Anything in my binder is quickly subject to change, i play and trade every Thursday and i might not have time to update my binder, please let me know if their is something you like.If you don't have what i'm looking for on my want list i'll still take a look at your binder to see if their is something that peaks my interest. I have some Dark Ascension in Spanish so if your interested let me know and i will tell which i have. All are up for trade.
DKA rares in Spanish include
Alpha Brawl- Lucha de Alphas
Increasing Ambition- Aumentar la Venganza
Moonveil Dragon- Dragon velo lunar
Ravenous Demon
Flip-Demonio rapaz/Archdemonio de la avaricia
Increasing Savagery- Aumentar el salvajismo
Seance- Sesion de espiritismo
Increasing Devotion- Aumentar la devocion
Torch Fiend foil- Demonio de la antorcha
Skirsdag High Priest- Gran sacerdote Skirsdag
Also i have one French card...
Tree of Redemption- Arbre de la redemption
and some japanese...
Archon of Justice
Skirsdag High Priest
And my Rhox Faithmender is in russian. I also have a Russian Vampire Nighthawk
I'm also collecting Stormtide Leviathans, Theros Boar tokens, and Cloistered Youth
Flip so let me know if you have any to trade. Though i won't offer much for them since they are not worth much at all, and donations are always welcome. I have started to collect Foils of art i like, so when i come across something i like i will be putting the foil version of it in my wants. i'm also currently looking for any Drake tokens.
I also have 3 over-sized cards for EDH, Griselbrand, foil teferi, temporal mage, and a foil Kaalia of the Vast
I also have a few emblems and tokens, most recently i picked up the Land Mine token, one in English and one in Russian. And a Sarkhan Emblem.
Ok i'm going to try and vouch for some trusted traders, please let me know if we have made a trade and i don't have your name here. These are the names that have vouched for me so i will vouch for them back...
I Vouch for...Balthasar , FuneralofGod , C4rnif3X ,MasterFlinter , Smeethinator , evil_monkey , rckclimber777 , yo_ninja , theemptyquiver , vishnarg , XxCataclysmiCxX, Tstainbrook, Seraph1128, Svedishgypsy, xzavierx,
Epochalyptik, agGravity, TheHorse, NoisyPotato, Chickentheo, deatn1342, kanofudo, twospires, ZombieCat, pkbrainfreeze, CommanderOfBolas, wsurugby10, Tiddilywinkus, Wolfninja, ThisIsBullshit, Scytec, FALLEN-X-ANGEL, BLEATH, Nixin72, addaff, Milester856
The trade with Krayhaft, just simply never took place, we locked in our trades, then decided to not go through with it, and have not been able to remove it from my binder. Nothing bad to report from either end, just a simple mistake.
The 4 Angels i Have listed in foils are the From the Vault versions that i'm looking for. I just didn't know how to format the images into my binder.