Conspiracy or Xenograft + Turntimber Ranger = Go infinite
Conspiracy or Xenograft + Turntimber Ranger + Halimar Excavator = Instant Mill win
Amoeboid Changeling + Sliver Overlord = Tap Amoe, target opp creature, pay 3 for sliver, gain control of opp creature
Artificial Evolution + Hivestone = Army of WHATEVER I WANT
Tooth and Nail + Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion = Trisk has undying, keeps ETBing same turn with one +1/+1 counter, means ping one damage to everything
Tooth and Nail + Avenger of Zendikar + Craterhoof Behemoth
Tooth and Nail + Avatar of Slaughter + Blazing Archon
Tooth and Nail + Realm Razer + Tyrant of Discord
Mechanized Production + Norn's Annex = Each turn is more life-expensive to attack me
Marble Titan + Heliod, God of the Sun = My big creatures can attack, yours cant
Crawlspace + Total War = If opp decides to attack me, he can only attack with two creatures and must sac the rest
Spirit of Resistance + Scrapbasket = I can never receive damage!!
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite + Living Plane = All enemy lands dead
Linvala, Keeper of Silence + Living Plane = All enemy lands can't tap for mana
Copperhorn Scout + Stasis = I untap, you don't
Solemnity + Glen Elendra Archmage or Vorapede = Counterspell (Shit will die but ETB immediately)
Solemnity + Mystic Remora = I draw an extra cad whenever opp casts a spell non-stop basically
Solemnity + Mikaeus, the Unhallowed = my shit will never stay dead
Solemnity + Puppeteer Clique = Keep reanimating
Solemnity + River Kelpie = Draw 2 cards?
Solemnity + Thunderblust = strong
Solemnity + Woodfall Primus = keep destroying their shit
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite + Natural Affinity = Cheaper Living Plane combo
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite + Nature's Revolt = ^^
Altar of Dementia + Phenax, God of Deception + Reins of Power = Tap all my creatures to mill target opp, then switch my creatures with target opp creatures, tap all my new creatures to mill target opp, then sacrifice all "my" creatures to mill target opponent.
Altar of Dementia + Extractor Demon + Sidisi, Blood Tyrant = Potential infinite mill everyone in one turn
Altar of Dementia + Gravecrawler + Rooftop Storm = Own another zombie, infinite mill everyone in one turn
Altar of Dementia + Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Tatterkite = Infinite mill everyone in one turn
Altar of Dementia + Havengul Lich + Memnite = Infinite mill everyone in one turn
Aluren + Blasting Station + Mortus Strider = Aluren, Blasting Station on field, cast Mortus, sac mortus to blasting, deal 1 damage, mortus goes to my hand, play it again for free, repeat
Blasting Station + Darkest Hour + Teysa, Orzhov Scion = Sac a black creature with Blasting, create a 1/1 black spirit flyer, blasting untaps, sac the flyer, repeat
Blasting Station + Kitchen Finks + Melira, Sylvok Outcast = Sac Finks, it comes back to field, repeat
Blasting Station + Nim Deathmantle + Su-Chi = Attach Nim to Su-chi, sac su-chi, pay 4, repeat process
Blasting Station + Chronozoa + Solemnity = sac chrono, get two more chrono, repeat
Blasting Station + Enduring Renewal + Ornithopther = Sac ornithopter, it's put right back onto field, repeat
Hedron Crab + Retreat to Coralhelm + Ruin Ghost =Exile a plains, mill opponent infinite
Blue Sun's Zenith + Grand Architect + Pili-Pala = tap pili, pay 2 untap pili, build up mana each cycle to cast Blue Sun
Altar of the Brood + Intruder Alarm + Steward of Solidarity = tap steward, create token, untap everything, repeat, mill infinite
Artificial Evolution + Kozilek, Butcher of Truth + Rooftop Storm = Evolution the Storm to change Zombie to Eldrazi. Cast Eldrazi for FREEEE
Wild Defiance + Bounty of Might