Hello Tapped Out,
I am a recent addition to the Magic world, having started playing around the time Scars of Mirrodin came out. As of Innistrad I have begun moving out of casual play and into proper formats like Standard and EDH. I would guess that I tend towards Timmy and Johnny, since I love crafting new decks and ideas and absolutely hate playing anything that isn't of my own design, or at least has my own alterations. Personality wise, I am a Green/Blue player, though I tend strongly towards green and am slowly fleshing out my blue side. However, I play and build decks of all colors, though I work with red significantly less than the others. My favorite part of Magic has to be utility creatures and getting maximum synergy between all of my cards, more in a tribal or mechanic-based sense than that of an instant-win combo. I enjoy flexibility and utility above efficiency, though the perfectionist in me does constantly strive to tweak and adjust to maximize what I have.
I have also been getting into commander recently, and I love the scale and variety of those games. Among other things, they help me to remember why I am playing Magic in the first place. And that's something that's easy to forget on this site full of Spikes. Here's a quote from a recent Daily MTG article:
"I feel the most important kind of card for a Commander deck is one you WANT to play. It may not be a great card, or even a good one, but it's one you want to play with.
I love playing Blood Tyrant because he gets no love anywhere else. I love to Swerve spells and sculpt the perfect timing for a Molten Psyche.
Sure, it's fun to win, but make sure you enjoy what you are playing as well!"
I hope to continue playing and building decks for quite some time, and I welcome all reasonable comments on anything I post. I am constantly learning just how many differing perspectives there are in the Magic world, and I would love to hear your ideas. But most of all, I want you to have fun with my ideas.