MTG List: Non-mass land destruction options


Red (88)

Colorless (26)

Black (33)

Gold (30)

Green (27)

Blue (14)

White (6)


The intent of this list is to provide a list of options outside of Armageddon-type effects to deal with problematic lands that may come up. As such, I have not-included any mass land destruction or near-mass land destruction (e.g., Cataclym) effects. I will not promise that this is exhaustive, but I have tried to include some of my guiding principles for inclusion below. If you feel I've forgotten something, it's very possible! Let me know!

The intent of this list is to be useable for EDH players. I have not included cards banned in Commander, including Sylvan Primordial, Sway of the Stars.

I have not included effects that involve indiscriminate mass bounce or mass theft (e.g., Sunder, Worldpurge, Thieves' Auction, Warp World, The Great Aurora) since the intent of this list is for a more targeted approach. I have included some effects that may still destroy multiple lands, e.g., Ruination.

Not including effects that last only til end of turn (e.g., Kavu Recluse)

Not including effects that really only affect basics (e.g, Illusionary Terrain).

Not including effects that allow for damage to avoid or just ping you when you use them (e.g., Dwarven Driller). I did put Lava Blister in as an exception because 6 damage is a little less trivial.

Not including most land bounce effects, with the exception of Plow Under. (e.g., Reality Strobe, Fallow Earth). Similarly did not include tap down effects unless they prevent untapping for at least one turn.

I did include effects that destroy lands with a certain type (e.g., Boil), since they have some utility against non-basics.

I did include effects that merely exchange control (e.g., Gauntlets of Chaos, Role Reversal), since those can often be sufficiently disruptive.

I have included effects that restrict the type/amount of mana produced, (e.g., Contamination, Damping Sphere). Exception for Hall of Gemstone which allows for player choice.