
Tappedout Player of the Month December 2012.

I have been a member since the beginning. I started very new to the game and very bad at it too. Thanks to this site I have made a lot of progress and I am currently the MTG guru among my playgroup.

I started playing MTG in Odyssey and Played for 1 and a half Months. I Left the magic scene after my best deck and only playable one was stolen. After a very long hietus I decided to jump back in with the help of my friend. He wanted me to go to drafts with him and did so returning at the end of WorldWake. I quickly discovered that drafting wasn't my thing and I did not enjoy it either. I finally found my grove with some buddies at my local college and from there I have been making concept decks and competitive decks alike. I currently run a standard Junk Reanimator as my main and frequently going to tourneys with it. (No longer Standard) I havent been to a tourney in a long time and just trying to play for fun right now. If I can afford a competitive deck in the future I may play at my LGS again.

My favorite mechanic is Sacrifice. I love the flexibility of the ability and how it gets pass shroud/hexproof, and indestructibility. For these reasons my first good concept deck ran an infinite sac combo and I was banned from playing it within the playgroup within the same week.

Even though it isn't as focused anymore I am a member of the Black Union. The Black Union is a local group of players that have proven themselves to the leader and the rest of the members. I used my Black Sac deck to enter. The rules of the clan is the deck has to include Black as part of the major win con, it has to be good in multiplayer, and the deck has to win mercilessly.

Besides magic I also highly enjoy sports, videogames, anime/manga, movies, speedrunning, and I have been playing a lot of RP's lately. I also have a custom RP I am building from the ground up. I have been working on it for a few years and progress is slow as I can only work on it in my free time.

My plan for the future is to get my degree in Videogame development, Finished with an Associates degree in 3D Animation, and get in a good company. Hopefully I can be part of a Major unique IP or even better a hidden gem.

Haven't been able to find a job in gaming but I am currently a Tech at Staples working on computers.

MTG Decks

The Gobfather

Commander / EDH* SwiftDeath


Eternal Banishment

Commander / EDH* SwiftDeath


Necro Prossh

Commander / EDH* SwiftDeath


Alela Artifacts

Commander / EDH* SwiftDeath


Karador Hulk cEDH

Commander / EDH* SwiftDeath


Lurrus cEDH

Commander / EDH* SwiftDeath


Finished Decks 71
Prototype Decks 59
Drafts 0
Playing since Onslaught
Avg. deck rating 2.50
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Modern, Legacy
Suppressed formats Standard, Standard Brawl, Historic, Pioneer, Modern, Pauper, Legacy, Vintage, Pauper EDH, Canadian Highlander, Gladiator, Highlander, Duel Commander, Leviathan, 1v1 Commander, Oldschool 93/94, Limited, Pre-release, Penny Dreadful, Tiny Leaders, Oathbreaker, Block Constructed, Arena, Casual, Unformat, Quest Magic RPG, Quest Magic
Cards suggested / good suggestions 108 / 66
Venues WCC Gamer Club/Staduim Cards and Comics
Joined 14 years