Hello! I'm kind of a weird deck builder. I get an idea and I stick with it to the end, regardless of how optimal things turn out. This leads to crazy fun interactions like using Dismantle on a charged Sun Droplet to move its charge counters to Lightning Coils, Titan Forge, or Everflowing Chalice. I like making decks that do things like using a whole suite of cipher cards on an Invisible Stalker, or playing a Balefire Dragon turn 4.

Basically, jank is what I'm in to. Blue is my favorite color by far, I've been playing blue decks since I started back in 2006 (I've been playing on and off, so I have nowhere near 10 years of MTG experience. Don't let that date fool you). My least favorite color is Red, too simple, too fast, though I am aware that red is capable of some top-tier jank.

Deck-building is really fun, so if you have an idea that you just don't have time to make reality, then comment on my wall and I'll see what I can whip up! I reserve the right to take as long as I'd like ;)

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MTG Decks

AND MY WHIP - Depala Budget EDH

Commander / EDH Smellygoat11

SCORE: 2 | 584 VIEWS

Praise the Sun!~ (Revived!)

Modern* Smellygoat11


How to Train Your-- Oh Sweet Mother of God...

Modern* Smellygoat11

SCORE: 165 | 195 COMMENTS | 19428 VIEWS | IN 89 FOLDERS

Finished Decks 23
Prototype Decks 18
Drafts 0
Playing since Theros
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 27.75
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern, Casual
Cards suggested / good suggestions 5 / 5
Joined 11 years