MTG List: Anje EDH Index
Land (21)
- 1x Akoum Refuge
- 1x Auntie's Hovel
- 1x Blackcleave Cliffs
- 1x Blood Crypt
- 1x Bloodfell Caves
- 1x Canyon Slough
- 1x Cinder Barrens
- 1x Dragonskull Summit
- 1x Foreboding Ruins
- 1x Graven Cairns
- 1x Lavaclaw Reaches
- 1x Luxury Suite
- 1x Rakdos Guildgate
- 1x Rocky Tar Pit
- 1x Shadowblood Ridge
- 1x Smoldering Marsh
- 1x Sulfurous Springs
- 1x Tainted Peak
- 1x Temple of Malice
- 1x Tresserhorn Sinks
- 1x Urborg Volcano
Fatty (11)
- 1x Apocalypse Demon
- 1x Embodiment of Agonies
- 1x Graveblade Marauder
- 1x Liliana's Elite
- 1x Malignus
- 1x Mortivore
- 1x Nighthowler
- 1x Nightstalker Engine
- 1x Revenant
- 1x Sewer Nemesis
- 1x Umbra Stalker
Madness (8)
- 1x Abandon Reason
- 1x Alms of the Vein
- 1x Distemper of the Blood
- 1x Gibbering Descent
- 1x Gisa's Bidding
- 1x Ichor Slick
- 1x Psychotic Episode
- 1x Strength of Lunacy
Combo (7)
- 1x Diviner's Wand
- 1x Fists of Flame
- 1x Glint-Horn Buccaneer
- 1x Morality Shift
- 1x Mortal Combat
- 1x Soulshriek
- 1x Syr Konrad, the Grim
Combo(Fling) (7)
- 1x Fling
- 1x Grab the Reins
- 1x Heart-Piercer Manticore
- 1x Morgue Burst
- 1x Rite of Consumption
- 1x Soul's Fire
- 1x Thud
Combo(Infinite) (3)
Wishlist (2)
Chaos (1)
Tutor (1)
Recursion (16)
- 1x Bag of Holding
- 1x Bone Harvest
- 1x Decaying Soil
- 1x Empty the Catacombs
- 1x Footbottom Feast
- 1x Forever Young
- 1x Garna, the Bloodflame
- 1x Gravepurge
- 1x Magus of the Will
- 1x Oversold Cemetery
- 1x Palace Siege
- 1x Restless Dreams
- 1x Shadow of the Grave
- 1x The Cauldron of Eternity
- 1x Thrilling Encore
- 1x Underworld Cerberus
Draw (14)
- 1x Cathartic Reunion
- 1x Cryptbreaker
- 1x Dark Deal
- 1x Dread Presence
- 1x Goblin Lore
- 1x Magmatic Insight
- 1x Necropotence
- 1x Night's Whisper
- 1x Reforge the Soul
- 1x Sandstone Oracle
- 1x Sign in Blood
- 1x Thrill of Possibility
- 1x Tormenting Voice
- 1x Wild Guess
Madness(Creature) (9)
- 1x Bloodmad Vampire
- 1x Brain Gorgers
- 1x Incorrigible Youths
- 1x Insatiable Gorgers
- 1x Muck Drubb
- 1x Reckless Wurm
- 1x Twins of Maurer Estate
- 1x Voldaren Pariah Flip
- 1x Weirded Vampire
Wheel (8)
- 1x Burning Inquiry
- 1x Collective Defiance
- 1x Fateful Showdown
- 1x Hazoret's Monument
- 1x Necromancer's Stockpile
- 1x Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion
- 1x Shattered Perception
- 1x Thought Gorger