You are Red/Blue!
You are Red/Blue!
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!

You are both rational and emotional. You value creation and discovery, and feel strongly about what I create. At best, you're innovative and intuitive. At worst, you're scattered and unpredictable.

Hey, I'm a standard player looking to break into modern! My favourite colours to play are blue, green and black. I like midrange, tempo, aggro and smooth control strategies but not things that are too pedantic. I love to brew decks and play powerful creatures.

I always get spur of the moment ideas, but never develop them much further, which is why I have so many decks. Just like a true Izzet mage! Though I wish I was a more slow and methodical brewer just like the Simic eugenics biologists who seek perfection so much.

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MTG Decks

Sidisi's Brood

Standard* TheMegaZone


Dragon Rush

Standard* TheMegaZone


Alabaster Host

Standard* TheMegaZone

SCORE: 2 | 151 VIEWS

Finished Decks 23
Prototype Decks 20
Drafts 0
Playing since Innistrad
Avg. deck rating 3.75
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Joined 10 years