MTG List: Battle for Zendikar / Zendikar Block Cube


Creature (156)

Instant (54)

Enchantment (35)

Sorcery (26)

Land (23)

Artifact (12)

Planeswalker (5)


Back in the day, when Alara and Zendikar were standard, I came to start playing Magic. I was entranced with the immense flavor of the Zendikar world and story. I loved everything about it. Allies, vampires, elves, kor, merfolk, and lastly, the Eldrazi--all of which enticed me so much that I built a deck specifically for each then. Granted, they were all terrible decks (minus Elves thanks to Scars of Mirrodin rotation). But, still, Zendikar was and still is my favorite set.

Now that we're battling for Zendikar and I've completed my full set of Zendikar, I've decided to start a block cube, so that any one who's interested can experience what I experienced when I first 'became a planeswalker'.

TYPES: Allies I loved the allies in Zendikar, so I wanted to show that. Every halfway decent ally that had a decent job in the format was thrown in. Vampires This race was overpowered back in the day, and I want to show that here. The powered vampires such as Kalastria Highborn and Malakir Bloodwitch are sure to make a killing.