I am an old fart when it comes to the game. I started during the Stronghold years (1997, to be exact) and played through the Mercadian Masques block until I quit....for 9 years, until Zendikar came out. Blue and White will always be my favorite and I usually rely on heavy control/ deception. However, by looking at my decklist, you can see that I try some other methods occasionally. :)

Oh yeah, before I forget, Wall of WTF?, Rendered Contagious, and Speed Metal have a three-part epic story for their descriptions (in order of the story). If you want a few laughs, please feel free to read them. :)

You are Red/Blue!
You are Red/Blue!
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!

You are both rational and emotional. You value creation and discovery, and feel strongly about what I create. At best, you're innovative and intuitive. At worst, you're scattered and unpredictable.

MTG Decks

Infinite Myr

Legacy Timbo


Reanimate Fattys

Legacy Timbo

SCORE: 1 | 319 VIEWS

Pooping Tokens

Legacy Timbo

SCORE: 1 | 400 VIEWS

Finished Decks 15
Prototype Decks 0
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating 2.50
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Joined 13 years