I started playing basically right after Eventide ended and did a few FNM tournaments back then (was never any good) but stopped playing after Zendikar. I picked up again when Innistrad came out; I haven't gotten back into tournaments, but I do draft occasionally.

I'm a budget player so most of my decks lack the super expensive staples. I'm trying to get into commander so eventually I'll invest in them but for now my decks will stay cheap.

I'll try to keep the decks on my profile up to date with my current projects, but I tend to "build" about two decks a week and don't spend as much time as I should refining them so they come and go fast.

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MTG Decks

Sigarda, Commander of Herons

Commander / EDH SomethingRandom


Finished Decks 46
Prototype Decks 39
Drafts 25
Playing since Eventide
Avg. deck rating 2.67
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Pauper, Commander / EDH, Limited
Joined 12 years