"That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die."
- H.P. Lovecraft
My take on modern Dredgevine. I chose Dredgevine because I really like graveyard shenanigans and the deck can still be operated as a suedo midrange deck if confronted by graveyard hate. While I know it's not the most reliable build, I wanted to include the Varolz + Death's Shadow combo. I have no Modern experience thus far so some choices may be poor, but that's the joy of learning.
The Deck:
Vengevine - The big daddy of the deck. A very powerful creature that can be easily recurred if killed. Goes well with Gravecrawler and other cheap creatures.
Faithless Looting/Grisly Salvage/Satyr Wayfinder - Let's the deck dig for cards while also filling up the yard. They also make it easily to grap Varolz and put Death's Shadow/Vengevine in the graveyard.
Lightning Bolt/Terminate - The deck's removal package. I'm thinking this may be not be enough, but most of the Vengevine decks I've seen don't really run that much so I trust other's judgement.
Lotleth Troll - Versatile beater. Can dump Vengevine or Death's Shadow. Regenerate keeps it safe from most removal.
Death's Shadow/Varolz, the Scar-Striped - The fun combo of this deck. Can get Death's Shadow in the graveyard by casting, dumping to Lotleth, or one of the enablers listed above.
Gravecrawler/Bloodghast - Graveyard recursion. Both can be be useful after being milled by the Wayfinder/Grisly Salvage/Looting. Gravecrawler can also be cast from the yard to trigger Vengevine.
Birds of Paradise - Mana fixing and ramp. Not sure if I'll keep it in.
I'm considering swapping out the Terminate for Abrupt Decay, but I'm not too familiar with how the meta will play out. I just like Terminate's ability to deal with Seige Rhinos and Tasigur. The downside of Terminate is that it doesn't hit Rest in Peace.
And yes I realize my mana base is total crap. I'm still working on that so please don't get too caught up on it. I'm also working on building a sideboard.