I am Black/Green

I've been playing Magic for about a decade or so, give or take a few centuries. Unlike the majority of Magic players anymore, I dropped out of competitive several years ago, so I play mostly Casual and I'm more in it for fun than watching the same regurgitated decks trade blows at a Grand Prix. I consider myself a decent builder, but more of a creative mind, thus many of my decks evolve as new sets are released or my idea for the deck changes.

Usually if you comment on one of my decks, I will respond out of courtesy. I try to be as considerate to others as I would like to have consideration given to me. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.

Despite my results in the personality test, I am fluent in and share kinship with all colors, so I enjoy every variety of deck ranging from Red Deck Wins and Suicide Black to Mono Blue Control and Superfriends, leaving me with no set favorite style. I love most creative decks that risk efficiency for the sake of flavour or even lols (like a Kobolds of Kher Keep deck). Magic was made by college guys for entertainment, so why not have some wacky variations of things to entertain? I certainly consider that more valuable than being a Spike. Listen to your inner Timmy and play Darksteel Colossus or your inner Johnny and play Squee, Goblin Nabobfoil! Build whatever it is you love and let nothing stop you from getting the most enjoyment out of your craft.

MTG Decks

Fresh Prince of Grixis

Commander / EDH Vulnoth


Pillow Fort Crusaders of the Imperium

Commander / EDH* Vulnoth


Finished Decks 31
Prototype Decks 26
Drafts 0
Playing since Fifth Dawn
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 8.30
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH, Casual
Cards suggested / good suggestions 66 / 63
Cards Added/Fixed 2
Joined 13 years