MTG List: Black shoebox 2/18/18
Creature (598)
- 2x Abomination
- 1x Abyssal Gatekeeper
- 2x Abyssal Specter
- 1x Accursed Witch Flip
- 1x Acid-Spewer Dragon
- 1x Ambuscade Shaman
- 1x Archfiend of Depravity
- 1x Archfiend of Ifnir
- 3x Ashen Ghoul
- 1x Baleful Ammit
- 1x Banshee
- 1x Barbed-Back Wurm
- 1x Barrow Ghoul
- 2x Basal Thrull
- 3x Black Cat
- 3x Black Knight
- 1x Blight Keeper
- 2x Blighted Bat
- 1x Blighted Shaman
- 1x Blood-Chin Rager
- 1x Bloodbond Vampire
- 1x Bloodflow Connoisseur
- 1x Bloodsoaked Champion
- 6x Bog Imp
- 4x Bog Rats
- 7x Bog Wraith
- 2x Breathstealer
- 8x Brine Shaman
- 1x Brood of Cockroaches
- 1x Butcher Ghoul
- 2x Cadaverous Knight
- 4x Carrier Thrall
- 3x Carrion Ants
- 1x Catacomb Dragon
- 2x Cemetery Gate
- 2x Child of Night
- 1x Circling Vultures
- 1x Craven Knight
- 1x Crypt Rats
- 3x Culling Drone
- 10x Cuombajj Witches
- 1x Cyclopean Giant
- 6x Cyclopean Mummy
- 4x Deadbridge Shaman
- 1x Deadeye Tormentor
Deadeye Tracker
- 1x Deathless Ancient
- 1x Desperate Castaways
- 1x Dinosaur Hunter
- 1x Dire Fleet Hoarder
- 1x Dirtwater Wraith
- 1x Disciple of the Vault
- 4x Disowned Ancestor
- 3x Dominator Drone
- 1x Doomed Dissenter
- 1x Dread Wanderer
- 1x Dreg Reaver
- 4x Drift of the Dead
- 16x Drudge Skeletons
- 3x Dune Beetle
- 2x Dusk Legion Zealot
- 1x Dutiful Attendant
- 1x Ebon Praetor
- 1x El-Hajjaj
- 12x Erg Raiders
- 2x Essence Depleter
Essence Depleter
- 2x Eyeblight Assassin
- 2x Fallen Angel
- 1x Fallen Askari
- 1x Fathom Fleet Boarder
- 3x Fathom Fleet Cutthroat
- 4x Feral Shadow
- 2x Fetid Horror
- 1x Fledgling Djinn
- 7x Fleshbag Marauder
- 1x Flow of Maggots
- 1x Forerunner of the Coalition
- 4x Foul Familiar
- 1x Foul Imp
- 1x Frogtosser Banneret
- 11x Frozen Shade
- 4x Gangrenous Zombies
- 4x Geyserfield Stalker
- 1x Ghost Hounds
- 2x Giant Slug
- 1x Gonti, Lord of Luxury
- 1x Grandmother Sengir
- 1x Grasping Scoundrel
- 2x Gravebane Zombie
- 2x Gravedigger
- 2x Greater Werewolf
- 2x Hagra Sharpshooter
- 4x Hand of Silumgar
- 3x Hasran Ogress
- 3x Havoc Sower
- 2x Heir of Falkenrath Flip
- 1x Hell's Caretaker
- 5x Hoar Shade
- 2x Hooded Assassin
- 2x Horror of the Broken Lands
- 1x Hound of the Farbogs
- 2x Hyalopterous Lemure
- 1x Hypnotic Specter
- 1x Ihsan's Shade
- 1x Indulgent Aristocrat
- 1x Infernal Denizen
- 2x Initiates of the Ebon Hand
- 3x Insidious Bookworms
- 3x Irini Sengir
- 2x Kalastria Healer
- 7x Kalastria Nightwatch
- 1x Keeper of Tresserhorn
- 1x Kheru Bloodsucker
- 4x Kjeldoran Dead
- 1x Knight of Stromgald
- 2x Kolaghan Skirmisher
- 2x Kozilek's Shrieker
- 4x Kozilek's Translator
- 1x Krovikan Horror
- 2x Kuro's Taken
- 4x Legions of Lim-Dûl
- 2x Lim-Dul's Cohort
- 2x Lim-Dul's High Guard
- 2x Lost Soul
- 1x Lurking Chupacabra
- 1x Maggot Carrier
- 1x Malakir Cullblade
- 1x Malakir Soothsayer
- 1x Marang River Prowler
- 1x Marang River Skeleton
Marang River Skeleton
- 1x Mardu Shadowspear
- 2x Mardu Skullhunter
- 4x Marsh Hulk
- 1x Masked Gorgon
- 1x Mer-Ek Nightblade
- 2x Mind Raker
- 3x Mindstab Thrull
- 1x Minion of Leshrac
- 1x Minion of Tevesh Szat
- 1x Mole Worms
- 4x Moor Fiend
- 1x Muck Rats
- 10x Murk Dwellers
- 1x Nantuko Husk
- 1x Necratog
- 2x Necrite
- 2x Necromancer's Assistant
- 1x Necrosavant
- 1x Nekrataal
- 2x Nightmare
- 5x Nirkana Assassin
- 9x Norritt
- 2x Null Caller
- 1x Olivia's Dragoon
- 1x Orc Sureshot
- 6x Order of the Ebon Hand
- 1x Orzhov Euthanist
- 3x Pestilence Rats
- 2x Phantasmal Fiend
- 1x Phyrexian Bloodstock
- 2x Phyrexian Defiler
- 2x Phyrexian Ghoul
- 10x Pit Scorpion
- 2x Pitiless Vizier
- 1x Plague Belcher
- 10x Plague Rats
- 1x Poisonbelly Ogre
- 2x Python
- 1x Qarsi High Priest
- 5x Qarsi Sadist
- 1x Queen's Agent
- 1x Queen's Bay Soldier
- 3x Rabid Bloodsucker
- 1x Rabid Rats
- 1x Rakshasa Gravecaller
- 2x Rancid Rats
- 1x Ravenous Vampire
- 3x Razortooth Rats
- 3x Reckless Imp
- 4x Restless Dead
- 2x Returned Centaur
- 1x Rotfeaster Maggot
- 1x Rottenheart Ghoul
- 1x Royal Assassin
- 1x Royal Assassin
- 1x Ruthless Ripper
- 2x Ruthless Sniper
- 16x Scathe Zombies
- 2x Scavenging Ghoul
- 6x Sengir Bats
- 2x Sengir Vampire
- 1x Serpent Assassin
- 1x Serpent Warrior
- 1x Shadow Guildmage
- 1x Shadow Rider
- 3x Shambling Attendants
- 1x Shambling Ghoul
- 2x Shambling Goblin
- 1x Shauku, Endbringer
- 1x Shimian Night Stalker
- 1x Shore Snapper
- 1x Sibsig Host
- 4x Sibsig Icebreakers
- 2x Sidisi's Pet
- 5x Silent Skimmer
- 2x Silumgar Butcher
- 1x Skeletal Crocodile
- 1x Skittering Heartstopper
- 3x Skitterskin
- 2x Skulking Ghost
- 3x Sky Scourer
- 1x Skymarch Bloodletter
- 3x Slaughter Drone
- 2x Sludge Crawler
- 1x Soldevi Adnate
- 3x Sorceress Queen
- 3x Soulstinger
- 1x Stallion of Ashmouth
- 1x Stromgald Cabal
- 1x Stromgald Spy
- 1x Stromkirk Mentor
- 1x Sultai Emissary
- 3x Sultai Scavenger
- 3x Swamp Mosquito
- 2x Tar Pit Warrior
Tetzimoc, Primal Death
- 2x The Fallen
- 2x Thornbow Archer
- 2x Twins of Maurer Estate
- 1x Typhoid Rats
- 1x Ukud Cobra
- 2x Uncle Istvan
- 1x Undying Beast
- 2x Unyielding Krumar
- 2x Urborg Mindsucker
- 3x Urborg Panther
- 10x Vampire Bats
- 2x Vampire Envoy
- 1x Vampire Revenant
- 1x Veldrane of Sengir
- 1x Vicious Conquistador
- 1x Viscera Seer
- 5x Voracious Null
- 1x Voracious Vampire
- 1x Vulturous Aven
- 1x Wake of Vultures
- 1x Walking Corpse
- 4x Wall of Bone
- 3x Wall of Corpses
- 1x Wall of Shadows
- 1x Wandering Tombshell
- 1x Wanted Scoundrels
- 1x Will-o'-the-Wisp
- 1x Zombie Mob
- 1x Zombie Scavengers
- 5x Zulaport Chainmage
Sorcery (199)
- 1x Ancient Craving
- 1x Ashen Powder
- 2x Ashes to Ashes
- 1x Asphyxiate
- 1x Biting Rain
- 2x Bitter Revelation
- 1x Boggart Birth Rite
- 8x Bone Splinters
- 1x Bontu's Last Reckoning
- 1x Call to the Netherworld
- 1x Certain Death
- 1x Choking Sands
- 4x Coercion
- 1x Contract Killing
- 2x Dark Inquiry
- 1x Dead Drop
- 1x Defeat
- 8x Demon's Grasp
- 1x Dirge of Dread
- 1x Doomsday
- 20x Drain Life
- 8x Dry Spell
- 7x Duress
- 8x Dutiful Return
- 1x Extinction
- 3x Eyeblight Massacre
- 2x Gaze of Pain
- 1x Gisa's Bidding
- 2x Golden Demise
- 2x Hand of Death
- 1x Haunting Misery
- 1x Howling Fury
- 5x Hymn to Tourach
- 1x Impale
- 3x Infernal Harvest
- 1x Lab Rats
- 1x Liliana's Indignation
- 4x Macabre Waltz
- 1x March of the Drowned
- 1x Marsh Casualties
- 2x Mind Ravel
- 4x Mind Rot
- 1x Mind Warp
- 3x Mire's Malice
- 1x Murderous Compulsion
- 4x Nightsnare
- 1x Oblivion Strike
- 1x Painful Lesson
- 1x Painful Memories
- 1x Painful Truths
- 1x Phyrexian Tribute
- 2x Pox
- 11x Raise Dead
- 3x Rakshasa's Secret
- 2x Recover
- 2x Reign of Terror
- 1x Rising Miasma
- 1x Ruinous Path
- 1x Shamble Back
- 1x Shattered Crypt
- 7x Soul Burn
- 2x Spoils of War
- 1x Stench of Evil
- 1x Stir the Sands
- 5x Swarm Surge
- 2x Tasigur's Cruelty
- 2x Tendrils of Despair
- 6x Touch of Death
- 3x Unburden
- 1x Unearth
- 1x Vampiric Touch
- 1x Victimize
- 1x Wander in Death
- 4x Witness the End
- 4x Word of Binding
- 1x Word of Binding
Enchantment (224)
- 2x Ancestral Vengeance
- 1x Bad Moon
- 4x Binding Agony
- 1x Blanket of Night
- 2x Blight
- 2x Breeding Pit
- 1x Call the Bloodline
- 1x Cartouche of Ambition
- 2x Casting of Bones
- 4x Cloak of Confusion
- 1x Coils of the Medusa
- 1x Consecrated by Blood
- 1x Corpseweft
- 2x Creeping Dread
- 3x Cursed Land
- 1x Dance of the Dead
- 3x Dark Privilege
- 1x Dead Weight
- 1x Deadly Wanderings
- 3x Deathgrip
- 1x Desolation
- 2x Drudge Spell
- 2x Enfeeblement
- 6x Evil Presence
- 1x Faith of the Devoted
- 22x Fear
- 6x Feast of the Unicorn
- 1x Forbidden Crypt
- 5x Funeral March
- 3x Gloom
- 2x Grave Servitude
- 3x Infernal Scarring
- 5x Krovikan Fetish
- 1x Krovikan Plague
- 3x Leshrac's Rite
- 1x Liliana's Mastery
- 3x Lim-Dul's Hex
- 1x Molting Snakeskin
- 1x Nest of Scarabs
- 1x Nyx Infusion
- 14x Paralyze
- 18x Pestilence
- 1x Phyrexian Boon
- 1x Pillar Tombs of Aku
- 2x Retreat to Hagra
- 9x Seizures
- 1x Sinister Concoction
- 3x Soul Kiss
- 2x Spirit Shackle
- 1x Tainted Remedy
- 1x Takklemaggot
- 1x Takklemaggot
- 2x Thrull Retainer
- 10x Torture
- 2x Tourach's Chant
- 1x Tourach's Gate
- 2x Underworld Connections
- 6x Unholy Strength
- 7x Unholy Strength
- 2x Untamed Hunger
- 4x Vampiric Rites
Vampiric Rites
- 1x Visions of Brutality
- 1x Warp Artifact
- 18x Weakness
- 6x Weight of the Underworld
Instant (159)
- 7x Altar's Reap
- 1x Bone Harvest
- 3x Burnt Offering
- 2x Butcher's Glee
- 4x Complete Disregard
- 3x Corpse Churn
- 5x Dark Banishing
- 2x Dark Dabbling
- 16x Dark Ritual
- 2x Demonic Consultation
- 1x Demonic Consultation
- 2x Diabolic Edict
- 1x Disfigure
- 2x Douse in Gloom
- 1x Ebony Charm
- 2x Fatal Blow
- 3x Feast or Famine
- 4x Fevered Strength
- 1x Final Reward
- 1x Flatten
- 1x Flesh to Dust
- 1x Foul-Tongue Shriek
- 1x Funeral Charm
- 4x Grave Birthing
- 4x Gravepurge
- 1x Grotesque Mutation
- 16x Howl from Beyond
- 7x Marsh Gas
- 2x Merciless Resolve
- 1x Misinformation
- 1x Moment of Craving
- 1x Murderous Cut
- 2x Reach of Shadows
- 1x Reaver Ambush
- 1x Rend Spirit
- 2x Scarab Feast
- 3x Simulacrum
- 1x Skulduggery
- 3x Songs of the Damned
- 2x Spinning Darkness
- 2x Splendid Agony
- 3x Supernatural Stamina
- 2x Tar Snare
- 15x Terror
- 4x Throttle
- 1x Touch of Moonglove
- 5x Transmutation
- 1x Unholy Hunger
- 1x Unnatural Endurance
- 1x Vanquish the Weak
- 4x Wicked Reward
- 2x Withering Boon