MTG List: Commander Sealed Product
Creature (816)
- 1x Abyssal Persecutor
- 1x Abzan Falconer
- 1x Academy Elite
- 3x Acidic Slime
- 1x Adarkar Valkyrie
- 1x Aeon Chronicler
- 1x Aerie Mystics
- 1x Ajani's Chosen
- 1x Ajani's Pridemate
- 1x Akiri, Line-Slinger *f-etch*
- 1x Akroan Horse
- 1x Akroma, Angel of Fury
- 1x Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
- 1x Alms Collector
- 1x Angel of Despair
- 1x Angel of Finality
- 1x Angel of Serenity
- 1x Angel of the Dire Hour
- 1x Angelic Arbiter
- 1x Angelic Field Marshal
- 1x Anger
- 1x Animar, Soul of Elements
- 1x Ankle Shanker
- 1x Anowon, the Ruin Sage
- 1x Anya, Merciless Angel
- 1x Apprentice Necromancer
- 1x Aquastrand Spider
Arahbo, Roar of the World
- 2x Arbiter of Knollridge
- 1x Arbor Colossus
- 1x Arcanis the Omnipotent
- 1x Archaeomancer
- 1x Archangel
- 1x Archangel of Strife
- 1x Arjun, the Shifting Flame
- 1x Armory Automaton
- 3x Artisan of Kozilek
- 1x Atarka, World Render
- 1x Atraxa, Praetors' Voice
- 1x Augur of Bolas
- 1x Augury Adept
- 1x Avatar of Fury
- 1x Avatar of Slaughter
- 1x Avatar of Woe
- 1x Avenger of Zendikar
- 2x Azami, Lady of Scrolls
- 1x Azorius Guildmage
- 1x Azorius Herald
- 1x Azure Mage
- 1x Azusa, Lost but Seeking
- 1x Balan, Wandering Knight
- 1x Baleful Force
- 2x Baleful Strix
- 2x Baloth Woodcrasher
- 2x Bane of Progress
- 1x Bane of the Living
- 2x Banshee of the Dread Choir
- 1x Basandra, Battle Seraph
- 1x Bastion Protector
- 1x Beetleback Chief
- 2x Bladewing the Risen
- 1x Blazing Archon
- 1x Blood Artist
- 1x Blood Bairn
- 1x Blood Baron of Vizkopa
- 1x Blood Tyrant
- 1x Bloodbraid Elf
- 1x Bloodgift Demon
- 1x Bloodhusk Ritualist
- 2x Bloodline Necromancer
- 1x Bloodlord of Vaasgoth
- 1x Bloodspore Thrinax
- 1x Bloodsworn Steward
- 1x Body Double
- 1x Bogardan Hellkite
- 1x Boneyard Scourge
- 1x Borderland Behemoth
- 1x Boros Guildmage
- 1x Bosh, Iron Golem
- 1x Bottle Gnomes
- 1x Brawn
- 1x Breaching Leviathan
- 1x Breya, Etherium Shaper
- 1x Brine Elemental
- 2x Brion Stoutarm *oversized*
- 2x Broodbirth Viper
- 1x Brooding Saurian
- 1x Broodmate Dragon
- 1x Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder *f-etch*
- 1x Brutal Hordechief
- 2x Burnished Hart
- 4x Butcher of Malakir
- 1x Caller of the Claw
- 2x Caller of the Pack
- 1x Capricious Efreet
- 1x Captivating Vampire
- 1x Cathodion
- 1x Celestial Ancient
- 1x Celestial Archon
- 1x Celestial Crusader
- 1x Celestial Force
- 1x Centaur Vinecrasher
- 1x Chameleon Colossus
- 1x Champion of Lambholt
- 1x Champion of Stray Souls
- 1x Charging Cinderhorn
- 2x Charmbreaker Devils
- 1x Charnelhoard Wurm
- 1x Chartooth Cougar
- 1x Chasm Skulker
- 1x Chief Engineer
- 1x Chorus of the Conclave
- 1x Chromeshell Crab
- 1x Cloudthresher
- 2x Coiling Oracle
- 1x Cold-Eyed Selkie
- 1x Consuming Aberration
- 1x Containment Priest
- 1x Conundrum Sphinx
- 3x Corpse Augur
- 1x Corpsejack Menace
- 1x Court Hussar
- 1x Crater Hellion
- 1x Creeperhulk
- 1x Crimson Honor Guard
- 1x Crosis, the Purger
Crypt Ghast
- 1x Crystalline Crawler
- 1x Custodi Soulbinders
- 1x Damia, Sage of Stone
- 2x Dark Hatchling
- 1x Dark Impostor
- 1x Dauntless Escort
- 1x Dawnbreak Reclaimer
- 2x Dawnglare Invoker
- 1x Daxos the Returned
- 1x Deadly Recluse
- 2x Deadwood Treefolk
- 1x Deathbringer Regent
- 1x Deathbringer Thoctar
- 1x Deceiver Exarch
- 1x Deep-Sea Kraken
- 1x Deepfire Elemental
- 1x Deepglow Skate
- 1x Demon of Wailing Agonies
- 1x Den Protector
- 1x Desecrator Hag
- 1x Desolation Giant
Diaochan, Artful Beauty
- 1x Disciple of Bolas
- 1x Disciple of Griselbrand
- 3x Diviner Spirit
- 1x Divinity of Pride
- 1x Djinn of Infinite Deceits
- 1x Dominus of Fealty
- 1x Doomwake Giant
- 2x Dragon Mage
- 1x Dragon Whelp
- 1x Dragonlair Spider
- 1x Dragonlord's Servant
- 1x Dragonspeaker Shaman
- 2x Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief
- 1x Dread Cacodemon
- 1x Dreadbringer Lampads
- 1x Dream Pillager
- 1x Dreamborn Muse
- 1x Dromoka, the Eternal
- 1x Drove of Elves
- 1x Drumhunter
- 1x Dualcaster Mage
- 1x Duergar Hedge-Mage
- 1x Dulcet Sirens
- 1x Dungeon Geists
- 1x Duplicant
- 1x Eater of Hope
- 1x Echo Mage
- 1x Edgar Markov
- 3x Edric, Spymaster of Trest
- 1x Elite Scaleguard
- 1x Elvish Aberration
- 1x Elvish Archdruid
- 1x Elvish Mystic
- 2x Elvish Skysweeper
- 2x Elvish Visionary
- 1x Endless Cockroaches
- 1x Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder
- 1x Enduring Scalelord
- 1x Epochrasite
- 1x Essence Warden
- 1x Etched Oracle
- 1x Eternal Dragon
- 3x Eternal Witness
- 3x Etherium-Horn Sorcerer
- 1x Etherium Sculptor
- 1x Ethersworn Adjudicator
- 1x Evernight Shade
- 1x Experiment One
- 2x Extractor Demon
- 1x Ezuri, Claw of Progress
Ezuri, Renegade Leader
- 1x Faerie Artisans
- 1x Falkenrath Noble
- 1x Fallen Angel
- 1x False Prophet
- 2x Farhaven Elf
- 1x Fate Unraveler
- 1x Fathom Mage
- 1x Fathom Seer
- 1x Faultgrinder
- 1x Feldon of the Third Path
- 1x Fell Shepherd
- 1x Fertilid
- 1x Festercreep
- 1x Fiend Hunter
- 1x Fierce Empath
- 2x Filigree Angel
- 2x Flametongue Kavu
- 1x Fleecemane Lion
- 1x Flesh Carver
- 1x Fleshbag Marauder
- 2x Flickerwisp
- 3x Fog Bank
- 2x Forgotten Ancient
- 1x Frost Titan
- 1x Fumiko the Lowblood
- 1x Furnace Whelp
- 1x Gahiji, Honored One
- 1x Galecaster Colossus
- 1x Gamekeeper
- 1x Geist-Honored Monk
- 1x Ghave, Guru of Spores
- 1x Ghostblade Eidolon
- 1x Ghoulcaller Gisa
- 1x Gigantoplasm
- 1x Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
- 1x Glint-Eye Nephilim
- 1x Glissa, the Traitor *oversized*
- 1x Goblin Cadets
- 1x Goblin Electromancer
- 1x Goblin Sharpshooter
- 1x Goblin Spymaster
Goblin Welder
- 2x Godo, Bandit Warlord
- 2x Golgari Guildmage
- 1x Gomazoa
- 1x Grand Abolisher
- 1x Grave Sifter
- 1x Grave Titan
- 1x Gravedigger
- 1x Gray Merchant of Asphodel
- 1x Grazing Gladehart
- 2x Great Oak Guardian
- 1x Grimgrin, Corpse-Born
- 2x Guard Gomazoa
- 1x Guiltfeeder
- 1x Guttersnipe
- 1x Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer
- 1x Gwyllion Hedge-Mage
- 1x Hada Spy Patrol
- 1x Hallowed Spiritkeeper
- 1x Hamletback Goliath
- 1x Hammerfist Giant
- 1x Harbinger of the Tides
- 1x Havengul Lich
- 1x Hellkite Charger
- 1x Hellkite Igniter
- 1x Hellkite Tyrant
- 2x Herald of the Host
- 1x Hoard-Smelter Dragon
- 3x Hooded Horror
- 2x Horizon Chimera
- 1x Hornet Queen
- 1x Hostility
- 1x Hoverguard Sweepers
- 1x Hua Tuo, Honored Physician
- 1x Humble Defector
- 1x Hungry Lynx
- 1x Hunted Dragon
- 1x Hunted Troll
- 1x Hushwing Gryff
- 1x Hydra Omnivore
- 1x Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper *f-etch*
- 2x Illusory Ambusher
- 1x Immaculate Magistrate
Imperious Perfect
Inalla, Archmage Ritualist
- 1x Indrik Stomphowler
- 2x Inferno Titan
- 1x Ingot Chewer
- 2x Intet, the Dreamer
- 1x Iroas, God of Victory *list*
- 1x Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker
- 1x Ixidron
- 1x Izzet Chemister
- 2x Izzet Chronarch
- 2x Jace's Archivist
- 1x Jade Mage
- 1x Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
- 2x Jareth, Leonine Titan
- 2x Jazal Goldmane
- 1x Jedit Ojanen of Efrava
- 1x Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer
- 1x Joraga Warcaller
- 1x Jotun Grunt
- 1x Juniper Order Ranger
- 1x Junk Diver
- 1x Kaalia of the Vast
- 1x Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas
- 1x Kalemne's Captain
- 1x Kalonian Hydra
- 1x Karador, Ghost Chieftain
- 1x Karlov of the Ghost Council
- 1x Karmic Guide
- 1x Karn, Silver Golem *oversized*
- 1x Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund
- 1x Kaseto, Orochi Archmage
- 1x Kazandu Tuskcaller
- 1x Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs
- 2x Kemba, Kha Regent
- 1x Kess, Dissident Mage
- 1x Kessig Cagebreakers
- 1x Kheru Mind-Eater
- 1x Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
- 1x Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon"
- 2x Kor Sanctifiers
- 2x Korozda Guildmage
- 1x Kraum, Ludevic's Opus *f-etch*
- 2x Krosan Tusker
- 1x Krosan Warchief
- 1x Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix *f-etch*
Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis
- 1x Leonin Arbiter
- 1x Leonin Relic-Warder
- 1x Leonin Shikari
- 1x Lhurgoyf
Licia, Sanguine Tribune
- 1x Lifeblood Hydra
- 1x Lightkeeper of Emeria
- 1x Liliana's Reaver
- 1x Llanowar Elves
- 1x Loaming Shaman
- 1x Lone Revenant
- 1x Lorescale Coatl
- 1x Lorthos, the Tidemaker
- 1x Lotleth Troll
- 1x Loyal Retainers
- 1x Lu Xun, Scholar General
- 1x Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist *f-etch*
- 1x Lys Alana Huntmaster
- 1x Maelstrom Wanderer
- 1x Magma Giant
- 1x Magmatic Force
- 1x Magus of the Abyss
- 1x Magus of the Arena
- 1x Magus of the Coffers
- 1x Magus of the Mind
- 1x Magus of the Vineyard
- 1x Magus of the Wheel
- 1x Magus of the Will
Mairsil, the Pretender
- 1x Malakir Bloodwitch
- 1x Malfegor
- 1x Mana-Charged Dragon
- 1x Managorger Hydra
- 1x Marath, Will of the Wild *f-etch*
- 1x Marchesa, the Black Rose
- 1x Marrow Bats
- 1x Masked Admirers
- 1x Master Biomancer
- 1x Master of Etherium
Mathas, Fiend Seeker
- 2x Mayael the Anima
- 1x Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest
- 1x Melek, Izzet Paragon
- 2x Mentor of the Meek
- 1x Merchant of Secrets
- 1x Mercurial Chemister
- 1x Meren of Clan Nel Toth
- 1x Mesa Enchantress
Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist
- 2x Mirror Entity
- 1x Mistmeadow Witch
- 1x Mizzix of the Izmagnus
- 1x Mnemonic Wall
- 1x Mold Shambler
- 1x Monk Idealist
- 1x Monk Realist
- 1x Morkrut Banshee
- 1x Mortivore
- 1x Mother of Runes
- 3x Mulldrifter
- 1x Murkfiend Liege
- 2x Mycoloth
- 3x Myr Battlesphere
- 2x Myr Retriever
- 1x Myr Sire
- 1x Mystic Snake
- 1x Nantuko Husk
- 1x Nantuko Shade
- 1x Nath of the Gilt-Leaf
- 1x Naya Soulbeast
Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith
- 1x Necroplasm
- 1x Nekrataal
- 1x Nekusar, the Mindrazer
- 1x Nezumi Graverobber Flip
- 1x Nighthowler
- 1x Nightscape Familiar
- 2x Nin, the Pain Artist
- 1x Ninja of the Deep Hours
- 1x Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind
- 2x Nivix Guildmage
- 1x Noble Quarry
- 1x Nucklavee
- 1x Numot, the Devastator
- 1x O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami
- 1x Ohran Viper
- 1x Ojutai, Soul of Winter
- 1x Oni of Wild Places
- 1x Ophiomancer
- 1x Orator of Ojutai
- 3x Oreskos Explorer
- 1x Oros, the Avenger
- 2x Orzhov Advokist
- 1x Orzhov Guildmage
- 1x Overseer of the Damned
- 1x Palladium Myr
- 1x Patagia Viper
- 1x Pathbreaker Ibex
- 1x Patron of the Nezumi
- 1x Patron of the Vein
- 1x Pawn of Ulamog
- 1x Pentavus
- 1x Penumbra Spider
- 1x Pestilence Demon
- 1x Phantom Nantuko
- 1x Phantom Nishoba
- 1x Phyrexian Delver
- 2x Phyrexian Gargantua
- 1x Phyrexian Ingester
- 1x Phyrexian Plaguelord
- 1x Phyrexian Rager
- 2x Pilgrim's Eye
- 1x Plaxmanta
- 1x Plumeveil
- 1x Pontiff of Blight
- 1x Portal Mage
- 1x Priest of Titania
- 1x Prime Speaker Zegana
- 1x Primeval Protector
- 1x Primordial Sage
- 1x Progenitor Mimic
- 2x Psychosis Crawler
- 1x Puppeteer Clique
- 1x Qasali Pridemage
- 1x Qasali Slingers
- 1x Quagmire Druid
- 1x Quirion Explorer
- 1x Rakeclaw Gargantuan
- 1x Rakish Heir
- 1x Raksha Golden Cub
- 1x Ramos, Dragon Engine
- 2x Rampaging Baloths
- 2x Rapacious One
- 1x Raven Familiar
- 1x Ravenous Baloth
- 1x Raving Dead
- 1x Ravos, Soultender *f-etch*
- 1x Razor Hippogriff
- 1x Razorjaw Oni
- 1x Realm Seekers
- 1x Reaper from the Abyss
- 1x Reclamation Sage
- 1x Reef Worm
- 1x Reiver Demon
- 1x Requiem Angel
- 1x Reveillark
- 1x Reyhan, Last of the Abzan *f-etch*
- 1x Riddlekeeper
- 1x Riptide Survivor
- 1x Rubblehulk
- 1x Rubinia Soulsinger
- 1x Ruhan of the Fomori
- 1x Runehorn Hellkite
- 1x Ryusei, the Falling Star
- 5x Sakura-Tribe Elder
- 1x Sanctum Gargoyle
- 2x Sandstone Oracle
- 2x Sangromancer
Saskia the Unyielding
- 2x Satyr Wayfinder
- 1x Savage Ventmaw
- 1x Scalelord Reckoner
- 1x Scarland Thrinax
- 2x Scavenging Ooze
- 1x Scion of the Ur-Dragon
- 1x Scourge of Nel Toth
- 1x Scourge of Valkas
- 1x Scythe Specter
- 2x Sea Gate Oracle
- 1x Seht's Tiger
- 1x Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper
- 1x Selesnya Evangel
- 3x Selesnya Guildmage
- 1x Selfless Squire
- 1x Selvala, Explorer Returned
- 1x Serendib Sorcerer
- 1x Serene Master
- 1x Serra Angel
- 2x Serra Avatar
- 1x Sewer Nemesis
- 1x Shadowmage Infiltrator
- 1x Shaper Parasite
- 1x Sharding Sphinx
- 2x Sharuum the Hegemon
- 1x Shattered Angel
- 1x Shattergang Brothers
- 1x Shimmer Myr
- 3x Shriekmaw
- 1x Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa
- 1x Siege Behemoth
- 1x Sigil Captain
- 1x Silas Renn, Seeker Adept
- 1x Silent Sentinel
- 2x Silklash Spider
- 1x Silumgar, the Drifting Death
- 1x Silverblade Paladin
- 1x Simic Sky Swallower
- 1x Skeletal Vampire
- 1x Skirsdag High Priest
- 1x Skullbriar, the Walking Grave
- 2x Skullwinder
- 1x Skyhunter Skirmisher
- 1x Skyward Eye Prophets
- 1x Slipstream Eel
- 1x Sliver Queen *oversized*
- 1x Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer
- 4x Solemn Simulacrum
- 1x Soul of New Phyrexia
- 1x Soul of the Harvest
- 1x Spawnwrithe
- 1x Spellbound Dragon
- 1x Spellbreaker Behemoth
- 1x Spellheart Chimera
- 1x Sphinx of Jwar Isle
- 1x Sphinx of Magosi
- 1x Sphinx of the Steel Wind
- 1x Sphinx of Uthuun
- 1x Sphinx Summoner
- 1x Spike Feeder
- 1x Spirit of the Hearth
- 3x Spitebellows
- 1x Sprouting Thrinax
- 1x Spurnmage Advocate
- 1x Squallmonger
- 1x Stalking Leonin
- 2x Stalking Vengeance
- 3x Steel Hellkite
- 1x Stingerfling Spider
- 1x Stinkdrinker Daredevil
- 1x Stitcher Geralf
- 1x Stonecloaker
- 1x Stonehoof Chieftain
- 1x Stoneshock Giant
- 1x Stormscape Battlemage
- 1x Stormsurge Kraken
- 1x Stromkirk Captain
- 1x Stronghold Assassin
- 2x Sun Titan
- 1x Sunblast Angel
- 1x Sunrise Sovereign
- 1x Sunscorch Regent
- 1x Sunspear Shikari
- 2x Sydri, Galvanic Genius
- 1x Sylvan Ranger
- 1x Sylvan Safekeeper
- 1x Sylvok Explorer
- 1x Symbiotic Wurm
- 1x Szadek, Lord of Secrets
- 1x Taigam, Ojutai Master
- 1x Taigam, Sidisi's Hand
- 1x Taj-Nar Swordsmith
- 1x Talrand, Sky Summoner
- 1x Tana, the Bloodsower *f-etch*
- 1x Tariel, Reckoner of Souls
- 2x Taurean Mauler
- 1x Temur Sabertooth
- 2x Teneb, the Harvester
- 2x Terastodon
- 3x Terra Ravager
- 1x Territorial Hellkite
- 1x Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts
- 2x The Mimeoplasm
- 1x The Ur-Dragon
- 2x Thelonite Hermit
- 2x Thief of Blood
- 1x Thornweald Archer
- 1x Thornwind Faeries
- 1x Thrasios, Triton Hero
- 1x Thraximundar
- 1x Thrummingbird
- 1x Thundercloud Shaman
- 2x Thunderfoot Baloth
- 1x Tidal Force
- 1x Tidehollow Strix
- 1x Timberwatch Elf
Titania, Protector of Argoth
- 1x Titania's Chosen
- 1x Tithe Drinker
- 1x Tornado Elemental
- 1x Tower Gargoyle
- 1x Treasury Thrull
- 1x Trench Gorger
- 1x Trinket Mage
- 1x Triskelavus
- 1x Troll Ascetic
- 1x True-Name Nemesis
- 1x Trygon Predator
- 1x Tuktuk the Explorer
- 1x Tuskguard Captain
- 1x Twilight Shepherd
- 1x Tymna the Weaver *f-etch*
- 2x Tyrant's Familiar
- 1x Underworld Coinsmith
- 1x Utvara Hellkite
- 1x Uyo, Silent Prophet
- 2x Valley Rannet
- 1x Vampire Hexmage
- 3x Vampire Nighthawk
- 1x Vedalken Engineer
- 1x Vedalken Plotter
- 1x Vein Drinker
- 2x Vela the Night-Clad
- 1x Verdant Force
- 2x Veteran Explorer
- 1x Vial Smasher the Fierce
- 1x Victory's Herald
- 1x Vindictive Lich
- 1x Viridian Emissary
- 1x Viridian Shaman
- 1x Viridian Zealot
- 1x Viscera Seer
- 1x Viseling
- 1x Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter
- 1x Vizkopa Guildmage
- 1x Voice of All
- 1x Vorel of the Hull Clade
- 1x Vorosh, the Hunter
- 3x Vulturous Zombie
- 1x Walker of the Grove
- 2x Wall of Blossoms
- 1x Wall of Denial
- 1x Wall of Omens
- 1x Wall of Reverence
- 2x Warchief Giant
- 1x Warmonger Hellkite
- 1x Wasitora, Nekoru Queen
- 1x Wellwisher
- 1x Whitemane Lion
- 2x Wight of Precinct Six
- 1x Wild Beastmaster
- 1x Wilderness Elemental
- 1x Willbender
- 2x Windborn Muse
- 1x Winged Coatl
- 1x Wistful Selkie
- 1x Wolfbriar Elemental
- 2x Wonder
- 2x Wood Elves
- 1x Wren's Run Packmaster
- 1x Wrexial, the Risen Deep
- 1x Wurmcoil Engine
- 1x Xathrid Demon
- 2x Yavimaya Elder
Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder
- 1x Zedruu the Greathearted *f-etch*
- 1x Zhur-Taa Druid
- 1x Zur the Enchanter *f-etch*
Planeswalker (7)
- 2x Daretti, Scrap Savant
- 1x Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury
- 1x Garruk Wildspeaker
- 1x Nahiri, the Lithomancer
- 1x Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath
- 1x Teferi, Temporal Archmage
Unknown (4)
- 1x Æther Gale
- 1x Æther Snap
- 1x Æthermage's Touch
- 1x Æthersnipe
Sorcery (266)
- 1x Akroma's Vengeance
- 1x Alliance of Arms
- 2x Ambition's Cost
- 1x Ancient Craving
- 2x Army of the Damned
- 1x Austere Command
- 1x Barter in Blood
- 1x Beacon of Unrest
- 1x Bestial Menace
- 1x Biomantic Mastery
- 1x Black Sun's Zenith
- 2x Blasphemous Act
- 1x Blatant Thievery
- 1x Blood Tribute
- 1x Borrowing 100,000 Arrows
- 2x Breath of Darigaaz
- 1x Brilliant Plan
- 1x Buried Alive
- 2x Call the Skybreaker
- 1x Call to Mind
- 2x Chain Reaction
- 1x Clan Defiance
- 1x Clone Legion
- 1x Coastal Breach
- 1x Collective Unconscious
- 2x Collective Voyage
- 1x Compulsive Research
- 1x Concentrate
- 1x Consuming Vapors
- 1x Cruel Entertainment
- 1x Cruel Ultimatum
- 1x Crux of Fate
- 7x Cultivate
- 1x Damnable Pact
- 1x Dawn to Dusk
- 1x Deadly Tempest
- 3x Death by Dragons
- 2x Death Grasp
- 1x Death Mutation
- 1x Decimate
- 1x Decree of Justice
- 3x Decree of Pain
- 1x Deep Analysis
- 1x Deploy to the Front
- 2x Desert Twister
- 1x Devastation Tide
- 1x Diabolic Tutor
- 1x Dirge of Dread
- 2x Disaster Radius
- 1x Disrupt Decorum
- 1x Distorting Wake
- 1x Divine Reckoning
- 1x Dread Return
- 1x Dread Summons
- 1x Dregs of Sorrow
- 1x Duneblast
- 3x Earthquake
- 1x Epic Experiment
- 1x Evincar's Justice
- 1x Explosive Vegetation
- 1x Ezuri's Predation
- 2x Faithless Looting
- 1x Famine
- 1x Far Wanderings
- 2x Farseek
- 2x Fell the Mighty
- 1x Fiery Confluence
- 1x Fiery Justice
- 1x Fireball
- 1x Firespout
- 1x Fissure Vent
- 1x Fortunate Few
- 1x Fractured Identity
- 1x From the Ashes
- 1x Ghastly Conscription
- 1x Gift of Estates
- 1x Gild
- 3x Grave Upheaval
- 1x Grim Flowering
- 3x Harmonize
- 1x Hex
- 1x Hour of Reckoning
- 2x Hull Breach
- 1x Hunter's Prowess
- 1x Hunting Triad
- 1x In Garruk's Wake
- 1x Incendiary Command
- 1x Incite Rebellion
- 1x Infernal Offering
- 1x Infest
- 1x Insurrection
- 1x Kindred Charge
- 1x Kindred Dominance
- 1x Kirtar's Wrath
- 4x Kodama's Reach
- 1x Languish
- 1x Lavalanche
Living Death
- 1x Manifold Insights
- 1x Martial Coup
- 1x Mass Mutiny
- 2x Merciless Eviction
- 2x Meteor Blast
- 3x Migratory Route
- 2x Minds Aglow
- 1x Mizzium Mortars
- 1x Mizzix's Mastery
- 1x Molten Disaster
- 1x Mulch
- 1x Mutilate
- 1x Mystic Retrieval
- 2x Necromantic Selection
- 1x New Blood
- 1x Nissa's Pilgrimage
- 1x Nomads' Assembly
- 1x One Dozen Eyes
- 2x Open the Vaults
- 1x Order of Succession
- 2x Overrun
- 2x Overwhelming Stampede
- 1x Painful Truths
- 2x Parting Thoughts
Past in Flames
- 1x Phthisis
- 1x Phyrexian Rebirth
- 1x Praetor's Counsel
- 1x Preordain
- 1x Primal Growth
- 1x Profane Command
- 1x Promise of Power
- 1x Prosperity
- 2x Rain of Thorns
- 2x Rampant Growth
- 2x Read the Bones
- 1x Reforge the Soul
- 3x Restore
- 1x Reverse the Sands
- 1x Righteous Confluence
- 2x Rise from the Grave
Rite of Replication
- 1x Rough / Tumble
- 1x Rout
- 1x Ruination
- 1x Rush of Knowledge
- 2x Savage Twister
- 1x Scrap Mastery
- 1x Seeds of Renewal
- 1x Sever the Bloodline
- 1x Shamanic Revelation
- 2x Sign in Blood
- 2x Skyscribing
- 1x Sleep
- 1x Slice and Dice
- 1x Soul's Majesty
- 1x Spectral Procession
- 2x Spelltwine
- 1x Spider Spawning
- 1x Spitting Image
- 1x Spoils of Victory
- 1x Stitch Together
- 1x Stolen Goods
- 1x Storm Herd
- 1x Strategic Planning
- 1x Sublime Exhalation
- 1x Sudden Demise
- 1x Survival Cache
- 1x Sylvan Offering
- 3x Syphon Flesh
- 4x Syphon Mind
- 2x Tempt with Discovery
- 1x Tempt with Glory
- 1x Tempt with Immortality
- 1x Tempt with Reflections
- 1x Tempt with Vengeance
- 1x Tezzeret's Gambit
- 1x Toxic Deluge
- 1x Trade Secrets
- 1x Trash for Treasure
- 1x Traverse the Outlands
- 3x Treacherous Terrain
- 2x Treasure Cruise
- 1x Unnerve
- 1x Vandalblast
- 1x Vengeful Rebirth
- 1x Verdant Confluence
- 2x Victimize
- 1x Volcanic Vision
- 1x Wash Out
- 1x Wave of Reckoning
- 1x Wave of Vitriol
- 1x Wheel of Fate
- 1x Whims of the Fates
- 2x Whipflare
- 1x Whirlwind
- 1x Whispering Madness
- 3x Windfall
- 1x Worm Harvest
- 1x Wrath of God
Instant (220)
- 1x Abzan Charm
- 1x Act of Aggression
- 1x AEtherize
- 1x Aethersnatch
- 2x Afterlife
- 1x Altar's Reap
- 3x Ancient Excavation *list*
- 2x Annihilate
- 1x Arachnogenesis
- 2x Arcane Denial
- 1x Artifact Mutation
- 1x Aura Mutation
- 1x Bathe in Light
- 1x Beast Within
- 1x Benefactor's Draught
- 1x Benevolent Offering
- 1x Bituminous Blast
- 2x Blue Sun's Zenith
- 1x Blustersquall
Boros Charm
- 3x Brainstorm
- 1x Brave the Elements
- 1x Cackling Counterpart
- 1x Cauldron Dance
- 1x Chain of Vapor
- 5x Chaos Warp
- 1x Cleansing Beam
- 2x Cobra Trap
- 1x Colossal Might
- 3x Comet Storm
- 1x Comeuppance
- 2x Condemn
- 1x Congregate
- 1x Counterflux
- 2x Crackling Doom
- 1x Crib Swap
- 2x Crosis's Charm
- 1x Crushing Vines
- 1x Curtains' Call
- 1x Cyclonic Rift
- 1x Desertion
- 1x Desperate Ravings
- 1x Disdainful Stroke
- 2x Dismiss
- 1x Divergent Transformations
- 1x Dominate
- 1x Domineering Will
- 1x Doom Blade
- 1x Dromar's Charm
- 1x Echoing Truth
- 1x Electrolyze
- 1x Entrapment Maneuver
- 1x Evacuation
- 1x Exclude
- 2x Fact or Fiction
- 1x Fall of the Hammer
- 1x Fire / Ice
- 1x Firemind's Foresight
- 1x Footbottom Feast
- 1x Fresh Meat
- 2x Go for the Throat
- 1x Golgari Charm
- 1x Grab the Reins
- 2x Grip of Phyresis
- 1x Grisly Salvage
- 1x Grixis Charm
- 1x Harrow
- 1x Hunting Pack
- 1x Illusionist's Gambit
- 1x Impact Resonance
- 1x Inspiring Call
- 1x Intellectual Offering
- 2x Into the Roil
- 1x Invigorate
- 1x Jund Charm
- 1x Kindred Summons
- 2x Krosan Grip
- 1x Lash Out
- 1x Lim-Dul's Vault
- 2x Magmaquake
- 1x Malicious Affliction
- 1x Master Warcraft
- 1x Memory Plunder
- 1x Midnight Haunting
- 2x Mirror Match
- 1x Mirrorweave
- 4x Mortify
- 1x Murmurs from Beyond
- 1x Mystic Confluence
- 2x Naya Charm
- 1x Nemesis Trap
- 3x Oblation
- 2x Opportunity
- 1x Order / Chaos
- 2x Orim's Thunder
- 1x Path to Exile
- 1x Perilous Research
- 1x Pollen Lullaby
- 1x Polymorphist's Jest
- 1x Pongify
- 2x Prophetic Bolt
- 1x Punishing Fire
- 2x Putrefy
- 2x Rakdos Charm
- 1x Rapid Hybridization
- 1x Ray of Command
- 1x Read the Runes
- 1x Reality Shift
- 1x Reckless Spite
- 1x Reincarnation
- 3x Reins of Power
- 2x Relic Crush
- 1x Repeal
- 1x Repulse
- 3x Return to Dust
- 1x Scattering Stroke
- 1x Selesnya Charm
- 1x Silumgar's Command
- 2x Skeletal Scrying
- 1x Slice in Twain
- 1x Snakeform
- 1x Solidarity of Heroes
- 1x Soul Manipulation
- 3x Spell Crumple
- 1x Spinal Embrace
- 1x Spoils of Blood
- 1x Sprouting Vines
- 2x Starstorm
- 1x Steam Augury
- 1x Street Spasm
- 2x Stroke of Genius
- 2x Sudden Spoiling
- 1x Sulfurous Blast
- 1x Swan Song
- 3x Sylvan Reclamation
- 1x Synthetic Destiny
- 1x Teferi's Protection
- 1x Tendrils of Corruption
- 3x Terminate
- 1x Tragic Slip
- 1x Trial / Error
- 4x Tribute to the Wild
- 1x Turn to Frog
- 1x Unexpectedly Absent
- 1x Urza's Rage
- 1x Utter End
- 2x Vision Skeins
- 1x Volcanic Offering
- 1x Wake the Dead
- 1x Whirlpool Whelm
- 2x White Sun's Zenith
- 2x Wild Ricochet
- 2x Wing Shards
- 2x Word of Seizing
- 1x Wrecking Ball
- 1x Wretched Confluence
Land (479)
- 4x Akoum Refuge
- 1x Ancient Amphitheater
- 3x Arcane Lighthouse
- 4x Arcane Sanctum
- 5x Ash Barrens
- 6x Azorius Chancery
- 2x Azorius Guildgate
- 1x Bant Panorama
- 6x Barren Moor
- 1x Blasted Landscape
- 1x Blighted Woodland
- 1x Bloodfell Caves
- 1x Blossoming Sands
- 4x Bojuka Bog
- 6x Boros Garrison
- 3x Boros Guildgate
- 2x Buried Ruin
- 1x Caves of Koilos
- 1x Cinder Barrens
- 1x Command Beacon
- 25x Command Tower
- 1x Contested Cliffs
- 1x Coral Atoll
- 1x Crucible of the Spirit Dragon
- 5x Crumbling Necropolis
- 1x Crypt of Agadeem
- 1x Crystal Vein
- 2x Darksteel Citadel
- 1x Darkwater Catacombs
- 3x Dimir Aqueduct
- 2x Dimir Guildgate
- 2x Dismal Backwater
- 1x Dormant Volcano
- 1x Dragonskull Summit
- 2x Dreadship Reef
- 3x Drifting Meadow
- 1x Elfhame Palace
- 1x Emeria, the Sky Ruin
- 1x Esper Panorama
- 1x Everglades
- 23x Evolving Wilds
- 6x Exotic Orchard
- 1x Faerie Conclave
- 1x Flamekin Village
- 1x Forbidden Orchard
- 8x Forest
- 4x Forgotten Cave
- 1x Forsaken Sanctuary
- 3x Frontier Bivouac
- 1x Fungal Reaches
- 1x Gargoyle Castle
- 6x Ghost Quarter
- 2x Golgari Guildgate
- 5x Golgari Rot Farm
- 1x Grand Coliseum
- 1x Grasslands
- 1x Graypelt Refuge
- 1x Great Furnace
- 2x Grim Backwoods
- 2x Grixis Panorama
- 2x Gruul Guildgate
- 3x Gruul Turf
- 1x Haunted Fengraf
- 1x Haven of the Spirit Dragon
- 1x Havenwood Battleground
- 2x High Market
- 3x Homeward Path
- 8x Island
- 6x Izzet Boilerworks
- 2x Izzet Guildgate
- 1x Jund Panorama
- 1x Jungle Basin
- 2x Jungle Hollow
- 4x Jungle Shrine
- 3x Jwar Isle Refuge
- 1x Kabira Crossroads
- 1x Karoo
- 1x Karplusan Forest
- 2x Kazandu Refuge
- 2x Khalni Garden
- 1x Kher Keep
- 2x Krosan Verge
- 2x Llanowar Reborn
- 3x Lonely Sandbar
- 2x Molten Slagheap
- 4x Mosswort Bridge
- 1x Murmuring Bosk
- 5x Myriad Landscape
- 3x Mystic Monastery
- 1x Mystifying Maze
- 1x Naya Panorama
- 2x New Benalia
- 4x Nomad Outpost
- 1x Novijen, Heart of Progress
- 9x Opal Palace
- 3x Opulent Palace
- 2x Oran-Rief, the Vastwood
- 6x Orzhov Basilica
- 3x Orzhov Guildgate
- 4x Path of Ancestry
- 1x Phyrexia's Core
- 2x Polluted Mire
- 6x Rakdos Carnarium
- 3x Rakdos Guildgate
- 4x Reliquary Tower
- 1x Remote Isle
- 3x Rogue's Passage
- 1x Rootbound Crag
- 1x Rugged Highlands
- 12x Rupture Spire
- 2x Saltcrusted Steppe
- 3x Sandsteppe Citadel
- 4x Savage Lands
- 2x Scoured Barrens
- 4x Seaside Citadel
- 1x Seat of the Synod
- 8x Secluded Steppe
- 1x Sejiri Refuge
- 3x Selesnya Guildgate
- 5x Selesnya Sanctuary
- 1x Shadowblood Ridge
- 4x Simic Growth Chamber
- 2x Simic Guildgate
- 3x Slippery Karst
- 3x Smoldering Crater
- 2x Spinerock Knoll
- 1x Springjack Pasture
- 1x Stirring Wildwood
- 1x Stone Quarry
- 1x Sungrass Prairie
- 1x Sunpetal Grove
- 1x Svogthos, the Restless Tomb
- 11x Swamp
- 3x Swiftwater Cliffs
- 1x Tainted Field
- 1x Tainted Wood
- 1x Tectonic Edge
- 16x Temple of the False God
- 18x Terramorphic Expanse
- 2x Thornwood Falls
- 1x Tranquil Expanse
- 5x Tranquil Thicket
- 4x Transguild Promenade
- 1x Underground River
- 1x Urborg Volcano
- 1x Urza's Factory
- 1x Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree
- 6x Vivid Crag
- 6x Vivid Creek
- 7x Vivid Grove
- 6x Vivid Marsh
- 6x Vivid Meadow
- 2x Wind-Scarred Crag
- 1x Windbrisk Heights
- 3x Zoetic Cavern
Enchantment (184)
- 1x Abundance
- 1x Act of Authority
- 1x Arcane Melee
- 1x Armistice
- 1x Attrition
- 1x Aura of Silence
- 1x Aura Shards
- 1x Awaken the Sky Tyrant
- 1x Awakening Zone
- 1x Bad Moon
- 2x Banishing Light
- 3x Beastmaster Ascension
- 1x Bitter Feud
- 2x Black Market
- 2x Blind Obedience
- 1x Blood Rites
- 1x Brave the Sands
- 1x Breath of Fury
- 1x Bred for the Hunt
- 1x Burgeoning
- 1x Cage of Hands
- 2x Cathars' Crusade
- 1x Citadel Siege
- 1x Control Magic
- 1x Cradle of Vitality
- 1x Crescendo of War
- 1x Crucible of Fire
- 2x Curse of Bounty
- 3x Curse of Chaos
- 2x Curse of Disturbance
- 3x Curse of Inertia
- 2x Curse of Opulence
- 3x Curse of Predation
- 3x Curse of Shallow Graves
- 3x Curse of the Forsaken
- 1x Curse of the Nightly Hunt
- 1x Curse of Vengeance
- 2x Curse of Verbosity
- 2x Curse of Vitality
- 3x Darksteel Mutation
- 1x Daxos's Torment
- 1x Day of the Dragons
- 1x Diabolic Servitude
- 1x Dictate of Heliod
- 1x Dragon Tempest
- 1x Duelist's Heritage
- 1x Elemental Bond
- 1x Everlasting Torment
- 2x Evolutionary Escalation
- 1x Faith's Fetters
- 1x Fallen Ideal
- 1x Fecundity
- 1x Fires of Yavimaya
- 1x Fists of Ironwood
- 1x Flickerform
- 1x Fool's Demise
- 1x Foster
- 2x Frenzied Fugue
- 1x Frontier Siege
- 1x Furnace Celebration
- 2x Ghostly Prison
- 1x Goblin Bombardment
- 1x Grasp of Fate
- 1x Grave Pact
- 1x Grave Peril
- 1x Greed
- 1x Hardened Scales
- 1x Hoofprints of the Stag
- 1x Infinite Reflection
- 1x Journey to Nowhere
- 1x Karmic Justice
- 1x Kindred Boon
- 1x Kindred Discovery
- 1x Leafdrake Roost
- 1x Lurking Predators
- 2x Marshal's Anthem
- 1x Martyr's Bond
- 1x Memory Erosion
- 2x Mirari's Wake
- 1x Mobilization
- 1x Monastery Siege
- 1x Mystic Barrier
- 2x Necrogenesis
- 1x Necromancer's Covenant
- 1x Night Soil
- 1x Oath of Druids
- 1x Oblivion Ring
- 1x Outpost Siege
- 1x Palace Siege
- 1x Phyrexian Arena
- 2x Phyrexian Reclamation
- 1x Presence of Gond
- 1x Price of Knowledge
- 1x Primal Vigor
- 1x Prison Term
- 3x Propaganda
- 1x Pyrohemia
- 1x Rhystic Study
- 1x Righteous Cause
- 2x Rite of the Raging Storm
- 1x Rites of Flourishing
- 1x Sacred Mesa
- 2x Sanguine Bond
- 1x Seal of Cleansing
- 1x Seal of Doom
- 1x Shielded by Faith
- 1x Shifting Shadow
- 1x Sigil of the Empty Throne
- 1x Song of the Dryads
- 3x Soul Snare
- 1x Spawning Grounds
- 1x Sphere of Safety
- 1x Spiteful Visions
- 1x Stranglehold
- 1x Sylvan Library
- 1x Thought Reflection
- 1x Tooth and Claw
- 1x True Conviction
- 2x Underworld Connections
- 1x Vile Requiem
- 4x Vow of Duty
- 3x Vow of Flight
- 3x Vow of Lightning
- 4x Vow of Malice
- 3x Vow of Wildness
- 1x War Cadence
- 2x Warstorm Surge
- 1x Waste Not
- 1x Well of Ideas
- 1x Where Ancients Tread
- 1x Widespread Panic
- 1x Witch Hunt
- 1x Wolfcaller's Howl
- 1x Zendikar Resurgent
Artifact (299)
- 1x Acorn Catapult
- 2x Argentum Armor
- 6x Armillary Sphere
- 4x Assault Suit
- 1x Astral Cornucopia
- 1x Azorius Keyrune
- 2x Basalt Monolith
- 2x Behemoth Sledge
- 1x Bident of Thassa
- 1x Blade of Selves
- 1x Blade of the Bloodchief
- 1x Blinkmoth Urn
- 1x Bloodforged Battle-Axe
- 3x Bonehoard
- 1x Boompile
- 1x Boros Cluestone
- 3x Boros Signet
- 1x Caged Sun
- 1x Carnage Altar
- 1x Cauldron of Souls
- 1x Champion's Helm
- 1x Charcoal Diamond
- 1x Chromatic Lantern
- 1x Coldsteel Heart
- 12x Commander's Sphere
- 1x Conjurer's Closet
- 1x Conqueror's Flail
- 1x Cranial Plating
- 1x Crawlspace
- 1x Crown of Doom
- 1x Crystal Chimes
- 8x Darksteel Ingot
- 1x Dimir Signet
- 1x Dispeller's Capsule
- 1x Door of Destinies
- 6x Dreamstone Hedron
- 1x Druidic Satchel
- 1x Eldrazi Monument
- 1x Emerald Medallion
- 1x Empyrial Plate
- 3x Everflowing Chalice
- 1x Executioner's Capsule
- 1x Eye of Doom
- 7x Fellwar Stone
- 1x Fire Diamond
- 1x Fist of Suns
- 4x Golgari Signet
- 1x Grappling Hook
- 2x Gruul Signet
- 1x Hammer of Nazahn
Hedron Archive
- 2x Heirloom Blade
- 2x Herald's Horn
- 1x Hero's Blade
- 2x Howling Mine
- 2x Ichor Wellspring
- 2x Izzet Signet
- 1x Jalum Tome
- 1x Jar of Eyeballs
- 1x Jet Medallion
- 1x Keening Stone
- 1x Lashwrithe
- 1x Leonin Bladetrap
- 11x Lightning Greaves
- 1x Liquimetal Coating
- 3x Loreseeker's Stone
- 4x Loxodon Warhammer
- 1x Marble Diamond
- 1x Mask of Memory
- 1x Masterwork of Ingenuity
- 4x Mind Stone
- 1x Mind's Eye
- 1x Mirari
- 2x Mirror of the Forebears
- 1x Moonsilver Spear
- 1x Moss Diamond
- 2x Mycosynth Wellspring
- 4x Nevinyrral's Disk
- 2x Nihil Spellbomb
- 1x Obelisk of Esper
- 1x Obelisk of Grixis
- 1x Obelisk of Jund
- 1x Oblivion Stone
- 1x Orochi Hatchery
- 1x Orzhov Cluestone
- 5x Orzhov Signet
- 1x Panic Spellbomb
- 1x Pearl Medallion
- 1x Plague Boiler
- 1x Predator, Flagship
- 1x Prismatic Geoscope
- 2x Pristine Talisman
- 2x Prophetic Prism
- 1x Quietus Spike
- 3x Rakdos Signet
- 1x Ruby Medallion
- 1x Sapphire Medallion
- 1x Scroll Rack
- 1x Scytheclaw
- 1x Seal of the Guildpact
- 3x Seer's Sundial
- 2x Selesnya Signet
- 1x Simic Keyrune
- 6x Simic Signet
- 8x Skullclamp
- 1x Sky Diamond
- 29x Sol Ring
- 2x Spine of Ish Sah
- 2x Staff of Nin
- 1x Strata Scythe
- 1x Sun Droplet
- 1x Sunforger
- 1x Surveyor's Scope
- 13x Swiftfoot Boots
- 1x Sword of the Animist
- 1x Sword of the Paruns
- 3x Sword of Vengeance
- 2x Temple Bell
- 2x Thopter Foundry
- 5x Thought Vessel
- 1x Thousand-Year Elixir
- 1x Thran Dynamo
- 1x Thunderstaff
- 1x Tormod's Crypt
- 1x Tower of Fortunes
- 2x Trading Post
- 4x Unstable Obelisk
- 1x Ur-Golem's Eye
- 1x Urza's Incubator
- 1x Venser's Journal
- 4x Wayfarer's Bauble
- 2x Well of Lost Dreams
- 1x Whispersilk Cloak
- 6x Worn Powerstone