I played kitchen table magic for a solid year and a half before I got even remotely competitive, and the change was due to a friendly competitive scene at my school. no one played kitchen table anymore so none of my decks were legal so i started off playing some standard with khans, with a naya dragon ramp deck that was anything but reliable, it was fun though. when origins came out I made B/G elves because shaman of the pack is hilarious. I started playing modern when standard started to feel weird and most of my friends were making the switch anyway. So I started testing bogles, and then Storm which I currently play. I still kinda like standard where I play G/W/u allies and I hope I get more for it with oath of the gatewatch or it gets better when khans wheels.

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MTG Decks


Modern SonicToaster


Finished Decks 19
Prototype Decks 7
Drafts 0
Playing since Dragon's Maze
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Modern, Commander / EDH
Venues SCG Hobby Latrobe
Joined 9 years