MTG List: Neil's List
Creature (798)
- 1x Abbey Matron
- 1x Abomination
- 1x Aboroth
- 1x Abu Ja'far
- 1x Abyssal Gatekeeper
- 1x Abyssal Horror
- 1x Abyssal Specter
- 1x Adarkar Sentinel
- 1x Adarkar Unicorn
- 1x Agent of Shauku
- 1x Air Elemental
- 1x Akron Legionnaire
- 1x Aku Djinn
- 1x Alabaster Dragon
- 1x Alabaster Wall
- 1x Ali Baba
- 1x Alley Grifters
- 1x Ambush Party
- 1x Amrou Kithkin
- 1x Anaba Ancestor
- 1x Anaba Bodyguard
- 1x Anaba Shaman
- 1x Angry Mob
- 1x Apprentice Wizard
- 1x Arctic Foxes
- 1x Arctic Wolves
- 1x Ardent Militia
- 1x Argothian Pixies
- 1x Armor Thrull
- 1x Armored Pegasus
- 1x Army Ants
- 1x Ashen Ghoul
- 1x Atog
- 1x Aurochs
- 1x Axelrod Gunnarson
- 1x Aysen Bureaucrats
- 1x Azimaet Drake
- 1x Azure Drake
- 1x Balduvian Barbarians
- 1x Balduvian Bears
- 1x Balduvian Conjurer
- 1x Balduvian Dead
- 1x Balduvian Shaman
- 1x Ballista Squad
- 1x Balloon Peddler
- 1x Banshee
- 1x Barbarian Guides
- 1x Barishi
- 1x Baron Sengir
- 1x Barrow Ghoul
- 1x Basal Thrull
- 1x Battering Ram
- 1x Battle Rampart
- 1x Beasts of Bogardan
- 1x Benalish Hero
- 1x Benalish Infantry
- 1x Benalish Knight
- 1x Benalish Missionary
- 1x Benevolent Unicorn
- 1x Benthic Explorers
- 1x Bird Maiden
- 1x Black Knight
- 1x Blaster Mage
- 1x Blistering Barrier
- 1x Blockade Runner
- 1x Bloodrock Cyclops
- 1x Bog Elemental
- 1x Bog Glider
- 1x Bog Imp
- 1x Bog Rats
- 1x Bog Smugglers
- 1x Bog Wraith
- 1x Bogardan Firefiend
- 1x Bogardan Phoenix
- 1x Bone Shaman
- 1x Branded Brawlers
- 1x Brass Man
- 1x Brass-Talon Chimera
- 1x Brassclaw Orcs
- 1x Breezekeeper
- 1x Brine Shaman
- 1x Bronze Horse
- 1x Brood of Cockroaches
- 1x Brothers of Fire
- 1x Brown Ouphe
- 1x Bull Elephant
- 1x Burning Palm Efreet
- 1x Cackling Witch
- 1x Carnivorous Plant
- 1x Carrion Ants
- 1x Cat Warriors
- 1x Cateran Brute
- 1x Cateran Kidnappers
- 1x Cateran Overlord
- 1x Cateran Persuader
- 1x Cave People
- 1x Cavern Crawler
- 1x Cavern Harpy
- 1x Cemetery Gate
- 1x Centaur Archer
- 1x Ceremonial Guard
- 1x Chameleon Spirit
- 1x Chandler
- 1x Charm Peddler
- 1x Chicken Egg
- 1x Chilling Apparition
- 1x Chronatog
- 1x Chub Toad
- 1x Cinder Elemental
- 1x Cinder Giant
- 1x Cinder Wall
- 1x Circling Vultures
- 1x Civic Guildmage
- 1x Clam-I-Am
- 1x Clam Session
- 1x Clambassadors
- 1x Clay Statue
- 1x Clockwork Avian
- 1x Clockwork Beast
- 1x Clockwork Gnomes
- 1x Clockwork Steed
- 1x Clockwork Swarm
- 1x Cloud Djinn
- 1x Cloud Elemental
- 1x Cloud Sprite
- 1x Coastal Hornclaw
- 1x Combat Medic
- 1x Cosmic Horror
- 1x Crash of Rhinos
- 1x Craw Giant
- 1x Craw Wurm
- 1x Crimson Kobolds
- 1x Crimson Manticore
- 1x Crookshank Kobolds
- 1x Crossbow Infantry
- 1x Crypt Rats
- 1x Cuombajj Witches
- 1x Cyclopean Mummy
- 1x Dancing Scimitar
- 1x Dandan
- 1x Daraja Griffin
- 1x Darba
- 1x Dark Maze
- 1x Darting Merfolk
- 1x Daughter of Autumn
- 1x Dauthi Marauder
- 1x D'Avenant Archer
- 1x Deadhead
- 1x Deadly Insect
- 1x Death Charmer
- 1x Death Speakers
- 1x Deep Spawn
- 1x Deepwood Drummer
- 1x Deepwood Ghoul
- 1x Deepwood Tantiv
- 1x Derelor
- 1x Devout Witness
- 1x Diabolic Machine
- 1x Dire Wolves
- 1x Dirtwater Wraith
- 1x Disciple of Kangee
- 1x Diving Griffin
- 1x Dragon Engine
- 1x Dragon Whelp
- 1x Drake Hatchling
- 1x Dralnu's Pet
- 1x Drift of the Dead
- 1x Drudge Skeletons
- 1x Durkwood Boars
- 1x Duskrider Falcon
- 1x Dwarven Armorer
- 1x Dwarven Berserker
- 1x Dwarven Nomad
- 1x Dwarven Sea Clan
- 1x Dwarven Soldier
- 1x Dwarven Thaumaturgist
- 1x Dwarven Trader
- 1x Dwarven Vigilantes
- 1x Dwarven Warriors
- 1x Dwarven Weaponsmith
- 1x Earth Elemental
- 1x Ebon Praetor
- 1x Ebony Rhino
- 1x Ekundu Cyclops
- 1x Ekundu Griffin
- 1x El-Hajjaj
- 1x Elder Druid
- 1x Elder Land Wurm
- 1x Elven Riders
- 1x Elvish Archers
- 1x Elvish Farmer
- 1x Elvish Healer
- 1x Elvish Hunter
- 1x Elvish Impersonators
- 1x Elvish Scout
- 1x Emerald Dragonfly
- 1x Erg Raiders
- 1x Erhnam Djinn
- 1x Eron the Relentless
- 1x Ertai's Familiar
- 1x Exorcist
- 1x Extravagant Spirit
- 1x Fallen Angel
- 1x Fallen Askari
- 1x Fallow Wurm
- 1x Farrelite Priest
- 1x Farrel's Zealot
- 1x Fault Riders
- 1x Femeref Archers
- 1x Femeref Enchantress
- 1x Femeref Knight
- 1x Femeref Scouts
- 1x Fen Stalker
- 1x Feral Shadow
- 1x Feral Thallid
- 1x Fetid Horror
- 1x Fire Elemental
- 1x Firestorm Hellkite
- 1x Flame Spirit
- 1x Flametongue Kavu
- 1x Fledgling Djinn
- 1x Flowstone Giant
- 1x Flowstone Salamander
- 1x Fog Elemental
- 1x Folk of An-Havva
- 1x Folk of the Pines
- 1x Force of Nature
- 1x Foriysian Brigade
- 1x Foul Familiar
- 1x Free-Range Chicken
- 1x Freewind Falcon
- 1x Frenetic Efreet
- 1x Frozen Shade
- 1x Fungus Elemental
- 1x Fungusaur
- 1x Fyndhorn Brownie
- 1x Fyndhorn Druid
- 1x Fyndhorn Elder
- 1x Fyndhorn Elves
- 1x Gabriel Angelfire
- 1x Gaea's Liege
- 1x Gallowbraid
- 1x Gangrenous Zombies
- 1x Gerrard's Irregulars
- 1x Ghazban Ogre
- 1x Ghazban Ogress
- 1x Ghost Hounds
- 1x Ghost Ship
- 1x Giant Albatross
- 1x Giant Caterpillar
- 1x Giant Oyster
- 1x Giant Shark
- 1x Giant Slug
- 1x Giant Spider
- 1x Giant Tortoise
- 1x Giant Trap Door Spider
- 1x Glacial Wall
- 1x Glittering Lion
- 1x Glittering Lynx
- 1x Goblin Artisans
- 1x Goblin Balloon Brigade
- 1x Goblin Bookie
- 1x Goblin Bowling Team
- 1x Goblin Chirurgeon
- 1x Goblin Digging Team
- 1x Goblin Grenadiers
- 1x Goblin King
- 1x Goblin Matron
- 1x Goblin Recruiter
- 1x Goblin Rock Sled
- 1x Goblin Sappers
- 1x Goblin Ski Patrol
- 1x Goblin Snowman
- 1x Goblin Swine-Rider
- 1x Goblin Vandal
- 1x Goblins of the Flarg
- 1x Gorilla Berserkers
- 1x Gorilla Chieftain
- 1x Gorilla Pack
- 1x Granger Guildmage
- 1x Granite Gargoyle
- 1x Grapeshot Catapult
- 1x Gray Ogre
- 1x Greater Werewolf
- 1x Greel, Mind Raker
- 1x Grizzled Wolverine
- 1x Grizzly Bears
- 1x Gulf Squid
- 1x Gus
- 1x Harbor Guardian
- 1x Harvest Wurm
- 1x Hasran Ogress
- 1x Hazduhr the Abbot
- 1x Hazy Homunculus
- 1x Heart Wolf
- 1x Heavy Ballista
- 1x Hell's Caretaker
- 1x Highway Robber
- 1x Hill Giant
- 1x Hipparion
- 1x Hoar Shade
- 1x Hollow Warrior
- 1x Homarid
- 1x Homarid Shaman
- 1x Homarid Warrior
- 1x Honorable Scout
- 1x Horned Troll
- 1x Howling Wolf
- 1x Hulking Cyclops
- 1x Hungry Mist
- 1x Hunting Drake
- 1x Hurloon Minotaur
- 1x Hurloon Shaman
- 1x Hurr Jackal
- 1x Hypnotic Specter
- 1x Icatian Infantry
- 1x Icatian Javelineers
- 1x Icatian Moneychanger
- 1x Icatian Priest
- 1x Icatian Scout
- 1x Icatian Skirmishers
- 1x Ihsan's Shade
- 1x Illusionary Forces
- 1x Illusionary Wall
- 1x Indentured Djinn
- 1x Infantry Veteran
- 1x Infernal Denizen
- 1x Infernal Spawn of Evil
- 1x Initiates of the Ebon Hand
- 1x Intrepid Hero
- 1x Irini Sengir
- 1x Iron-Heart Chimera
- 1x Ironclaw Orcs
- 1x Ironroot Treefolk
- 1x Island Fish Jasconius
- 1x Ivory Guardians
- 1x Jamuraan Lion
- 1x Jangling Automaton
- 1x Jolrael, Empress of Beasts
- 1x Joven
- 1x Joven's Ferrets
- 1x Juggernaut
- 1x Jungle Troll
- 1x Juniper Order Druid
- 1x Junun Efreet
- 1x Karplusan Giant
- 1x Keeper of Kookus
- 1x Keepers of the Faith
- 1x Kei Takahashi
- 1x Keldon Arsonist
- 1x Keldon Battlewagon
- 1x Keldon Berserker
- 1x Keldon Firebombers
- 1x Keldon Warlord
- 1x Kelsinko Ranger
- 1x Killer Bees
- 1x King Cheetah
- 1x Kird Ape
- 1x Kjeldoran Dead
- 1x Kjeldoran Escort
- 1x Kjeldoran Frostbeast
- 1x Kjeldoran Guard
- 1x Kjeldoran Home Guard
- 1x Kjeldoran Knight
- 1x Kjeldoran Phalanx
- 1x Kjeldoran Skycaptain
- 1x Kjeldoran Skyknight
- 1x Kjeldoran Warrior
- 1x Knight of Stromgald
- 1x Knight of the Hokey Pokey
- 1x Knight of the Mists
- 1x Knight of Valor
- 1x Kobolds of Kher Keep
- 1x Krakilin
- 1x Krazy Kow
- 1x Kris Mage
- 1x Krovikan Elementalist
- 1x Krovikan Sorcerer
- 1x Krovikan Vampire
- 1x Kyren Sniper
- 1x Kyscu Drake
- 1x Labyrinth Minotaur
- 1x Laccolith Grunt
- 1x Land Leeches
- 1x Lava Hounds
- 1x Lead-Belly Chimera
- 1x Leaping Lizard
- 1x Legions of Lim-Dûl
- 1x Leviathan
- 1x Lexivore
- 1x Ley Druid
- 1x Liege of the Hollows
- 1x Lightning Hounds
- 1x Lim-Dul's Cohort
- 1x Lim-Dul's High Guard
- 1x Living Wall
- 1x Llanowar Behemoth
- 1x Llanowar Druid
- 1x Llanowar Elves
- 1x Llanowar Sentinel
- 1x Longbow Archer
- 1x Lord of Atlantis
- 1x Lord of the Pit
- 1x Lost Soul
- 1x Mageta the Lion
- 1x Man-o'-War
- 1x Manta Ray
- 1x Marhault Elsdragon
- 1x Marjhan
- 1x Marsh Boa
- 1x Marsh Goblins
- 1x Marsh Viper
- 1x Master of Arms
- 1x Matopi Golem
- 1x Merfolk Assassin
- 1x Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
- 1x Merfolk Traders
- 1x Merieke Ri Berit
- 1x Mesa Chicken
- 1x Mesa Falcon
- 1x Mesa Pegasus
- 1x Mindstab Thrull
- 1x Mine Bearer
- 1x Minion of Leshrac
- 1x Miracle Worker
- 1x Mire Kavu
- 1x Mischievous Poltergeist
- 1x Mishra's War Machine
- 1x Miss Demeanor
- 1x Misshapen Fiend
- 1x Mistfolk
- 1x Mistmoon Griffin
- 1x Mogg Assassin
- 1x Mole Worms
- 1x Mons's Goblin Raiders
- 1x Moor Fiend
- 1x Morgue Toad
- 1x Mountain Goat
- 1x Mountain Yeti
- 1x Mtenda Herder
- 1x Mundungu
- 1x Murk Dwellers
- 1x Musician
- 1x Mwonvuli Ooze
- 1x Nafs Asp
- 1x Nakaya Shade
- 1x Narwhal
- 1x Nebuchadnezzar
- 1x Necratog
- 1x Necrite
- 1x Necropolis
- 1x Necrosavant
- 1x Nekrataal
- 1x Nether Shadow
- 1x Nettletooth Djinn
- 1x Nettling Imp
- 1x Nicol Bolas
- 1x Nightmare
- 1x Nightscape Battlemage
- 1x Nightscape Familiar
- 1x Nightwind Glider
- 1x Noble Benefactor
- 1x Norritt
- 1x Northern Paladin
- 1x Obsianus Golem
- 1x Odylic Wraith
- 1x Ogre Enforcer
- 1x Onulet
- 1x Ophidian
- 1x Orcish Artillery
- 1x Orcish Cannoneers
- 1x Orcish Captain
- 1x Orcish Conscripts
- 1x Orcish Farmer
- 1x Orcish Healer
- 1x Orcish Lumberjack
- 1x Orcish Settlers
- 1x Orcish Spy
- 1x Orcish Veteran
- 1x Order of the Ebon Hand
- 1x Order of the Sacred Torch
- 1x Order of the White Shield
- 1x Ornithopter
- 1x Osai Vultures
- 1x Ovinomancer
- 1x Pale Bears
- 1x Palladia-Mors
- 1x Panther Warriors
- 1x Paper Tiger
- 1x Peacekeeper
- 1x Pearled Unicorn
- 1x Pendrell Drake
- 1x People of the Woods
- 1x Pestilence Rats
- 1x Phantasmal Fiend
- 1x Phantasmal Forces
- 1x Phantasmal Mount
- 1x Phantom Monster
- 1x Phantom Warrior
- 1x Phelddagrif
- 1x Phyrexian Ghoul
- 1x Phyrexian Marauder
- 1x Phyrexian Walker
- 1x Pikemen
- 1x Pious Warrior
- 1x Pirate Ship
- 1x Pit Raptor
- 1x Pit Scorpion
- 1x Plague Fiend
- 1x Plague Rats
- 1x Polar Kraken
- 1x Port Inspector
- 1x Poultrygeist
- 1x Pradesh Gypsies
- 1x Primal Clay
- 1x Primeval Shambler
- 1x Primordial Ooze
- 1x Prodigal Sorcerer
- 1x Psionic Entity
- 1x Pygmy Allosaurus
- 1x Pygmy Kavu
- 1x Pygmy Razorback
- 1x Pyknite
- 1x Pyric Salamander
- 1x Python
- 1x Quicksilver Wall
- 1x Quirion Elves
- 1x Quirion Explorer
- 1x Quirion Ranger
- 1x Rabid Wombat
- 1x Radjan Spirit
- 1x Rag Man
- 1x Raging Gorilla
- 1x Rainbow Efreet
- 1x Ramosian Lieutenant
- 1x Ramosian Sergeant
- 1x Rampart Crawler
- 1x Rashka the Slayer
- 1x Razing Snidd
- 1x Razortooth Rats
- 1x Redwood Treefolk
- 1x Reef Pirates
- 1x Renegade Warlord
- 1x Repentant Blacksmith
- 1x Resistance Fighter
- 1x Restless Dead
- 1x Reveille Squad
- 1x Revered Unicorn
- 1x Rib Cage Spider
- 1x Ribbon Snake
- 1x Ridgeline Rager
- 1x Rime Dryad
- 1x Rishadan Cutpurse
- 1x Rishadan Footpad
- 1x River Boa
- 1x River Merfolk
- 1x Roc Hatchling
- 1x Roc of Kher Ridges
- 1x Rock Basilisk
- 1x Rogue Elephant
- 1x Root Spider
- 1x Roterothopter
- 1x Royal Assassin
- 1x Royal Herbalist
- 1x Rushwood Dryad
- 1x Rushwood Herbalist
- 1x Rushwood Legate
- 1x Sabretooth Tiger
- 1x Sage Owl
- 1x Samite Alchemist
- 1x Samite Healer
- 1x Samite Pilgrim
- 1x Sand Squid
- 1x Sandbar Merfolk
- 1x Sandbar Serpent
- 1x Saprazzan Outrigger
- 1x Saprazzan Raider
- 1x Sawback Manticore
- 1x Sawtooth Ogre
- 1x Scalebane's Elite
- 1x Scaled Wurm
- 1x Scarecrow
- 1x Scathe Zombies
- 1x Scavenger Folk
- 1x Scavenging Ghoul
- 1x Scissors Lizard
- 1x Scoria Cat
- 1x Scryb Sprites
- 1x Sea Scryer
- 1x Sea Serpent
- 1x Sea Troll
- 1x Seasinger
- 1x Seasoned Tactician
- 1x Sedge Troll
- 1x Segovian Leviathan
- 1x Sengir Autocrat
- 1x Sengir Bats
- 1x Sengir Vampire
- 1x Sentinel
- 1x Serra Paladin
- 1x Serrated Biskelion
- 1x Shadow Guildmage
- 1x Shadow Rider
- 1x Shambling Strider
- 1x Shanodin Dryads
- 1x Shapeshifter
- 1x Shard Phoenix
- 1x Shield Bearer
- 1x Shield Dancer
- 1x Shifting Wall
- 1x Shimian Night Stalker
- 1x Shock Troops
- 1x Shrieking Drake
- 1x Shrouded Serpent
- 1x Shyft
- 1x Sibilant Spirit
- 1x Silent Attendant
- 1x Silt Crawler
- 1x Silver Erne
- 1x Silverglade Elemental
- 1x Sindbad
- 1x Sisters of the Flame
- 1x Sivitri Scarzam
- 1x Skeleton Ship
- 1x Skyshroud Ranger
- 1x Snorting Gahr
- 1x Snow Fortress
- 1x Soldevi Golem
- 1x Soldevi Machinist
- 1x Soldevi Sage
- 1x Soldevi Sentry
- 1x Soldevi Simulacrum
- 1x Sol'kanar the Swamp King
- 1x Somnophore
- 1x Soul Charmer
- 1x Soul Shepherd
- 1x Spark Fiend
- 1x Sparkcaster
- 1x Spectral Bears
- 1x Spiketail Drake
- 1x Spiketail Hatchling
- 1x Spined Wurm
- 1x Spiny Starfish
- 1x Spitting Drake
- 1x Spitting Spider
- 1x Spore Flower
- 1x Spore Frog
- 1x Spur Grappler
- 1x Stalking Tiger
- 1x Stampeding Wildebeests
- 1x Steadfast Guard
- 1x Steel Golem
- 1x Steel Leaf Paladin
- 1x Stern Proctor
- 1x Stinging Barrier
- 1x Stone Giant
- 1x Stone Kavu
- 1x Storm Crow
- 1x Stormscape Battlemage
- 1x Stormscape Familiar
- 1x Stormwatch Eagle
- 1x Stratadon
- 1x Straw Golem
- 1x Striped Bears
- 1x Stromgald Cabal
- 1x Sunscape Familiar
- 1x Suq'Ata Assassin
- 1x Suq'Ata Lancer
- 1x Svyelunite Priest
- 1x Sylvan Hierophant
- 1x Tahngarth, Talruum Hero
- 1x Talruum Champion
- 1x Talruum Piper
- 1x Tar Pit Warrior
- 1x Tarpan
- 1x Teferi's Drake
- 1x Teferi's Honor Guard
- 1x Temp of the Damned
- 1x Tempest Drake
- 1x Tempest Efreet
- 1x Teremko Griffin
- 1x Tetravus
- 1x Thallid
- 1x Thallid Devourer
- 1x The Fallen
- 1x The Wretched
- 1x Thelonite Druid
- 1x Thelonite Monk
- 1x Thermal Glider
- 1x Thicket Basilisk
- 1x Thorn Thallid
- 1x Thornscape Familiar
- 1x Thresher Beast
- 1x Thrull Champion
- 1x Thrull Wizard
- 1x Thundermare
- 1x Thunderscape Familiar
- 1x Timber Wolves
- 1x Timid Drake
- 1x Timmy, Power Gamer
- 1x Tin-Wing Chimera
- 1x Tinder Wall
- 1x Tobias Andrion
- 1x Tolarian Drake
- 1x Tolarian Entrancer
- 1x Tolarian Serpent
- 1x Tonic Peddler
- 1x Tor Giant
- 1x Tor Wauki
- 1x Trade Caravan
- 1x Trap Runner
- 1x Trenching Steed
- 1x Triskelion
- 1x Troubled Healer
- 1x Tundra Wolves
- 1x Uktabi Efreet
- 1x Uktabi Orangutan
- 1x Uncle Istvan
- 1x Undertaker
- 1x Unyaro Griffin
- 1x Urborg Mindsucker
- 1x Urborg Stalker
- 1x Urza's Avenger
- 1x Uthden Troll
- 1x Vampire Bats
- 1x Varchild's Crusader
- 1x Venomous Dragonfly
- 1x Verduran Enchantress
- 1x Veteran Explorer
- 1x Viashino Outrider
- 1x Viashino Sandstalker
- 1x Viashino Warrior
- 1x Viashivan Dragon
- 1x Village Elder
- 1x Vine Trellis
- 1x Vintara Elephant
- 1x Vodalian Illusionist
- 1x Vodalian Knights
- 1x Vodalian Mage
- 1x Vodalian Soldiers
- 1x Vodalian War Machine
- 1x Voice of All
- 1x Voice of Grace
- 1x Volcano Imp
- 1x Volunteer Reserves
- 1x Wake of Vultures
- 1x Walking Wall
- 1x Wall of Air
- 1x Wall of Bone
- 1x Wall of Brambles
- 1x Wall of Distortion
- 1x Wall of Dust
- 1x Wall of Fire
- 1x Wall of Heat
- 1x Wall of Ice
- 1x Wall of Kelp
- 1x Wall of Opposition
- 1x Wall of Pine Needles
- 1x Wall of Roots
- 1x Wall of Shadows
- 1x Wall of Shields
- 1x Wall of Spears
- 1x Wall of Stone
- 1x Wall of Swords
- 1x Wall of Vapor
- 1x Wall of Water
- 1x Wall of Wonder
- 1x Wall of Wood
- 1x War Elephant
- 1x War Mammoth
- 1x Warthog
- 1x Water Elemental
- 1x Whipstitched Zombie
- 1x Whirling Dervish
- 1x Wild Aesthir
- 1x Wild Elephant
- 1x Wild Jhovall
- 1x Will-o'-the-Wisp
- 1x Willow Faerie
- 1x Wind Spirit
- 1x Witch Hunter
- 1x Wizard Mentor
- 1x Woolly Mammoths
- 1x Woolly Spider
- 1x Xenic Poltergeist
- 1x Yavimaya Gnats
- 1x Yawgmoth Demon
- 1x Yotian Soldier
- 1x Zebra Unicorn
- 1x Zephyr Falcon
- 1x Zerapa Minotaur
- 1x Zhalfirin Commander
- 1x Zhalfirin Crusader
- 1x Zombie Master
- 1x Zombie Scavengers
- 1x Zuran Enchanter
- 1x Zuran Spellcaster
Land (50)
- 1x An-Havva Township
- 1x Aysen Abbey
- 1x Castle Sengir
- 1x City of Brass
- 1x Coral Atoll
- 1x Darigaaz's Caldera
- 1x Dormant Volcano
- 1x Drifting Meadow
Ebon Stronghold
- 1x Everglades
- 1x Flood Plain
- 1x Gemstone Mine
- 1x Glacial Chasm
- 1x Griffin Canyon
- 1x Heart of Yavimaya
- 1x Hickory Woodlot
- 1x Ice Floe
- 1x Jungle Basin
- 1x Karoo
- 1x Koskun Keep
- 1x Lake of the Dead
- 1x Mishra's Factory
- 1x Oasis
- 1x Polluted Mire
- 1x Quicksand
- 1x Rainbow Vale
- 1x Remote Farm
- 1x Remote Isle
- 1x Rhystic Cave
- 1x River Delta
- 1x Rocky Tar Pit
- 1x Safe Haven
- 1x Sand Silos
- 1x Sandstone Needle
- 1x School of the Unseen
- 1x Scorched Ruins
- 1x Slippery Karst
- 1x Strip Mine
- 1x Svyelunite Temple
- 1x Terminal Moraine
- 1x Timberline Ridge
- 1x Treva's Ruins
- 1x Underground River
- 1x Undiscovered Paradise
- 1x Urza's Mine
- 1x Urza's Power Plant
- 1x Urza's Tower
- 1x Veldt
- 1x Winding Canyons
- 1x Wizards' School
Enchantment (354)
- 1x Abduction
- 1x AEther Flash
- 1x AEther Storm
- 1x Aggression
- 1x Alexi's Cloak
- 1x Alms
- 1x Aluren
- 1x An-Zerrin Ruins
- 1x Ancestral Knowledge
- 1x Angelic Renewal
- 1x Angelic Voices
- 1x Animate Artifact
- 1x Animate Dead
- 1x Animate Wall
- 1x Apathy
- 1x Arenson's Aura
- 1x Armistice
- 1x Armor of Faith
- 1x Arnjlot's Ascent
- 1x Aspect of Wolf
- 1x Aura Fracture
- 1x Aura of Silence
- 1x Awakening
- 1x Awesome Presence
- 1x Backfire
- 1x Barbed Field
- 1x Bazaar of Wonders
- 1x Betrayal
- 1x Betrothed of Fire
- 1x Binding Grasp
- 1x Black Scarab
- 1x Black Ward
- 1x Blanket of Night
- 1x Blight
- 1x Blue Scarab
- 1x Blue Ward
- 1x Brainwash
- 1x Brand of Ill Omen
- 1x Breath of Dreams
- 1x Breathstealer's Crypt
- 1x Breeding Pit
- 1x Briar Patch
- 1x Briar Shield
- 1x Brutal Suppression
- 1x Buoyancy
- 1x Bureaucracy
- 1x Burgeoning
- 1x Burrowing
- 1x Call of the Wild
- 1x Carapace
- 1x Castle
- 1x Censorship
- 1x Chromatic Armor
- 1x Circle of Protection: Artifacts
- 1x Circle of Protection: Black
- 1x Circle of Protection: Blue
- 1x Circle of Protection: Green
- 1x Circle of Protection: Red
- 1x Circle of Protection: White
- 1x City of Solitude
- 1x Cloak of Confusion
- 1x Cloak of Invisibility
- 1x Coastal Piracy
- 1x Cocoon
- 1x Coils of the Medusa
- 1x Cold Snap
- 1x Common Courtesy
- 1x Confiscate
- 1x Conquer
- 1x Conspiracy
- 1x Consuming Ferocity
- 1x Contamination
- 1x Control Magic
- 1x Conversion
- 1x Cooperation
- 1x Copy Artifact
- 1x Coral Reef
- 1x Creature Bond
- 1x Crusade
- 1x Cursed Land
- 1x Customs Depot
- 1x Dance of Many
- 1x Dance of the Dead
- 1x Dark Heart of the Wood
- 1x Dark Privilege
- 1x Death Watch
- 1x Deathgrip
- 1x Deep Water
- 1x Dehydration
- 1x Dense Foliage
- 1x Desolation
- 1x Despondency
- 1x Diabolic Servitude
- 1x Diplomatic Immunity
- 1x Divine Transformation
- 1x Downdraft
- 1x Dream Tides
- 1x Dreams of the Dead
- 1x Earthbind
- 1x Earthlore
- 1x Elephant Grass
- 1x Elkin Lair
- 1x Elven Fortress
- 1x Endbringer's Revel
- 1x Endless Scream
- 1x Energy Flux
- 1x Enfeeblement
- 1x Erosion
- 1x Errant Minion
- 1x Errantry
- 1x Essence Flare
- 1x Eternal Warrior
- 1x Evil Presence
- 1x Eye of Singularity
- 1x False Demise
- 1x Familiar Ground
- 1x Farrel's Mantle
- 1x Fear
- 1x Feast of the Unicorn
- 1x Fecundity
- 1x Feedback
- 1x Ferocity
- 1x Fervor
- 1x Festering Evil
- 1x Fire Whip
- 1x Firebreathing
- 1x Fishliver Oil
- 1x Flaming Sword
- 1x Flight
- 1x Flood
- 1x Flowering Field
- 1x Food Chain
- 1x Forbidden Lore
- 1x Fortified Area
- 1x Fowl Play
- 1x Freyalise's Charm
- 1x Freyalise's Winds
- 1x Fungal Bloom
- 1x Furious Assault
- 1x Fylgja
- 1x Gaea's Embrace
- 1x Gaea's Touch
- 1x Gaseous Form
- 1x Giant Strength
- 1x Gloom
- 1x Goblin Caves
- 1x Goblin Kites
- 1x Goblin Shrine
- 1x Goblin War Drums
- 1x Goblin Warrens
- 1x Gossamer Chains
- 1x Grave Servitude
- 1x Greed
- 1x Greel's Caress
- 1x Green Scarab
- 1x Green Ward
- 1x Hallowed Ground
- 1x Handcuffs
- 1x Haunted Crossroads
- 1x Heart of Bogardan
- 1x Heat Stroke
- 1x Heat Wave
- 1x Hecatomb
- 1x Heightened Awareness
- 1x Hermetic Study
- 1x Heroic Defiance
- 1x Heroism
- 1x Holy Armor
- 1x Holy Strength
- 1x Homarid Spawning Bed
- 1x Iceberg
- 1x Icy Prison
- 1x Illusionary Terrain
- 1x I'm Rubber, You're Glue
- 1x Immolation
- 1x Imposing Visage
- 1x Infernal Darkness
- 1x Infernal Tribute
- 1x Inheritance
- 1x Inner Sanctum
- 1x Insolence
- 1x Instill Energy
- 1x Insubordination
- 1x Island Sanctuary
- 1x Jolrael's Favor
- 1x Justice
- 1x Karma
- 1x Katabatic Winds
- 1x Keldon Mantle
- 1x Kismet
- 1x Kithkin Armor
- 1x Kjeldoran Pride
- 1x Krovikan Fetish
- 1x Krovikan Plague
- 1x Kudzu
- 1x Lance
- 1x Land Tax
- 1x Lashknife Barrier
- 1x Latulla's Orders
- 1x Leshrac's Rite
- 1x Ley Line
- 1x Lifeforce
- 1x Lifetap
- 1x Lightning Reflexes
- 1x Living Artifact
- 1x Living Lands
- 1x Living Terrain
- 1x Lure
- 1x Maddening Wind
- 1x Mageta's Boon
- 1x Magistrate's Veto
- 1x Magnetic Mountain
- 1x Mammoth Harness
- 1x Mana Chains
- 1x Mana Flare
- 1x Mana Vortex
- 1x Manabarbs
- 1x Melting
- 1x Merseine
- 1x Mind Whip
- 1x Mine, Mine, Mine!
- 1x Mob Mentality
- 1x Mortal Wound
- 1x Multani's Harmony
- 1x Muzzle
- 1x Mystic Decree
- 1x Mystic Might
- 1x Mystic Remora
- 1x Mystic Veil
- 1x Nature's Kiss
- 1x Necromancy
- 1x Night Soil
- 1x Noble Purpose
- 1x Noble Steeds
- 1x Noxious Field
- 1x Oath of Lim-Dul
- 1x Oath of Mages
- 1x Orcish Mine
- 1x Orcish Oriflamme
- 1x Overgrowth
- 1x Ow
- 1x Pacifism
- 1x Pandemonium
- 1x Paralyze
- 1x Parapet
- 1x Pestilence
- 1x Phantasmal Terrain
- 1x Phantom Wings
- 1x Phyrexian Boon
- 1x Pillar Tombs of Aku
- 1x Planar Void
- 1x Planeswalker's Scorn
- 1x Power Leak
- 1x Power Surge
- 1x Preferred Selection
- 1x Primal Order
- 1x Primal Rage
- 1x Prismatic Ward
- 1x Psychic Venom
- 1x Puppet Master
- 1x Reclamation
- 1x Red Scarab
- 1x Red Ward
- 1x Reflexes
- 1x Regeneration
- 1x Relic Bind
- 1x Relic Ward
- 1x Revelation
- 1x Rhystic Circle
- 1x Rhystic Deluge
- 1x Rhystic Study
- 1x Righteous Aura
- 1x Righteous Indignation
- 1x Righteous War
- 1x Ritual of Steel
- 1x Root Cage
- 1x Roots
- 1x Roots of Life
- 1x Rowen
- 1x Rune of Protection: Red
- 1x Sacred Mesa
- 1x Seeker
- 1x Seismic Assault
- 1x Seizures
- 1x Serenity
- 1x Serra Bestiary
- 1x Serra's Blessing
- 1x Sheltering Prayers
- 1x Shiv's Embrace
- 1x Sicken
- 1x Sinister Strength
- 1x Smoke
- 1x Snake Pit
- 1x Snow Devil
- 1x Snowblind
- 1x Snowfall
- 1x Soar
- 1x Soothsaying
- 1x Sorry
- 1x Soul Barrier
- 1x Soul Kiss
- 1x Spider Climb
- 1x Spidersilk Armor
- 1x Spirit Shackle
- 1x Squandered Resources
- 1x Stamina
- 1x Stasis
- 1x Steal Artifact
- 1x Stonehands
- 1x Stormbind
- 1x Strands of Night
- 1x Suleiman's Legacy
- 1x Sun Clasp
- 1x Sunken City
- 1x Sustenance
- 1x Sylvan Library
- 1x Takklemaggot
- 1x Teferi's Realm
- 1x Teferi's Veil
- 1x The Brute
- 1x Thelon's Chant
- 1x Thelon's Curse
- 1x Thirst
- 1x Thoughtleech
- 1x Tidal Flats
- 1x Tidal Influence
- 1x Tiger Claws
- 1x Titania's Song
- 1x Torture
- 1x Tourach's Chant
- 1x Unholy Strength
- 1x Unstable Mutation
- 1x Vampirism
- 1x Vanishing
- 1x Veil of Birds
- 1x Venom
- 1x Veteran's Voice
- 1x Volrath's Dungeon
- 1x Volrath's Motion Sensor
- 1x Wanderlust
- 1x War Tax
- 1x Warp Artifact
- 1x Warped Devotion
- 1x Wave of Terror
- 1x Weakness
- 1x Web
- 1x White Scarab
- 1x White Ward
- 1x Wild Growth
- 1x Withering Wisps
- 1x Worms of the Earth
- 1x Wrath of Marit Lage
- 1x Yawgmoth's Edict
- 1x Zur's Weirding
Instant (214)
- 1x Abjure
- 1x Abolish
- 1x Active Volcano
- 1x Alabaster Potion
- 1x Alarum
- 1x Aliban's Tower
- 1x Aura Blast
- 1x Battle Cry
- 1x Battle Frenzy
- 1x Blessed Wine
- 1x Blood Lust
- 1x Blood of the Martyr
- 1x Blossoming Wreath
- 1x Blue Elemental Blast
- 1x Boiling Blood
- 1x Boomerang
- 1x Bounty of the Hunt
- 1x Brainstorm
- 1x Burnt Offering
- 1x Carrion
- 1x Catalog
- 1x Chain Stasis
- 1x Chaoslace
- 1x Choking Vines
- 1x Clairvoyance
- 1x Confound
- 1x Counterspell
- 1x Crash
- 1x Crumble
- 1x Daring Leap
- 1x Dark Banishing
- 1x Dark Ritual
- 1x Dazzling Beauty
- 1x Death Ward
- 1x Deathlace
- 1x Demonic Consultation
- 1x Denied!
- 1x Desperate Gambit
- 1x Disenchant
- 1x Disrupt
- 1x Divine Offering
- 1x Double Dip
- 1x Double Take
- 1x Dwarven Catapult
- 1x Ebony Charm
- 1x Emerald Charm
- 1x Enchantment Alteration
- 1x Enervate
- 1x Errand of Duty
- 1x Essence Vortex
- 1x Ether Well
- 1x Excise
- 1x Expunge
- 1x Falling Timber
- 1x Fanatical Fever
- 1x Fatal Blow
- 1x Feral Instinct
- 1x Festival
- 1x Fevered Strength
- 1x Fire Covenant
- 1x Fireblast
- 1x Firestorm
- 1x Fissure
- 1x Flare
- 1x Flash Flood
- 1x Fog
- 1x Force Void
- 1x Foreshadow
- 1x Fork
- 1x Foxfire
- 1x Funeral Charm
- 1x Gaea's Might
- 1x Gainsay
- 1x Gerrard's Command
- 1x Get a Life
- 1x Ghoul's Feast
- 1x Giant Growth
- 1x Growth Spurt
- 1x Guardian Angel
- 1x Guerrilla Tactics
- 1x Gush
- 1x Hatred
- 1x Headstone
- 1x Heal
- 1x Healing Salve
- 1x Hearth Charm
- 1x Holy Light
- 1x Honorable Passage
- 1x Hoodwink
- 1x Hope Charm
- 1x Howl from Beyond
- 1x Hurkyl's Recall
- 1x Hydroblast
- 1x Impulse
- 1x Incinerate
- 1x Indestructible Aura
- 1x Inflame
- 1x Infuse
- 1x Inspiration
- 1x Invigorate
- 1x Ivory Charm
- 1x Jinx
- 1x Jolt
- 1x Jump
- 1x Kaervek's Spite
- 1x Last Breath
- 1x Lava Storm
- 1x Lifelace
- 1x Lightning Bolt
- 1x Lunge
- 1x Magical Hack
- 1x Magma Burst
- 1x Marsh Gas
- 1x Martyrdom
- 1x Melee
- 1x Memory Lapse
- 1x Mind Bend
- 1x Moment of Silence
- 1x Morale
- 1x Natural Affinity
- 1x Nocturnal Raid
- 1x Orim's Cure
- 1x Panic
- 1x Piety
- 1x Pollen Remedy
- 1x Power Sink
- 1x Purelace
- 1x Pyroblast
- 1x Rally
- 1x Ramosian Rally
- 1x Ray of Command
- 1x Ray of Erasure
- 1x Reality Ripple
- 1x Reap
- 1x Red Elemental Blast
- 1x Reinforcements
- 1x Remedy
- 1x Remove Soul
- 1x Reprisal
- 1x Rescind
- 1x Resuscitate
- 1x Rethink
- 1x Reverse Polarity
- 1x Rhystic Lightning
- 1x Rhystic Shield
- 1x Righteousness
- 1x Riptide
- 1x Rith's Charm
- 1x Rock Slide
- 1x Rouse
- 1x Rushing River
- 1x Sacred Boon
- 1x Sacrifice
- 1x Sandstorm
- 1x Sapphire Charm
- 1x Scars of the Veteran
- 1x Serene Heart
- 1x Sex Appeal
- 1x Shatter
- 1x Shield Wall
- 1x Shower of Sparks
- 1x Shriek of Dread
- 1x Shrink
- 1x Simoon
- 1x Simulacrum
- 1x Singe
- 1x Siren's Call
- 1x Sleight of Mind
- 1x Snag
- 1x Snuff Out
- 1x Solfatara
- 1x Songs of the Damned
- 1x Soothing Balm
- 1x Spell Blast
- 1x Spinning Darkness
- 1x Spore Cloud
- 1x Steal Strength
- 1x Storm Seeker
- 1x Surge of Strength
- 1x Team Spirit
- 1x Terror
- 1x Thoughtlace
- 1x Three Wishes
- 1x Thunderbolt
- 1x Thunderclap
- 1x Tidal Bore
- 1x Time and Tide
- 1x Tithe
- 1x Tranquil Domain
- 1x Transmutation
- 1x Truce
- 1x Tunnel
- 1x Turnabout
- 1x Twiddle
- 1x Undergrowth
- 1x Unsummon
- 1x Updraft
- 1x Urborg Justice
- 1x Vampiric Tutor
- 1x Venomous Breath
- 1x Vision Charm
- 1x Vitalize
- 1x Vitalizing Wind
- 1x Warning
- 1x Warrior's Honor
- 1x Whiteout
- 1x Wicked Reward
- 1x Wild Might
- 1x Wind Shear
- 1x Winter's Chill
- 1x Withdraw
- 1x Word of Blasting
- 1x Word of Undoing
Artifact (150)
- 1x Aegis of the Meek
- 1x Aeolipile
- 1x Aladdin's Lamp
- 1x Aladdin's Ring
- 1x Amulet of Kroog
- 1x Ankh of Mishra
- 1x Arcum's Sleigh
- 1x Arcum's Weathervane
- 1x Arcum's Whistle
- 1x Arena of the Ancients
- 1x Armageddon Clock
- 1x Ashnod's Altar
- 1x Ashnod's Battle Gear
- 1x Ashnod's Coupon
- 1x Ashnod's Transmogrant
- 1x Astrolabe
- 1x Balm of Restoration
- 1x Barbed Sextant
- 1x Barl's Cage
- 1x Basalt Monolith
- 1x Baton of Morale
- 1x Black Mana Battery
- 1x Black Vise
- 1x Blue Mana Battery
- 1x Book of Rass
- 1x Bosium Strip
- 1x Bottle of Suleiman
- 1x Bronze Calendar
- 1x Bronze Tablet
- 1x Bubble Matrix
- 1x Celestial Prism
- 1x Celestial Sword
- 1x Chaos Confetti
- 1x Charcoal Diamond
- 1x Chariot of the Sun
- 1x Chimeric Sphere
- 1x Conch Horn
- 1x Conservator
- 1x Coral Helm
- 1x Crown of the Ages
- 1x Crystal Rod
- 1x Cursed Rack
- 1x Delif's Cone
- 1x Delif's Cube
- 1x Diamond Kaleidoscope
- 1x Didgeridoo
- 1x Dingus Egg
- 1x Dingus Staff
- 1x Disrupting Scepter
- 1x Distorting Lens
- 1x Draconian Cylix
- 1x Dragon Mask
- 1x Ebony Horse
- 1x Elven Lyre
- 1x Feldon's Cane
- 1x Fellwar Stone
- 1x Feroz's Ban
- 1x Fire Diamond
- 1x Fluctuator
- 1x Flying Carpet
- 1x Fountain of Youth
- 1x Fyndhorn Bow
- 1x Gauntlets of Chaos
- 1x General's Regalia
- 1x Glasses of Urza
- 1x Green Mana Battery
- 1x Grinning Totem
- 1x Helm of Awakening
- 1x Helm of Chatzuk
- 1x Hematite Talisman
- 1x Horn of Deafening
- 1x Horn of Greed
- 1x Iron Star
- 1x Ivory Cup
- 1x Jabari's Banner
- 1x Jack-in-the-Mox
- 1x Jade Monolith
- 1x Jalum Tome
- 1x Jandor's Saddlebags
- 1x Jayemdae Tome
- 1x Jester's Mask
- 1x Jeweled Amulet
- 1x Jeweled Bird
- 1x Joven's Tools
- 1x Juju Bubble
- 1x Kormus Bell
- 1x Lapis Lazuli Talisman
- 1x Library of Leng
- 1x Living Armor
- 1x Lodestone Bauble
- 1x Magma Mine
- 1x Malachite Talisman
- 1x Mana Prism
- 1x Mana Vault
- 1x Meekstone
- 1x Mind Stone
- 1x Mishra's Helix
- 1x Nacre Talisman
- 1x Naked Singularity
- 1x Null Rod
- 1x Onyx Talisman
- 1x Phyrexian Furnace
- 1x Pit Trap
- 1x Portcullis
- 1x Rakalite
- 1x Red Mana Battery
- 1x Ring of Renewal
- 1x Rishadan Pawnshop
- 1x Rocket Launcher
- 1x Rod of Ruin
- 1x Runed Arch
- 1x Runesword
- 1x Sands of Time
- 1x Scarab of the Unseen
- 1x Serpent Generator
- 1x Serrated Arrows
- 1x Sisay's Ring
- 1x Skull Catapult
- 1x Snake Basket
- 1x Sol Ring
- 1x Soldevi Digger
- 1x Soul Net
- 1x Spatula of the Ages
- 1x Spirit Shield
- 1x Sunglasses of Urza
- 1x Sunstone
- 1x Tawnos's Wand
- 1x Tawnos's Weaponry
- 1x The Hive
- 1x The Rack
- 1x Thran Forge
- 1x Throne of Bone
- 1x Time Bomb
- 1x Tormod's Crypt
- 1x Touchstone
- 1x Urza's Armor
- 1x Urza's Bauble
- 1x Urza's Contact Lenses
- 1x Vibrating Sphere
- 1x Voodoo Doll
- 1x Wand of Denial
- 1x War Barge
- 1x War Chariot
- 1x Whalebone Glider
- 1x White Mana Battery
- 1x Winter Orb
- 1x Wooden Sphere
- 1x Xanthic Statue
- 1x Zelyon Sword
- 1x Zuran Orb
Sorcery (143)
- 1x Agonizing Memories
- 1x An-Havva Inn
- 1x Anarchy
- 1x Armageddon
- 1x Ashes to Ashes
- 1x Avalanche
- 1x Balance
- 1x Braingeyser
- 1x Builder's Bane
- 1x Buried Alive
- 1x Calming Verse
- 1x Channel
- 1x Choking Sands
- 1x Coercion
- 1x Cone of Flame
- 1x Creeping Mold
- 1x Darkpact
- 1x Demonic Tutor
- 1x Desert Twister
- 1x Despoil
- 1x Detonate
- 1x Devastate
- 1x Diabolic Vision
- 1x Disintegrate
- 1x Disturbed Burial
- 1x Doomsday
- 1x Double Cross
- 1x Double Deal
- 1x Double Play
- 1x Drain Life
- 1x Drain Power
- 1x Dream Cache
- 1x Dry Spell
- 1x Dust to Dust
- 1x Earthquake
- 1x Elven Cache
- 1x Energy Tap
- 1x Essence Filter
- 1x Evaporate
- 1x Fireball
- 1x Fit of Rage
- 1x Flameshot
- 1x Flashfires
- 1x Flay
- 1x Flock of Rabid Sheep
- 1x Flux
- 1x Forbidden Ritual
- 1x Forgotten Lore
- 1x Fumarole
- 1x Gaea's Blessing
- 1x Game of Chaos
- 1x Gaze of Pain
- 1x Goblin Grenade
- 1x Haunting Misery
- 1x Hull Breach
- 1x Hurricane
- 1x Hymn of Rebirth
- 1x Hymn to Tourach
- 1x Icatian Town
- 1x Icequake
- 1x Illicit Auction
- 1x Incoming!
- 1x Infernal Harvest
- 1x Inquisition
- 1x Jokulhaups
- 1x Juxtapose
- 1x Kaervek's Torch
- 1x Land Grant
- 1x Landfill
- 1x Lava Burst
- 1x Mana Clash
- 1x Mana Vapors
- 1x Merchant Scroll
- 1x Metamorphosis
- 1x Meteor Shower
- 1x Mind Ravel
- 1x Mind Twist
- 1x Mind Warp
- 1x Natural Order
- 1x Nature's Lore
- 1x Nature's Resurgence
- 1x Once More with Feeling
- 1x Organ Harvest
- 1x Outbreak
- 1x Overrun
- 1x Panic Attack
- 1x Paradigm Shift
- 1x Peace Talks
- 1x Plague Wind
- 1x Portent
- 1x Prismatic Wardrobe
- 1x Prophecy
- 1x Prosperity
- 1x Pyroclasm
- 1x Pyrotechnics
- 1x Raise Dead
- 1x Recall
- 1x Reconstruction
- 1x Regrowth
- 1x Relearn
- 1x Relentless Assault
- 1x Resurrection
- 1x Retribution
- 1x Revive
- 1x Rhystic Scrying
- 1x Ruination
- 1x Search for Survivors
- 1x Sever Soul
- 1x Shattered Crypt
- 1x Sizzle
- 1x Song of Blood
- 1x Soul Burn
- 1x Soul Exchange
- 1x Soul Strings
- 1x Specter's Wail
- 1x Splinter
- 1x Spoils of War
- 1x Squall
- 1x Stench of Evil
- 1x Stone Rain
- 1x Stream of Life
- 1x Stunted Growth
- 1x Summer Bloom
- 1x Taste of Paradise
- 1x Tendrils of Despair
- 1x Thrive
- 1x Touch of Death
- 1x Tranquility
- 1x Tremor
- 1x Tsunami
- 1x Undo
- 1x Unnerve
- 1x Untamed Wilds
- 1x Urza's Guilt
- 1x Victimize
- 1x Visions
- 1x Volcanic Eruption
- 1x Winds of Change
- 1x Wing Storm
- 1x Winter Blast
- 1x Winter Sky
- 1x Word of Binding