MTG List: Grixis Draft Cube
Creature (57)
- 1x Accursed Spirit
- 1x Anointed Deacon
- 1x Audacious Thief
- 1x Baleful Eidolon
- 1x Balustrade Spy
- 1x Barrier of Bones
- 1x Bishop of the Bloodstained
- 1x Bladetusk Boar
- 1x Bloodthrone Vampire
- 1x Cauldron Familiar
- 1x Cloudkin Seer
- 1x Cogwork Tracker
- 1x Dakra Mystic
- 1x Desert Cerodon
- 1x Devouring Hellion
- 1x Doomed Dissenter
- 1x Epicure of Blood
- 1x Firebrand Archer
- 1x Furyblade Vampire
- 1x Ghitu Journeymage
- 1x Gingerbrute
- 1x Gluttonous Slug
- 1x Goblin Electromancer
- 1x Grim Initiate
- 1x Hypnotic Sprite
- 1x Indulgent Aristocrat
- 1x Iron Bully
- 1x Loch Dragon
- 1x Malevolent Noble
- 1x Martyr of Bones
- 1x Mercurial Geists
- 1x Merfolk Secretkeeper
- 1x Meteor Golem
- 1x Naga Eternal
- 1x Opaline Unicorn
- 1x Prismite
- 1x Prophet of the Peak
- 1x Queen's Bay Soldier
- 1x Rapacious Dragon
- 1x Reaper of Night
- 1x Rix Maadi Guildmage
- 1x Roving Keep
- 1x Salvager of Ruin
- 1x Scorch Spitter
- 1x Sewn-Eye Drake
- 1x Siren of the Silent Song
- 1x Smitten Swordmaster
- 1x Sorcerer of the Fang
- 1x Spellgorger Weird
- 1x Spellheart Chimera
- 1x Tah-Crop Skirmisher
- 1x Tome Raider
- 1x Typhoid Rats
- 1x Wicked Guardian
- 1x Windcaller Aven
- 1x Xathrid Slyblade
- 1x Zephyr Scribe
Instant (20)
- 1x Brimstone Volley
- 1x Brute Strength
- 1x Cauldron Dance
- 1x Choking Tethers
- 1x Cunning Strike
- 1x Dissension in the Ranks
- 1x Electrify
- 1x Fiery Temper
- 1x Fling
- 1x Into the Story
- 1x Lava Dart
- 1x Lightning Strike
- 1x Redcap Melee
- 1x Run Away Together
- 1x Scorching Dragonfire
- 1x Sure Strike
- 1x Thrill of Possibility
- 1x Trumpet Blast
- 1x Turn to Frog
- 1x Unsummon
Sorcery (18)
- 1x Arc Trail
- 1x Assassinate
- 1x Blightning
- 1x Callous Dismissal
- 1x Cauldron's Gift
- 1x Claim the Firstborn
- 1x Covetous Urge
- 1x Endless Obedience
- 1x Lay Bare the Heart
- 1x Notion Rain
- 1x Pillar of Flame
- 1x Pyroclasm
- 1x Reckless Air Strike
- 1x Shreds of Sanity
- 1x Sign in Blood
- 1x Stealth Mission
- 1x Uncovered Clues
- 1x Voidwalk
Artifact (9)
- 1x Enchanted Carriage
- 1x Heraldic Banner
- 1x Sleek Schooner
- 1x Spidersilk Net
- 1x Staff of the Flame Magus
- 1x Staff of the Mind Magus
- 1x Untethered Express
- 1x Warmonger's Chariot
- 1x Witching Well
Enchantment (7)
- 1x Medomai's Prophecy
- 1x Power of Fire
- 1x Prophetic Ravings
- 1x Racecourse Fury
- 1x So Tiny
- 1x Stab Wound
- 1x Unholy Indenture