanied by White, though Black and Red are also extremely fun. Blue is fine for utility for me, but when it comes to Counterspell tactics, I hate the colour, mainly because I really dislike it when it happens to myself (so why should I pester anyone else with it?). I try to always create incredibly powerful, yet fair decks that have some weakness in them to be exploited. It's no fun if your opponent has no chance to begin with!

My least favourite mechanic in the game is Discarding and I tend not to ever include it in any decks, unless I'm building a 'hatred Black' or 'Dimir Mill' deck (because that's basically what those decks hearts are set out to do so...).

My favourite card is Scavenging Ooze [PSG], because it's the first card I ever got and it got me into playing Magic with the physical cards. On top of that, it's just a really powerful card, its art is purdy and it's all foiled and neat-o. And come on, how can you resist that adorable smile? :3

For the rest, I love playing with random people, or playing multiple times with the same person - slow games are more up my alley than quick oh-look-five-mins-and-you're-dead matches, but I do have a nasty Rakdos deck just for that occassion! ;)

I'm all up for trading - but don't expect me to trade away my best or favourite cards (naturally).

That's all for me - see you on the planes of war, Planeswalker!


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MTG Decks

Ooze Bruise

Casual* Shrooblord


Finished Decks 1
Prototype Decks 1
Drafts 0
Playing since Theros
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Commander / EDH, Casual
Joined 11 years