MTG List: Wants List


5 Colour Dragon's Approach Tribal (97)

Tovolar Werewolves (3)

Is Also Set On Ikoria (2)

Niv-Mizzet Go Bzzet (2)

Zilortha Trample / Haste Tribal (1)

Lathiel Lifegain (14)

Sythis Enchantress (11)

Random Cards I Have Ideas For (10)

Happily Ever After Super Friends (9)

Ranar Foretell (17)

Faldorn Impulse Draw (6)

Kalamax Spellslinger (6)

Kathril Keywords (5)

Jirina Humans (4)

Krav and Regna Clerics (4)

Rin and Seri Pets (4)

Random Alt Arts, Showcases and SLD's I Would Like (3)

Gavi Cycling (2)

Ajani Tribal (1)

Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths Collection (1)


List of Cards that I'm currently looking to get a copy of (with specific versions of certain ones)