Hello. Welcome to the page. I'm Drew and I used to be a lot more active than i am now. My main use of time here is just updating old decks though you might catch me on discord or on modo playing pauper, commander, or at some point hopefully legacy.

Guild : The Cathol-uhm-Orzhov

Shard : Grixis Ruins

Clan : Mardu Horde

Favorite Plane : Innistrad

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MTG Decks

Unending Torment

Modern* VampireArmy

SCORE: 68 | 276 COMMENTS | 10190 VIEWS | IN 16 FOLDERS

Daddy Markov

Commander / EDH* VampireArmy

SCORE: 2 | 211 VIEWS

Finished Decks 6
Prototype Decks 3
Drafts 0
Playing since Zendikar
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 27.33
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern, Pauper, Commander / EDH
Cards suggested / good suggestions 32 / 28
Venues Myriad Games
Cards Added/Fixed 2
Joined 12 years
MTGO Username Lightning Dino